Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News
That Nordstrom sale really pulls in the shoppers. Helena Bonham Carter is the picture of English eccentricity as she walks around the Grove in her Z-Coil shoes while texting madly and drinking out of a tiny cup.
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Janet, love your blog but what’s the deal with you nd those shoes? It’s the third or fourth time you’ve mentioned them. Do you work for Z-coil or something?
There are stil “RAISING-CAMPS”, folks?
She’s always made the worst-dressed list and she’s proud of it, mighty proud.
So? She pays her bills and is a hard worker, good mother and loyal companion to Burton.
I think she is a fantastic person…we need more celebrities like her, instead of those trashy ones splashed on the covers of magazines screwing up every week…so what if she dresses weird? If that’s the worst you can say about her, she’s doing pretty damn well.
I like that she always looks like she’s in her own world. It looks like she pleases herself and doesn’t worry about what others think.
Good for her! she’s got her own style and so what’s all the fuss..excellent actress etc. the sluts of Hollywood could learn from her but unfortunately, they are dumb stupid morons with no talent!
Sorry, there is no excuse for a star to look like a homeless person. Shampoo and a comb costs little. What is she trying to prove by always looking unkempt. Having your own style is different from being forever frumpy.
Love her. I’m happy she doesn’t conform to the nasty hollywood standard. Who needs another Reece or SCarJo? Shes a fabulous actress.
She’s an actress — she’s not trying to be a star. People who listen to their own beat are always the best at what they do. Hollywood clones are not. It’s time we honored and respected the people who are true and real. I don’t want to live in the world of Barbie.
Janet, if we all looked alike, the world would be boring…
I think most of us recognize that she really can be/ is beautiful, but doesn’t even try.
I think it sort of brings out the mother in us to “shame” her into at least looking clean, but she walks to the beat of a different drum.
If she’s happy then God bless her. Still, she had that old world look which can be so pretty, soft & natural….
Maybe some day she’ll shock us all & step out looking like a million bucks ?