Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Oh no! Justin Bieber’s old hairstyle made a comeback in Las Vegas! Just when we thought Justin was actually growing up and might be upgrading his style (thanks, we asume, to Selena Gomez) he reverted back to his Canadian roots. He demonstrated a robot speaker that dances to the music called mRobo at the Electronic Show in Las Vegas. Hopefully Selena will get him back on track.(Top photo from Las Vegas, bottom photo Leno show)

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  1. One things for sure, Justin is looking a lot more(ahem)mature, these days. Must be due to all of his extracurricular activities?

    Not sure I like the hair, but I’m kind of fond of the jacket! I think Justin is going to take a little bit of a hiatus, and then come back bigger and better than ever. Kind of the way of Justin Timberlake. This kid is smart and talented beyond his age. Not to mention he has a wonderful family standing behind him. Nothing tops that!

  2. I just wish this snot nosed punk and his Corporate overlords would just disappear. Of course this would entail Americans to stop buying his rubbish product.

  3. Justin’s fan base consists of girls aged 6 to 12. Older than that, and the girls don’t like him, until you get to the 40+ age range of nostalgic moms relieving their pre-teen years.

  4. That (his hair cut)is about as close as this dude will ever be compared to the Beatles.

  5. He’d actually look good in a crew cut. The man is more than his hair. Or is he?

  6. MAN?????!!! Are you KIDDING me? This overexposed baby boy needs to GO AWAY and SOON. He is the KMart version of what “music” is today. He’s what the “mute” button was invented for!

  7. I can’t stand this little girly boy. I just heard about his new interview where he says he’s talented and handsome, etc-or some such crap. He also says he’s not going away,which I really hope is not true. I hope he goes the way of all the other silly little teen idols.

  8. I agree with Ms. Kitty 100%.

    I read that the uber-lucky little twerp is worth millions. ….Wonder how many millions per inch would he give to be taller? Probably $5 million per inch or even more. $25-$30 million to add about 5 inches would be somewhat pocket change to him. Ha ha, some things money can’t buy. 🙁

    The following statement is soooo bad, but here goes. Money WILL apparently buy lessons from hot-blooded 2 years older Selena Gomez, as they have been shacking up on getaways, the latest being Maui and Oahu.

  9. You’ve gotta KEEP your gimmicks. MJ kept the glove, Elvis kept the sneer, James Brown kept the hair-do and awesome costumes and this kid need to keep the mop-top.

  10. I’m ashamed to be Canadian because this Canadian thinks he’s Jesus.

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