Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
We wouldn’t recognize this guy if we saw him on the street, but today he’s on the street filming a movie in Brooklyn so you know it’s someone familiar. Justin Timberlake got a makeover – or a makeunder- to star in his new movie “Inside Llewyn Davis.” He plays a folksinger/songwriter seeking success in the beatnik world of New York in the 60’s. Hence the beard and haircut.
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Justin is a very handsome homosexual man!
(Are there any nude photos of Justin?)
Mrs. Patrick!!
Aren’t you feeling randy!
Interesting glue on weave/wiglet. Anyway, he bores me and after he left Janet Jackson in the lurch so long ago, I think of him as a punk unworthy of my support.
He bores me too. There’s nothing of substance there in the talent department and his head is too round. He will always look like a little kid to me.
He looks old there. He should just become a full-time cast member on SNL and quit trying to “act.”
For some reason Hollywood loves JT and they are trying to make him the next superstar. I’m not sure what they are seeing in him, because I haven’t saw anything he’s done that has impressed me much.
maybe he must attend a funeral or something?
……..the beard is good bet for that.
J.T. is the least good looking actor I’ve ever seen. He doesn’t appeal to me at all….beard or no beard.
He has been bearded sice he hit he spotlight. Horrific actor to boot.
JT has no acting talent whatsoever and his singing sucks too. He just happened to come along at the right time. And thanks to his business savy mama and his ability to market himself, that’s how he has pushed himself up and up and up. Jessica buck-tooth Biel must be loco if she thinks he is going to marry her. He gave her a small engagement ring and he’s just stringing her along, as his beard, maybe. I think mama has put the quietus on him marrying for at least 10 more years, if then. Plus, he is not good-looking, rather simple looking.
Looks like a young Omar Sharif…
No, wait… a young Michael Caine.
Omg, I thought I was the only person bored by this obvious douchebag. He has no acting ability, he’s not ugly, but too me he will always be that geeky nsync freak with the kinky fro a la Sean penn in carlitos way. He’s not sexy, he seems really uptight and to think overly high of himself. Jessica biel is way too much for him… I don’t find him charming and it’s dumbfounding to me that with so many talented people trying to break into the entertainment industry, they keep giving turds like this one more and more opportunities when, they have repeatedly sucked.
Chances are this little bitch will one day with an Oscar, Hollywood seems to like him and I guess that’s all that matters.
On another note brad Pitt was horrible in moneyball, I can’t even believe he was nominated for an Oscar, but again Hollywood likes him, like Natalie portman, she didn’t deserve that Oscar. Everyone is afraid to say it.
And, Frankly, Ricky Gervais was shut up for telling the truth.
I’ve never understood this little punk’s appeal. I think he’s ugly and he just really irritates me-I can’t stand to even look at him!
No opinion. Altho I did enjoy a hellofalot the movie Black Snake Moan, in which he had a part that I thought he did a pretty good job on. And he IS good when he does the funny fake song videos with Andy Samburg on SNL.
Again, I don’t know why the seemingly virilent anti-gay and homophobic comments endure on this site. Why so many insist so MANY male Hollywood stars are gay when they all have girlfriends/wives. Seems rediculous to me. I always wonder what these people would feel like if that happened to them in THEIR personal lives, everybody calling them gay when they aren’t, but no way to disprove the rumors. Bullshit ugliness. Grow up people, this is 2012 already!
Ditto, M.Z.
@Hello, I always wonder why the hell he got away with tearing that…thing off of Janet Jackson’s breast at Superbowl? I remember watching and hearing him “sing” …”I’m gonna have you naked by the end of the song” and bang there goes a flopping breast implant. HE presented her breast to the world but she went down for it. PUNK.
I don’t know if he’s gay or hetro but he does remind me of a man I was in love with for years but he strung me along until I finally put my foot down and demanded sex to which he ran away and then came back out of the closet!
I think Justin does have talent though he needs to do more work to gain belief.