To no one’s surprise, “Transformers” trounced “Larry Crowne” at the boxoffice this weekend. The Julia Roberts/Tom Hanks recession dramedy’s reviews weren’t great, but the movie experience is actually quite pleasant. Granted, Tom Hanks is a rather pedestrian director, but he plays “everyman” to perfection. The script was sprinkled with predictable situations and familiar characters, but there were surprisingly special moments and Tom and Julia’s presence makes up for a lot. It’s a sweet well-intentioned movie and you’ll walk out of it with a good feeling. Which is more than you can say about Transformers.
Julia Roberts Larry Crowne Movies Tom Hanks
Transformers will appeal to a different crowd. I doubt that an old puss, such as yourself, would want to see it.
Julia Roberts has passed her expiration date with the public. He should have gotten someone else.
I don’t like Tom Hanks and there is no special reason why.
I really despise Julia Roberts. She is lanky, has a pinched nose, has a huge wide mouth, always screeching laughing, and it’s still amazing why she is called beautiful.
Julia made it bomb.. She’s really not into Tom and just wanted the cash.
Sadly, there’s no chemistry between these two……no spark. I always find myself rooting for the guy to chose anyone but her.
I didn’t like them in Charlie Wilson’s war either. Why pair them up again? Why punish movie goers again??? Last movie I liked of Roberts was Erin Brockovich.
hanks peaked YEARS AGO and now looks doughy…. Roberts is annoying as heck as usual
the movie SUCKS, they are phoning it in….and that line is busy.
what passes for adult entertainment now is insane……. how does this crap get made?? millions spent on this snooze fest and other garbage….as someone once said
they don’t call it show BUSINESS for nothing…
I haven’t seen Hanks do anything interesting since Private Ryan.
Roberts always plays Roberts.
Hate Roberts since she stole that woman’s husband. Will never see another one of her film’s again.
……….Julia & Tom Hanks.
Looks like she is having fun and she looks like a mother and it changed her acting in a Positive way…Mothers of america can see her as a mother and there is more passion in her acting and lets face facts she looks wonderful and really Beautiful this days and Tom Hanks massive classic actor…Who opens up in many directions and is a seasoned actor..Who is like amazing…The movie Larry Crowne was okay but did not blow my mind.