We can barely conceal our agitation over the news that Kathy’s Griffin’s creative arts Emmy acceptance speech will be CENSORED! Kathy won for her reality show “My Life on the D-List.” This secondary Emmy show airs Saturday night on E and the bigtime Emmy show airs the following night. All this fuss because she made fun of JESUS! Kathy wisecracked “A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus. She topped it off with “Hell has frozen over. Suck it Jesus, this award is my god now!” The Catholic League called her remarks “obscene” and E buckled and promised to edit. How those Catholic priests have the nerve to criticize ANYBODY is beyond us. We predict that Kathy’s ahead of her time – Jesus will become a major target of sarcasm in the future. And it’s about time.
Jesus Kathy Griffin
You lost me Janet. You are not making any sense.
I cannot belive E! caved in. Jesus does not a sense of humor?
I think, she should be respectful of other peoples beliefs. She is jewish, so of course, she won’t thank Jesus. But the suck it remark was rude.
She can be equally insensitive about mental illness. I went to a show. I was having a blast, until she made a joke about exploiting an assistance’s struggle with SI. It was a nightmare to sit a listen to the rest of the audience explode in laughter.
I would imagine that young girl had endured enough hardships, without being used for a laugh.
I couldn’t believe people laughed. What’s funny about that?
Kathy Griffin is a Catholic turned atheist.
Just another sign of the evil times we’re living in.
No wonder she can’t keep a man. No one could love that fugly brash b….
Alot of other people besides the Catholics believe that Jesus is Gods son too and were offended by her comments.
She just proved she’s as ugly on the inside as she is on the outside.
Ever since her dad died, she lost her funniness. I think he took it with him. She’s totally gone off in a weird not funny direction.
People should be able to thank who ever they want Jesus, Baby Jesus… But NOT at an award show.
People’s relationship with ‘GOD” should be a personal one..
The REAL question is, what if someone thanked
“Prophet Muhammad” how would that go over in America? Probably not too well.
They should just have people agree not to make any political or religious comments when accepting an award. PERIOD!
I think her comments are disgusting and offensive. I won’t watch her show ever again, nor will I visit this
blog if this vile material is
the kind of thing your going to celebrate. People should have some respect for what is sacred to other people.
Now that would have been hilarious if she would have thanked Prophet Muhammad. I’m laughing just thinking about it. It would have gone over great for Americans. The not politically correct ones that is.
It didn’t sound to me like she was making fun of Jesus. She was really making fun of black people. They’re the only ones that go up, accept an award and thank Jesus.
She wouldn’t have the balls to insult Prophet Muhammad. She’d know it would get her ass bombed.
I say good for her. It was a funny comment, and I am sick to death of hearing celebrities who think nothing of boozing, whoring, and drugging get up to accept an award and thank the lord, as if the Oscar or Emmy or Grammy is god’s focus. Kathy always skewers hypocrisy, and she rocks! She deserves that Emmy and congrats to her!
Silly grandma (above) said something about “si”–and someone strugling with it.
What is that???
I’m much more offended by the lyrics in rap “songs” than by what Kathy Griffin said. Good grief, people, it’s a free country to say what you want. She probably could have chosen a better speech, but it was her choice. It wasn’t vulgar, it wasn’t racist, she didn’t hurt anyone. Shame on E!
I’d like to know what SI is too.
Kathy is BRILLIANT and I’m glad she’s an athiest. There’s too much religious influence in art and politics these days — it all needs to go away!
E! will put on a drug addict like Anna Nicole or a gay lout like Larry Birkhead, but they edit comments about Jesus?????
You are so wrong to agree with what Kathy Griffin says. Jesus means alot to many people on this earth and her remarks are truly offensive. I guess she wasn’t getting enough publicity and had to stir up hateful controversy. She is a sad person. Its OK for priests to comment on this, they are defending someone they have dedicated their whole lives to. Janet, you need to be more sensitive.
Go Kathy!!1
Brilliant speech.
And those of you who don’t like it can suck it!
While I believe Kathy has the right to say whatever she wants, I’m perplexed with Janet’s assertion that Jesus should be a target for sarcasm (“it’s about time too”). What did He ever do to you, Janet?
Just goes to show that Christianity is the only faith that can be bashed time and time again. Don’t think for a minute that if she said something derogatory about Jews or Muslims that the same thing woulnd’t happen. Can you imagine the outrage if she said “Allah” instead of “Jesus.” Get a grip Janet. It shouldn’t be cool or acceptable to bash anyone’s faith!
wow what a girl takes courage to say that
Geez Janet, who knew you were soooo bitter about religion? Perhaps, you can hire Tim Gunn to “fix” your ghetto look.
I think the “suck it” part of her speech went a little too far and wasn’t funny.
You’ve lost me as a reader.
Janet, you’re comments are just as offensive as hers. I was a big fan of Kathy’s, the operative word being WAS.
God help the both of you, because you are going to need it.
I fully agree with 6:30. I’m gone. You know, Jesus DOES mean a lot to me, and I resent the fact that there would be a HUGE outcry insisting on an apology if she had offended any other group except Christians. This makes me sick.
As a rule, I don’t read you. Why today? It must be my day to be offended tres; first by Kathy, then further by your condoning her actions, compounded by some of these posts.
Janet Im sorry you are soo miserable with your life. Its so obvious people who hate never have felt any love by anyone.
Disgusting. It didn’t surprise me coming from that talentless hack. Her brand of “humor” is attacking other people. I thought that went out in the 3rd grade. She’s uglier than a pile of puke. Inside and out.
Janet – shame on you. You just showed a very dark and unattractive side of yourself.
Aaaaack, now I feel like I have to go shower.
Lighten up?? Why should we lighten up? What she said was offensive and I’m tired of sitting back and letting others degrade my faith.
Janet, your fried orange wig won’t do so well in hell. Better rethink your opinions.
“Get a grip Janet. It shouldn’t be cool or acceptable to bash anyone’s faith!”
Well said. Seriously Janet what is wrong with you? Have some class.
Good Choice E to monitor a bitter, z list athiest. Better yet, shut her up all together.
I, too, think that her remarks were extremely offensive. However, your statement, “How those Catholic priests have the nerve to criticize ANYBODY…” is also offensive. There are thousands of Priests in the world, only a FEW committed atrocious acts, not all should be condemned for the the actions of a few. The vast majority of Priests serve honorably. As far as Kathy being a “Catholic” – she is a Catholic in name only. No practicing Catholic would make such blasphemous remarks.
I think Kathy is brilliant. All religion is silly and is very self-serving. I for one depend on my own common sense to live a healthy, happy life. However, if you all want to believe, than believe but don’t be so upset when we dish you. It don’t mean “S”.
Kathy Griffen is a hag. Almost never funny! Have to say her Jesus remarks don’t bother me though. I like Janet’s hair. What else, Oh Yeah…….
Afterall, Jesus was a Drag Queen. As for the appostles, 12 big dicks, one happy Jesus!
Well, ,for one, am offended by Kathy’s remarks and by yours, Janet. I am sick of Christians being bashed! I will never understand how people think that there is no higher power. Our bodies, our brains, things in nature etc. didn’t just happen. Yes, I believe science was involved, but there is also the hand of a higher power that shouldn’t be overlooked. I heard an award winning scientist once say that to not believe in God, you would have to believe you could toss up the raw materials used to construct a house and somehow , they would come together to form a home. That’s how complex we are- we weren’t formed by science alone.
You think it’s about time Jesus becomes a major target of sarcasm? I’m done with you and this site!
These comments are not suprising coming from someone who spreads hate for a living.
Just because there are some priests who have done horrible things does not mean an entire religion with over 2000 years of history is completely evil.
What about Mother Theresa or the millions of missionaries who help the poor and suffering? I guess it’s easy to forget about them because they don’t do the “really important” things like go to fashion shows.
Janet should go back to worshipping Brad and Angelina. How fufilling and life affirming that must be. I actually pity her.
that acceptance speech WAS AMAZING !!!
kathy is my hero !!!
TO ALL WHO WERE OFFENDED: go into your houses, drop to your knees, and pray your religious brains out about the whole thing.
keep praying until AFTER the elections are over.
I don’t think she or you are funny. That’s is a terrible thing to say Janet and I probably won’t be reading this trash anymore.
Oh my gosh, who are YOU? I thought you might have an eensy bit of class, but I can see I was gravely mistaken. Wow — I’ll never read another word you write again. And as an aside, although I would never condone it, I’d loooove to see the reaction if she’d said, “Suck it, Mohammed.” She’d be yanked off the air so fast her head would spin, and then we’d all be blown to smithereens.
SI=Self Injury?
1. The Catholic League is not run by priests.
2. Priests have every right to discuss what is right and what is wrong.
3. People can say whatever they want, this is a free country.
4. People who don’t like what people have the right to say CAN oppose the viewpoint expressed. Why, because this is a free country and they can express themselves freely.
5. Kathy Griffin is one of the most un-funny people in show business.
kathy griffin does not deserve this publicity. Let it die. Let her have her emmy and go. No one can stand to look at her so she is pretty much done now anyway.
Lets focus on that cute little Sarah Silverman!!! Now theres a comedienne on the rise!!
Janet you are an idiot. Kathy Griffins comments were uncalled for and disgusting. All she had to say to get her point across was I did it by myself, didnt need anyones help. Ive had enough of people using Jesus for their own selfish purposes, Those of you who think its funny can go SUCK it.
Jay Leno was so right on when he insinuated she’s a dog face when she was on his show. (Something about her only being attractive to a man after 20 beers, More like 50) Obviously he hates her and didn’t have any problem letting her know how fugly she really is. He knew she’s a hard b…. who deserved it.
Which is it anyway?
Allah, Jehovah, Jesus, Buddha, golden statue et al?
I was just wondering, cause I’ve got these dinosaur fossils that don’t make much sense if religion wrote the story.
Good work Kathy.