It’s award show season and the tanning salons are booked solid. Skin color and gowns MUST be coordinated! Fake tans are lifesaver for pasty-faced actors who used to have to wear pancake makeup on the red carpet and they felt really foolish. Of course feeling foolish is better than taking a bad photograph. But not all celebrities frequent the fancy Beverly Hills salons like Paris Hilton. Bronzed Australian journalist Nelson Aspen gets his color at an inconspicuous no-frills strip mall salon and he always runs into celebrities in the waiting room. No surprise that Carmen Electra gets her golden glow there, but we WERE surprised to hear that Jon Lovitz and Kiefer Sutherland are regulars too. Jon thinks a tan makes him look thinner, but who would have guessed Canadian Kiefer had a touch of male vanity?

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4 thoughts on “JON LOVITZ FOOLS THE EYE?

  1. That “Bay Boy” Kiefer.
    Priest almost got em ya know!
    May be a little aware of those abusive SoCal sunrays.
    One cool Canadian.

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