#jessicaalba #janetcharlton

Here we go again. We have frequently pointed out how annoyed we get by the proliferation of strollers – especially in crowded shopping areas and heavily populated places. We think when a child is old enough to walk – he should be encouraged to walk and NOT pushed around in what is basically a wheelchair. Maybe the mother will have to work a tiny bit harder to keep track of the kid, but the exercise is good for the child and checking out his surroundings is a learning experience. Like Kate Hudson, Jessica Alba finds it easier to push her child instead of walking with her, and little Honor, 4, doesn’t look all that happy about it.
Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Does this apply to wheelchairs too Janet?

    It is better option, rather than letting adults walk on your children. And knowing how obese the average American is, well they could inflict some serious damage.

    Judging by the photo, this is not a crowded area. Pushing a kid in a stroller provides exercise (see above), and if Honor is performing because she is tired, she will likely fall asleep in the stroller and Mum can get on with it. Because if she was trying to juggle shopping bags and a kid that won’t move and put up a performance, the looks the mother would get from other people who have no clue.

    But hey, everyone is entitled to pet peeves.

  2. I think you are wrong. There is a baby BEHIND the older child – you can see the arm and leg showing in your own picture. I like your website because you have stories that are not carried by other sites, but sometimes you are quick to judge even if the evidence is showing right in the very story you carry. From what I gather, the 2nd child was born or about August 2011, that makes the child about less than a year at this time.

  3. Janet, clearly you don’t have kids. Cal is 100% correct. It is near impossible to keep track of a child and shop. Other patrons don’t want to deal with you chasing a child around either. This is one pet peeve you have to get over. It annoys me to no end when you carry on about strollers. You sound so ignorant when doing so.

  4. Strollers also carry the extras you need. Snackies, drinks, extra clothing, diapers and wipes.
    My pet peeve is diapers. Just let them crap on the floor like cows.

  5. By golly, there is a body stuffed in the sub-stroller section.

  6. I walk everywhere and little kids can not keep up with the pace or the duration of my walks.

    that said, the world does not revolve around your reproductive system and parent with young children in strollers should offer the same courtesy they want bestowed upon them: ie CLOSE the stroller on the subway!

  7. That kid should be walking. Maybe mom can slow down if the kid can’t keep up with her.

  8. Yes, there is a time and place for strollers. But here is an idea…when shopping leave the kids at home. I no longer go to bazaars because of a shoppers parking strollers in front of entire tables and not allowing any other shoppers to look or to shop. And being bumped by strollers. And being assaulted by the cries of bored children. Geez, what kind of fun is that for a mother? Make baby sitting arrangements even if you have to trade someone something to do it for free.

  9. this mexican slut is a shame to all new parents of america.

    (doing everything for attention>>>>SICK BEHAVIOUR)

  10. Are you supposed to think Ms. Alba could not afford a babysitter. If she felt she needed a photo op with her kids why not take them to a park.

    I am with you Sadie. There is a time and a place for children and shopping is not one of them. There is nothing at eye level to interest them and they are easily bored. Malls, swap meets and flea markets hold no interest for them.

  11. I am astonished that this even bothers you.
    Honestly how does this affect you anyway? Did it ever occur to you that you may be the one who is in the way of others?
    Please Janet, when you are too slow from old age (and that isn’t far off), stay at home and NEVER come out. Going out is reserved for only the very fit and able bodied. They are the only ones who matter in this world. The slow, the old, the fat, the disabled, the amputees, babies who can’t walk or talk, and pregnant women should not be allowed out… ever. You are unneeded, extra baggage and are to be out of sight because you will get in Janet’s way.

  12. What the heck Janet? What kind of post is this? THis is supposed to be an entertainment blog. You almost lost me with this post.

  13. Respectfully Janet, I disagree. Don’t you have children? It’s much easier to do your errands if the kids are secure and safe. And frankly, I’m more peeved by people who let their children run amok than I am by the occasional in your way stroller.

    Besides, as CaMiz has observed, her younger child is in the seat behind.

  14. oh, one other thing. Could you please delete gump’s comment? Very inappropriate.

  15. Strong opinions BUT what does Jessica do to keep her herpes in check? She was reported to be very free with her “charms” for many years and with many people.

    She was quick to deny her heritage and maybe the contraction of this disease was the payback…especially if she caught it from a hispanic/black male!

  16. When observing…webcam times square…saw a woman pushing a stroller, a triple stroller, carrying I suppose triplets. There was wall to wall people and this was at 11:45 PM. Guess that’s why there is a lot of free people-watching in NYC times square. What you see on these streets defy common sense.

  17. Yup. Your wrong on this one!

    I’ve had my great granddaughters (when they were younger) in a double stroller (and yes one was 4 and one was 2) because they were over hyper that day and I couldn’t keep up with the older one. I dragged out the double stroller and the oldest one was mortified but eventually liked being toted around. Both were asleep within half an hour.

    I also utilized this when I had both of them and wanted to go to a museum. It worked like a charm and no paintings or statues were damaged. lol

    Obviously, you have no children and low low tolerance. Hope you don’t feel that way toward those in wheelchairs or on crutches too.

  18. BUT what does Jessica do to keep her herpes in check? She was reported to be very free with her “charms” for many years and with many people.

    She was quick to deny her heritage and maybe the contraction of this disease was the payback…especially if she caught it from a hispanic/black male!

  19. Is there no middle ground between being stuffed in a stroller (the 4-year-old is undoubtedly still in diapers or “Pull-Ups too!) and running amok? How about parents teaching their kids to walk along quietly and behave themselves in public? If the kids are screaming, running and otherwise misbehaving, it’s the fault of the parents and no one else. Discipline, folks!

  20. Damn janet, are you upset your time came and went that a man with common sense man decided not to splash inside of you? You must be barren, jealous and bitter.

  21. @Sadie Married Lady:
    not only do the bazaars and flea markets here in Texas are crammed with children in strollers…also PETS in strollers! Folks will take all their dogs in a stroller in 100+ degree temp. to markets….just awful.

  22. My only complaint is the mothers/fathers who insist on dragging the little ones everywhere, long past the kids need for a nap and quiet time at home. Having kids changes your lives selfish people, you can’t continue the same lifestyle you had before you had them. No child is going to be interested in a 10 hour shopping day.

  23. Janet, can you please block some of the racist or disgusting comments? I have kids and live in a city, and I agree with you completely on this one. I see 4 and 5 year olds stuffed in strollers all the time so the parents can shop in peace. Maybe clothing shopping with your kids isn’t the best idea? I see a lot of them just ambling, staring at racks. That stroller is a double, and the older kid doesn’t belong in front. It’s just over indulgence, like letting kids have diapers/bottles/pacifiers until they’re in preschool. It is hard to see your baby grow up, but its not fair to force the kid to stay a baby because you want one.

  24. @Eliana
    Those kids aren’t in the strollers because the parents don’t want them to grow up. They are in the stroller because they are either ill or the parent doesn’t want them wandering off and getting into mischief or getting kidnapped.

    Plus, if that kid is in a stroller, then they are out of your hair and not into mischief.

  25. Janet,
    You either aren’t a mother or were a shitty mother when your kids were little. Kids under 5 get tired easily and cannot keep up.
    Give it a rest and post something worthwhile.

  26. I meant to say although the child looks too old to be in a stroller, if you are doing a lot of walking even an older child won’t be able to keep up with you.

    Kids get tired and yes, into mischief.
    Though she looks too big to be in a stroller, this makes sense to anyone who has raised a child and has to run a few errands with that child.

  27. Who’s the ‘we’ in your post?? Aren’t all these pet peeves yours? Are you using ‘we’ to deflect?

  28. We call large tattooed momma’s that bash into you with or block your passage with strollers. The Warhogs.
    In the pic it looks to me like the child went tyrannical so tossed into the shut up and ride mode.

  29. Nobody in Hollywood will risk working with this putrid Woman….that is why she is shilling diapers on QVC.

  30. It’s dumb Jessica Sweden’s own damn business if she pushes a stroller or not.

  31. A four year old child is old enough to walk and not be pushed around like she is a toddler. In one year that kid will be in school and the hallways and play yards are crowded so should she bring her stroller with her then? Maybe just get her a “Rascal” and she can just blast through the “crowds” and run people over. After all they are only the “general public”. Maybe a sedan chair?

  32. E, I asked that eons ago. Maybe the “we” is the entire cast of Sybil in Janet’s head that makes it “we”.

  33. E can’t “we” all agree that children rarely like to go shopping? Unless it involves a toy store. Then they love shopping. But I don’t see any toy stores in that photo.

    What that photo looks like to me is that her daughter is tired and bored. But Jessica called the paps and is waiting for her photo op. So she is strolling up and down waiting until they arrive to take her picture so she can go home.

    As I mentioned above, I find it hard to believe that she does not have any friends or family to watch her kids while she runs errands. Or that she does not have anyone to run errands for her. Or even that she does not have a phone and/or computer to request deliveries.

  34. BUT what does Jessica do to keep her herpes in check? She was reported to be very free with her “charms” for many years and with many people.

    She was quick to deny her heritage and maybe the contraction of this disease was the payback…especially if she caught it from a hispanic/black male! Jessica seems to use her hispanic heritage when it is beneficial but runs from it at other times. But she was never considered a mental genius anyway.

  35. To me there is just something about Jessica that is irritating and artificial and maybe a little pompous.

  36. no one cares Strom, you’re that guy on the bus no one want’s to sit next to, ewwwwww.

  37. Ha, its not about posters and the PC crowd has certainly not cared about Herpes or AIDS it seems…the gays have done a great selling job to divert attention from lifestyle to some phony germs that might just infect everyone if more $$$$ is not devoted….it’s called the GAY & TRANNY ACT of 2012.

  38. @FG: someone whose moniker is an imaginary disabled person, seems like your post really means that if the shoe fits…

  39. Really Strom, give it a freakin rest…. (rolls eyes and shakes head)

  40. Sorry!

    Off my meds. Yall know how I get when the meds don’t work – a closeted homosexual racist troll. Scuse me while I kiss this guy.

  41. Poor little impersonator is back from the call center it seems. It really wants to be Strom, but just can’t pull it off.

  42. I have young children and I do not cram them into strollers so they stay out of mischief. It’s called teaching your kids to behave. If a 6 or 7 year old (yes, I have one that age, too) gets into mischief, do I put her in a stroller as well? My 4 year old would be humiliated if I put her in a stroller like a baby. If she acts up- and she does- I deal with it. Furthermore, what’s with the wheelchair comparisons? People in wheelchairs CAN’T walk; a 4 year old does not require a stroller.

  43. Is it me or is she too large for that stroller?

    I had thought that Janet’s point was that it was like imprisoning a person in a wheelchair, which we would never allow to happen to an adult.

    Children need to get out and explore things and physically WALK if they are able! You can’t always drag around older children like some kind of possession you can’t leave at home just because you want a photo op.

    My mom brought us everywhere, sans strollers, and we were quiet and well-behaved — if we didn’t, we’d get left there!

    BTW, there are two E’s here, and the ones I quote below are from a newcomer and NOT the one who has been posting here for years:

    By E
    On July 26, 2012 at

    Janet, clearly you don’t have kids. Cal is 100% correct. It is near impossible to keep track of a child and shop. Other patrons don’t want to deal with you chasing a child around either. This is one pet peeve you have to get over. It annoys me to no end when you carry on about strollers. You sound so ignorant when doing so.

    By E
    On July 27, 2012 at

    Who’s the ‘we’ in your post?? Aren’t all these pet peeves yours? Are you using ‘we’ to deflect?

  44. Hahahaha

    BUT what does Jessica do to keep her herpes in check? She was reported to be very free with her “charms” for many years and with many people.

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