Admirers of Mad Men’s January Jones might be interested to hear that she has a weakness for funny men. Not gorgeous guys, comedians. She loves comics more than any other kind of guy – especially the ones on SNL. A knowledgeable source has informed us that she and Jason Sudeikis are just friends, however. She’s rumored to have had a flirtation with Fred Armisan and definitely had a fling with Jeremy Piven. Her search for the funniest guy in town is still underway.

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  1. THAT is one fantasticly beautiful female, but someone must have dropped her on her head when she was born if she ever found PIVEN attractive in any way shape or form. He’s a disgusting creature. I can understand being attracted to humorous men tho. You have to be pretty intelligent to have a brilliant sense of humor, but Piven isn’t counted amongst those numbers. Look at Steve Martin, the late great Phil Hartman, and there are a few on this current crop of SNL that are pretty great at being funny as well. We’ll see where they go.
    What I CAN’T understand is the career of Adam Sandler. UGG! What a colossal moron, and Will Ferrell as well. STUPID is NOT funny. SMART is funny.

    By the way, the guy who is doing the “News” section on SNL, can’t remember his name, but he’s very good and funny. I look forward to his part. Seth something…

  2. When it comes to men, the word ‘No’ is not in her vocabulary.

  3. Looks like the girl needs to eat a nice risotto

  4. Seth Meyers does the news on SNL. I agree funny is sexy. Piven isn’t funny.

  5. Yes, that’s him, Seth Meyer’s. I love his writing for the “news” portion and think it’s one of the best parts of the show.

  6. I officially nominate Jim Carrey. I bet they would get along just fine……..

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