
Kim Kardashian just returned from Paris where she and Kanye West dressed up every day and made a big deal out of looking at palaces suitable for their wedding – they were also rumored to be shopping for a palace they could buy for themselves. It was Fashion Week and since Kanye considers himself to be a designer, they mooched their way into as many runway shows as possible. How Kim could go out to lunch in such a tight dress remains a mystery.
Photo Credit: Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. I really don’t know who is more obnoxious or delusional. Wanting to “rent” Versailles. Why don’t they see if the White House can host their wedding or if Buckingham Palace has an open date for them.

  2. These are the two most stuck on themselves people on the planet. How fitting that they would marry. They need a palace of mirrors so they can admire themselves 24/7. Vomit.

  3. He sticks her in that ugly uncomfortable outfit and he gets to wear a sweat shirt and jeans.

  4. No woman is such a disgrace to her race for having sampled so much BLACK meat.

  5. The only conclusion that is feasible regarding these two: They are nuts. And safe to say that they are also really really trashy.

  6. Warm luncheon meat is hilarious. She is another one of those people that no matter how much they wash they are always dirty. She knows it too!

  7. The real question is: how does Kim walk in those shoes??? Kanye is always so comfy in tennis shoes – and Kim looks like she’ll fall over any minute. I’ve seen pics of her bad feet – that’s what u get when ur always wearing high heels, which are probably uncomfortable. Kanye doesn’t look angry lately – it’s because they have their own photographers.

  8. We know what happened to the wealthy parasites that owned these mansions while MILLIONS starved and lived horrible lives. Let’s hope current parasites Kimye that adore this type of obscene wealth end the same way! History is NOT on their side.

  9. There will not be a wedding. Kayne has a boyfriend! These two are just using each other for the publicity!

  10. If it comes out that Kanye is a gay blade and they split, it will be the end of KK as news…except maybe at the JC/Kardashian Press Release Bureau.

  11. They are such ugly untalented people and they get so much press for being nothing. You would think that Kimmode cure cancer instead of just getting peed on in a sex tape where she got plowed in her backside. Truly dispicable people and those who give them any kind of press are just as guilty as they are. Start complaining people when Kimmode shows up on Jimmy Kimmel to say nothing that anyone outside of her family gives a care about. It’s the only way to get rid of these completely vapid people.

  12. Careful…all the JC Rainbow brigade are probably getting turned on with that kind of talk!

    By Dawn
    On January 24, 2014 at

    They are such ugly untalented people and they get so much press for being nothing. You would think that Kimmode cure cancer instead of just getting peed on in a sex tape where she got plowed in her backside

  13. Society is really sick to pay attention to these two irrelevant and immoral human beings. I can’t stand either one of them.

  14. I will be laughing when all of these dumb women suffer in mid age from those spine and joint damaging high heels. There should be laws against making heels too high because ignorant, vain, and desperate bitches will wear them for years and then blame their medical problems on the manufacturers.

  15. Poor Bridey, reading lessons seem in order. Dawn simply told the truth it seems and the JC Rainbow brigade probably got turned on.

  16. Careful Dawn,all the JC Rainbow brigade are probably getting turned on with that kind of talk. After all, many of them have plenty of experience with this type of behavior.

    By Dawn
    On January 24, 2014 at

    They are such ugly untalented people and they get so much press for being nothing. You would think that Kimmode cure cancer instead of just getting peed on in a sex tape where she got plowed in her backside

  17. And enjoy the end of the detestable two who are Soon to be bankrupt from foolish and flimflam spending.., laughed at, ignored and sad they wasted their stupid lives pursuing constant attention, envy, with no actual talent they possessed. By now it’s proven they merely take and used someone’s original ideas., conceptions and bragged they are mine because I did them so I am a genius? Cheat Marketing.. the ability to get easy money by notoriety, nothing is too low and shameful they won’t do. Suddenly the annoying and infamous deflated duo are looking for a handout and and any friends to help strike it rich again.. HA HA!

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