Kim Kardashian took a wrong turn in her closet this morning in Cannes. She and Kanye West spent the afternoon at Nikki Beach and whe was wearing this long sleeve flesh colored unflattering panel front dress. It’s low cut, but quite un-sexy and maybe a size too small. A better choice might be something crisp and summery in white or a bright color. Kanye looks far more comfortable and appropriate than Kim.

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  1. i wonder when ms. ‘cat lady’ charlton will get a wardrobe makeover.

  2. Matronly? She’s showing a lot of tit cleavage for this dress to be “matronly”. I think that’s the balance of the dress.

    I will say, it definitely is unlike her usual impeccably dressed self. I give this dress a D-

  3. Exploiting the cowardly murders of young lovers,taking a face full of piss,debit card scams,sketchers shoe scam,dangerous quik trim scam,etc…

  4. Jackass Kanye said OJ was “magnificent” Would he say that if OJ jumped him from behind and stabbed him 32 times? Fucking cunt!

  5. Fuck the media for shoving these shit stains on the public.

  6. Certain blacks support this whore because “daddy” was “down” helping that coward OJ get away with carving up two whities. It was some kind of “payback” for discrimination. If you were behind that and really did not believe OJ was innocent you are guilty or complicent in the murder. Nicole was not racist. Ron was a better man than that cunt Oj. A whole race of people committed mortal sin for a woman beating coward. Enjoy Hell.

  7. She looks matronly because her butt and bust are so grossly HUGE! YUCK

  8. Who cares about this vapid moronic Woman?

  9. I would think her divorce lawyer would not recommend she fly all over the world with another man while she is still married.

  10. I hate when a girl dress up and the guy wears jeans. Take some effort to dress up.

  11. Meowwwwww. Hisssssssss.

    More like something the cat dragged in, and the dog had a go at it.

  12. Even Queen Elizabeth doesn’t look that matronly.

  13. Hike those puppies up, where is her bra? Totally ill-fitting, horrible color and unattractive. Typical bad Kartrashian taste.

  14. No class or style and she has shown that for many years by screwing a long list of BLACK men. No greater trash can be found. Her ass has become very sloppy.

    T/Tom/Tommy has surfaced and continues to carry the torch. Fred the $$$$ Goldman can’t be far behind, especially if there is lawsuit potential to make him a buck. Nicole is once again being made virginal….how many BLACK men screwed her?

  15. Even BLACK Reggie Bush thought KK was too lowlife for him…being anally screwed and pissed on by other BLACKS is not a proud claim to fame.

  16. Is it true Beyonce feels so threatened by Kim, she doesn’t want her in their circle of friends.

  17. Probably because it is a known fact that BLACK men take off in a dash for white women…even someone as skanky as KK.

    She must have so little real esteem because every interview and picture is totally focused on her ass which is not much more than washtub large and sloppy but it draws BLACK men like flies to honey!

  18. Would be funny if the father was the husband!

    JC must receive a great amount of advertising from J Lo and Kardo camps…amazing that they have in common fame whores who became known from being screwed by BLACK men.

  19. She is just a whore. A famous whore but still a whore. And she is a married whore who is whoring around with a lover instead of her husband. Hope she gets raked over the coals for her classless ways. She really gets into men who aren’t very good looking if you ask me.

  20. Perhaps, if she was tall and ultra thin then the dress “might” look okay.

  21. Naked and without makeup she would be a very unattractive, larged assed sight.

  22. Don’t hold back Strom. Tell us what you really think about Kim K.

    The dress looks way too heavy for yachting.

  23. He’s dressing her.. she’s his Bey-Bey.. She is so fed up and embarrassed by being led around and micro managed by him.. I wonder how long she will suffer and agree..

  24. YAY!
    Thanks JANET for the picture of a BLACK MAN…my current obcession……………

    The plan is for her to have a kid by him. You dumbass people here have to know the relationship is FAKE.

    NO Beyonce ISN’T JEALOUS OF THAT WHORE…she is SMART….NO “A” list star worth their PRESS AGENT does NOT POSE WITH WHORES OR PORNO STARS. Beyonce doesn’t pose with PAM ANDERSON why should she make an exception FOR PLASTIC WHORE KIM?

    Really people take it from me if you’re trying to be racist you’ve gotta do better!

  25. her lower half looks humongous, top half small in that horrible dress.

  26. Beyonce takes pictures with an illegitimate president and an ugly ass first lady so that doesn’t it make her any better.

  27. the “Press” is making these kind of fake relationships.


  28. Where is the picture of Ray J with bis BLACK meat up her large ass for pay? No different than a street whore except the millions in return.

  29. Bob K. hides blood evidence in the murder of two well loved Americans.
    Kim K. does ass to mouth-golden shower porn.
    All the K-wkores scam teens with debit card ,caffiene dangerous quik trim,worthless sketchers,cheap sweat shop rags,phony cash grab wedding,and general all around shameless whore behavior. Stupid,ugly cunts eat it up.

  30. Now if only T would get realistic on Fred the $$$ Goldman and Nicole we could be in 100% agreement.

  31. Strom, leave Fred Goldman alone. He’s responsible for OJ being behind bars.

    And this just in from Omar the Tentmaker: Return my tent that houses 10 camels!!

  32. Bluejay, I agree that we have Fred Goldman to thanks for OJ’s lockup. Fred’s a good guy.

  33. Fred the G let $$$ and hate turn him into a raving looney….no one takes up for OJ, except the majority BLACK jury that found him innocent!

  34. Does this cow ever get tired of being an idiot? Kim, do mankind a favor & disappear, no love lost.

  35. I hope this couple stays together.

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