Kim Kardashian’s 43rd birthday party at Funke in Beverly Hills on October 20 was noteworthy for one guest who showed up and one guest who DIDN’T. My Kardashian source revealed that Kim is helping Ivanka Trump get back in good graces with celebrities after committing social suicide by sticking with her unpopular father, Donald Trump. As we told you awhile back, Ivanka is eager to regain her social status and grateful that Kim is helping her. Kim also is trying to kiss up to Meghan Markle and invited HER to the birthday bash, but once Meghan found out Ivanka was attending, she politely declined. Our source says that Meghan’s dislike of Donald was enough to keep her away from Ivanka and might threaten her friendship with Kim and the other Kardashians.

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA Top photo: Kim in her red birthday dress, Bottom photo: Khloe wearing a Kim mask at party

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  1. This woman published her own adult video on the internet

  2. Meghan and Ivanka have more in common than Meghan may realize. They both lobbied for more maternity and paternity leave. Seems like Meghan just keeps making decisions that are to her own detriment. She missed out on a party full of influential people who she could pitch. But, maybe the people that attended are happy she wasn’t there, after all she is supposedly writing HER memoir and who knows what she will say about her experiences with Hollywood *stars*? Wonder if anyone will sue her if she prevaracates?

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