Even President Ronald Reagan struggled to slice the turkey on Thanksgiving in 1985 while his wife Nancy and daughter Maureen watched. He was our favorite president and his 1985 Thanksgiving Day address is still relevant. Whatever you do today, BE GRATEFUL for all the good things in your life, and tolerant of the bad things!
Your favorite President? This is very surprising. What policies did his administration enact that caused your pride, admiration and support?
Favorite President? Are you joking? The Man was a puppet.
Janet, are you kidding? Your favorite president?!
And, a Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.
‘Ronnie’ knew how to give proudness back to America.
@Gemma – most (state) leaders are puppets, dear. Just like showbizzers, athletes etc. Despite this and like most Americans, I definitely prefer to see Ronnie instead of Obomber. Dont u?
And yes, he’s also one of my fave presidents ever….
JC should know that giving praise to RR only brings out knives from the rainbow crowd and those who wish to ride the bandwagon of government gifting. They hate words like self responsibility.
They would praise only the first BLACK president, Bill Clinton looked them in the eye and lied but felt their pain and Barry Obama who gives them a free telephone.
So Janet, your favorite President? Have any gay friends? You know. The ones who exposed to HIV under Reagan and his refusal to do anything about funding to find an effective treatment and cure. Oh, and what about his trickle down economics? Do you have one example where that worked? Unless you, yourself, are a one per center, and it’s beginning to look like you are, then you would not care how detrimental that policy has become to the middle class and the working poor. Wow. I thought you really were a more enlighten person. Shame on you.
Poor Lippp…more money has been poured into AIDS research than anything else, unfortunately because it is mostly a behavior caused illness. Many other diseases could have been eradicated with the money the GAY pressure groups obtained for AIDS.
Blame everyone but yourself…..blame the Africans who decided they preferred a fetching monkey to their wife and Rob who preferred Bob to a female. Don’t blame RR for this one.
I miss him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss him SO much!!!!!
Don’t think too many people will be saying that about the chucklehead in office right now.
Oh yes the EEOC Affirmative Action BLACKS will surely miss Barry Obama. And the ones who scored the Obama phones might too when the bills start to come in.
I cannot believe how ignorant this Strom Character is. This “person” seems to enjoy displaying his bigotry on this site. How does someone become so shallow and seem proud of it? And on a gossip site no less. Strom, get out of the closet, wake up and try to contribute something to society rather than hateful rhetoric.
I agree with Strom on this one and am also shocked that Janet chose RR as her favortie president – though very happy she has. He was about seof responsibility and hard work. He actually LED this nation and wasn’t a sorry excuse of a President. Obama is the worst President in US history and is right on track for turning this counrty into a bunch of hand out taking pussies. We’ve forgotten and ignored our heritage, lost our pride, and blamed others long enough. He’s the Anti-Christ.
Poor Lipppppppp…..no doubt flinched when the words self responsibility were mentioned.
When will the gays demand a national holiday?
You think that Ronald Reagan was a great President. I can only assume you have never had a gay friend. I was in LA during his Presidency when my friends were dying all around me and it was hard to find a hospital to take them. So many abuses of human rights taking place as Reagan ignored year after year because he couldn’t deal with the GAY aspect of the disease. He did more than throw us under the bus, he rolled over us several times once we were under the bus.
Yet if it weren’t for the celebrities that you like to trash, that came to our rescue and helped us get our gay brothers comfortable enough so we could find the administration for drug trials.
NOW, of course when Reagan came down with Alzheimer’s, and the use of Stem Cells was controversial, they had NO issue with that at all. Selective Bigots. So I am glad on this Thanksgiving you decided to shove the FACE OF HATE in our FACE. Perhaps at Christmas you can write up a glowing review of Fred Phelps and what a great Humanitarian he has been.
Jeez Louise….how have you lived in Hollywood as these years with that sort of mentality?
BTW….when did this become a right wing, bible thumping, tea bagging website?
BTW….why has EVERYTHING become gay, left wing, tree-hugging, give me YOUR money in the US?
I am successfully self employed and have been for over thirty years.
I am pushing seventy, sill going strong and my services are in demand.
I also believe in paying my fair share of taxes and equality for everyone, even bigoted people like you. You are one sick puppy and should be pitied and not condemned. I don’t like you, but don’t hate you. I recognize you cannot help yourself and thankfully I don’t have to be around you. I don’t suspect many people with an IQ over room temperature do.
Wasn’t Reagan a socialist?
What a disappointment, Janet, to see your support of one of the most out of touch presidents in modern time. Oblivious to the suffering of others and elitist to his evil core. His gubernatorial stretch is the sole reason there are so many mentally ill people on the streets of California, and his bad actions only increased once he got to Washington. Even his kids hated him. I’m devastated that you wrote this. I had always respected you before.
You have to be kidding. This is the guy who emptied all the federally funded mental hospitals and those poor souls suddenly found themselves living on the street. Great president? I think not.
The gays are restless it seems. They just want to be left alone…except when people leave them alone and not play up to their perversions!
Send them to Gay Island!
when did this become a right wing, bible thumping, tea bagging website? What a disappointment, Janet, to see your support of one of the most out of touch presidents in modern time. Oblivious to the suffering of others and elitist to his evil core. His gubernatorial stretch is the sole reason there are so many mentally ill people on the streets of California, and his bad actions only increased once he got to Washington. Even his kids hated him. I’m devastated that you wrote this. I had always respected you before.
President Reagan was a good and decent man. You may not agree with his policies, but he treated everyone around him with respect.
By the way, Clinton never “did anything” for gays either, nor did Obama, until his 2nd term.
@Hillsdale, you claim “even his kids hated him”. This is not true, please be accurate.
The truth is Ronald Reagan had 4 children and maintained closeness with the older two. His 2 oldest are Maureen and Michael, and he had good a good relationship with them.
His 2 youngest, Patti and Ron Jr, had disagreements with him.
Interesting, how the more “liberal” and “tolerant” Patti and Ron held grudges against their father, and the more “conservative” and “intolerant” Maureen and Michael maintained loving relationships with him.
I find the left to be as intolerant as they claim the right to be. So much for diversity of opinion when dealing with the extreme left.
Elias is correcto!
The hysterical claims by some posters that RR brought on all the pain and suffering in the world show how far we have sunk as a nation that values self achievement. They don’t want anything done by self…they want a we are a village and we are the world to rule.
Send the gays and other perverts off to Neverland and let them live their fantasies and try to survive!
Ronnie won World War 3{the cold war} and was the designer of the downfall of the Soviet Union which also brought the Berlin Wall down.
The Great Communicator. The most influential world leader of the 20th century.
Ronald Reagan’s name was mentioned fondly by VP Cheney when he said, “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter.” And there were deficits Reagan created and a huge disparity of income as well. Trickle down economics did nothing for the middle class or poor. You don’t have to mention gays when discussing Ronald Reagan. His fiscal policies that got us into debt, his Iran Contra fiasco, his decision to open up the mental institutions here in California created a homeless problem that exists today. Reagan looked the part and acted the part of president but it stops there.
Where are the honest, unselfish politicians like Ted Kennedy, Rod Blagojavich, and Jesse Jackson Jr?
That will only change when citizens take the time to vote. Too many non citizens are able to vote now.
Don’t forget all the dead voters. They’ve put quite a few candidates into office.