Johnny Depp must be very smug since his REVENGE lawsuit against Amber Heard seems to have paid off…

Johnny Depp must be very smug since his REVENGE lawsuit against Amber Heard seems to have paid off. If he had REALLY believed that Heard’s article in the Washington Post had damaged his career by inferring that he had abused her, he would have sued the Post also. It was all about his ego. What happened to free speech? Certainly the #MeToo movement has been damaged by this – women WILL be afraid to call out their abusers if they have power and money. Hollywood insiders know that Johnny was behaving very badly on sets BEFORE he even met Amber. His drug abuse and arrogant intoxication made him frequently late (with no regard for co-workers waiting all day) – if indeed, he showed up at all. Producers had grown wary of his self-indulgent rockstar attitude and tried to avoid hiring him. If you have any thoughts that Johnny was the good guy here, just read his emails revealed during the trial. Simply being in his company was abuse…

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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14 thoughts on “JOHNNY DEPP IS NO WINNER

  1. Team Depp. That chick is a crazy, violent wench. While neither are role models, she is a schemer who will never be a likeable person.

  2. Depp is a joke, what a phony, not even good looking any longer. sickening drunk ass punk.

  3. Some people still can’t figure out that Texan Amber is a con woman . A grifter looking for her next mark.

  4. she is a liar and as gross as he is, she told some terrible lies about him as proven in court. No fan, but no one deserves to have vile lies like that made up about them. smug, druggie or not!

    what if someone called you an abusive when it wasn’t true. how would you feel janet?

  5. If you watched this the outcome was quite clear from the beginning.
    Her lawyers were not up to the task.
    Johnnies lawyers were much better prepared.

  6. Janet, you are comparing things that are incomparable. Heard lied multiple times on the stand. The #MeToo movement isn’t about pathological liars standing up to further their agenda. Men or women who are abused should & will speak out. The jury saw through her lies. Heard got what she deserved. Depp’s behaviors/emails, etc. from drug addiction don’t equate to the same abuse Heard alleged.

  7. #JanetCharlton why are you pushing a false narrative. You should be pushing proper medical help for #BPD #Narcissist which seems to be a huge systematic issue among women!

  8. They’re both nuts and she chose him so it’s on her. Like she didn’t know he drank and did drugs before she married him? Please! She saw a higher profile and a big payday divorce. There are no innocent victims here.

  9. Wow. Janet Charlton is still around…and apparently OBSESSED with Johnny Depp. You are missing about 99% of the facts in this case. But, like most tabloid writers and now all main stream media “journalists” ARE tabloid writers, you just invoke the name of someone with an enormous following and make a bunch of sh*t up and wait for the gravy train. Guess it’s not stopping by your blog this time Janet…12 comments 🙁

  10. Amber, the ex stripper that wants nobody to know it. She can’t act! Who did she blow to get acting jobs?

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