Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
Kesha wanted to make sure nobody mixed her up with Taylor Momsen at the Bamboozle music festival in New Jersey last weekend. She wore this distinctive feather headdress onstage with her modified punk look.
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she drives a harley davidson?
why is this person famous? is she anyone? does she sing well? she just looks dirty and I don’t get the appeal. obviously I’m an old fart…
Someone get her a calendar and point out when Halloween occurs.
Never heard of her.
I’ve heard her name but have no idea what it is she does.
It’s racist for her to wear that headdress, she isn’t native American.
to date sh’s had 1 hit tic tok
This girl needs to go back to Junior high and continue her career in Cheerleading. She tries WAYYYY to hard to be cool. And she’s unsuccessful! Contrived much?!
She’s a singer. To me, she’s just another in a line of rediculously contrived acts that focus more on shocking for attention than actually having any talent that they can rely on to have and sustain a career. It’s rediculous that the entertainment field responds to this crap and gives them any recognition whatsoever. I’d like to see a swing back to real talent and the performer stripped down to bare basics and just a mic and a simple lovely outfit on a bare stage, and see what they can deliver then!
What is it with these entertainers these days? They’re all just gimmicks. The same sound. The same sense of ridiculousness. I guess talent and good taste are ancient history. As long as we celebrate mediocrity, we won’t see the end of people like this sorry singer.
Singer my ass, she raps at best and she’s not even good at that. Her rimes are retarded and don’t make any sense. Not to mention the autotune, like wtf are kids listening too? None of the people on the charts these days can sing live, play an instrument or write their own songs. It’s pathetic!!!!
The kind of “rhymes” today’s “singers” push out on the world are so mediocre and juvenile, it’s hard to believe anybody would go for them. I could ryme that well in first grade, June, moon, spoon, gloom doom. That’s the level of quality you get from these losers. Absolutely grade school crap!
Did anyone see her on SNL? Oh my gosh, it was so pathetic, she can’t dance, or sing and she’s incredibly fugly. In summation… she’s an ugly talentless moron. She’ll out of the music scene within a year (I’m hoping 6 months).
Too all of you who dissing on Ke$ha, you need to get the latest. Ke$ha is her own person being herself, the way she wants to be. She like’s glitter and dressing out there so what. Ke$ha’s amazing her voice is new and unique. Shes not afraid of being herself 100% and showing it off to the world. Ke$ha should be an inspiration to all of us i know shes one to me. She beautiful. If you haven’t heard of the if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say it at all that applies here. Ke$ha amazing and no one should tell her other wise…
Love Kasey(: