
Photo Credit: Buzz Foto

This fling that Heather Locklear has been having with Jack Wagner seems to be working out. (Certainly better than her turn with David Spade.) They’ve been inseparable for months, and Jack has been sloooowly moving stuff into her Westlake Village home. Minor things like clothes, toiletries, personal objects and necessities – but day by day he has more square feet staked out. Heather’s ex Richie Sambora must feel more out in the cold than ever.

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  1. Go to hell Heather fucking Locklear and take Jack Wagner with you, both of you are cheating JERKS and deserve eachother.
    Richie is coming back stronger than ever and can do MUCH better than the piece of WASHED UP TRASH this woman has become. I DESPISE her for how she treated Richie.
    Why so many posts referring ro Richie Janet? What’s the point? Leave the guy alone to grieve and get his life back together, he’s been through enough and he doesn’t court this attention so leave that to Heather and her diva ways. Or is she paying you to trash Richie or something?

  2. Hopefully, this relationship will work out.
    girls have it rough in LA, there are too few single, heterosexual men out there.

  3. Hahahahahah Jon!!!
    Now this is a perfect looking H’wood couple. Like the B/Clist Brangelina.

  4. Hopefully, both of them will find the nearest cliff and be pushed off it. neither of their careers are going anywhere.
    Seriously, B/C list?!!! Is the above person DELUSIONAL? More like UN-listed.
    I hate them both

  5. Looks can be deceptive you know. Both of them are snakes in the grass, hence why they were drawn together. Richie was so far diorced from Heather and her ilk, he got burned. It’s so heartbreaking how she treated him.

  6. Oh he can invade her space alright, invade her space while they’re locked in a basement so that none of us ever have to read about this demon witch and her little playtoy ever ever ever again.
    Thank God Ava is in New York with two people who actually do give a damn about her, her father and her lovely grandmother. Heather CANNOT call herself a mother.

  7. It always makes me laugh when someone posts negative comments, people will always atack back by saying it’s actually a celeb posting
    So people aren’t supposed to dislike Heather, is that it?
    sorry just thought that was weird.

  8. I love that they are together. They have waited a lot of years to be single at the same time.

  9. How did Heather hurt Richie?
    He is the one with the nude pictures on his computer and took up with her skank
    …. I mean friend …. I think that probably hurt her quite a bit.

  10. Just how did Heather treat Richie? He is the one that screwed up!!

  11. I love Heather. She put up with alot from Tommy and then Richie with her best friend. I hope Wagner knows what he has. He didnt treat his ex very nice over the years.

  12. “It always makes me laugh when someone posts negative comments, people will always atack back by saying it’s actually a celeb posting
    So people aren’t supposed to dislike Heather, is that it?
    sorry just thought that was weird.”
    What’s weird is how personally Richie’s rabid fans take his divorce, hence the jokes about ‘You must be…’ Richie, Denise, etc. You can hate Heather all you want, but you weren’t married to her and a good father wouldn’t appreciate anyone, even people who claim to be his fans, trashing the mother of his child (who happens to love her mother very much and who gets along swimmingly with her new bf).
    That said, Janet and everyone else should lay off needling Richie and allow him to move on already. Denise Richards was punishment enough for any mistakes he may have made.

  13. I beg to differ that Ava ”loves her mother very much”. I really do. Ava leaps over fences to give her father kisses and her little face lights up when shes around him, yet when shes with THAT WOMAN she always looks incrdibly miserable. Heather herself has always said ehrself that Ava couldn’t care less about her…so I definitely beg to differ. Just read Heather’s own words over the years, Ava is Daddys girl. How do you know what Ava thinks aobut Jack? I doubt ”swimmingly” is the right word.
    Denise helped him through the worst time of his life. She supported him through his father’s death and THAT alone proves that there was a definite friendship there. I find it hard to hear people trash Denise like this when her actions proved that she cared, and that Richie wanted her around then.
    I agree, leave Richie alone now. how much more can an individual take?
    All this nonsense makes me feel sick. I just wish people would see Heather for what she is personally.

  14. didn’t ritchie sambora dump his wife for denise richards?

  15. I really wish that people would just let Richie alone and let him get on with his life. There is no reason to bring up Heather and Denise that is the past. I hope Richie finds someone to love and care about him and not his fame.Maybe Richie needs to find someone down to earth.Jon’s wife seems to be like that, her family comes first.All my love to Richie

  16. I agree that Richie should find someone like Jon’s wife who doesn’t mind if her husband screws around with other woman.

  17. He’s nice lookin’. I’ll take him off her hands if she tires of him….

  18. I definitely think that several of the comments here are written by Denise or one of her friends. I also feel that a few Heather’s girls are posting, as well. This little Westlake Village crew is tight, if nothing else.
    I don’t think Richie ever really fit in here. He is a Jersey boy, and probably would feel more comfy with a Jersey girl.
    I definitely think Ava loves both of her parents. She misses her daddy more than her mommy b/c he’s gone more often, especially now. Sometimes a divorce situation brings a father and child closer, bc they actually spend more time together and appreciate it more.
    Nobody’s perfect, certainly not Heather, but I don’t think she has ever held herself out there as such.
    Denise is obvs pretty despised, in general, and she’s very defensive and manipulative about it. I’ve seen her post on another site in the past, and she is pretty obvious. She’s kind of a loser!

  19. I hope Richie and Heather both find the happiness they are looking for. But they are still the parents of a beautiful little girl.That is a bond they will share for life. I hope that they both end up with someone that isn’t anything like some of the people writing this nasty stuff.You should be ashamed of yourself.

  20. BULLSHIT to all of you. At the end of the day Heather CHEATED on him, BERATED both him and Ava in public several times, and completely domineered him throughout their marriage.
    His nature allowed her to do that becuaase he is just so laid back about these things.
    Heather is a witch, and I for one hope she never works again, and indeed is never allowed to treat a person the way she treated Richie ever ever again. Jack needs all the luck in the world.
    I think she’s scum

  21. Are the all caps supposed to make it true? If you have any evidence of any of the above allegations, feel free to share. Otherwise go back to your Bon Jovi fan board.

  22. And just who did Heather cheat with?? What about the personal assistant’s nude pictures that Richie had on his computer? In my opinion I think Denise wiggled her thing in front of Richie’s face and what man could resist. I think Denise is cut throat … would not ever trust her.

  23. Her relationship started with David Spade long before filing for divorce, along with her starting up another relationship with tommy Lee and countless other men. People tend to forget that easily.
    There were no ”pictures” of anyone on Richie’s computer, anyone who believes that nonsense needs to get a clue. The guy doesnt even know how to turn on a computer let alone access e-mails. He has no time for it and just isn’t interested anyway. If he wanted a woman he would just fly her to him. He was NOT doing such a thing.
    Denise was in La and he was on tour. So how could she have bene wiggling anything infront of him.
    people need to get real about this situation. Though I guess it’s not up to me to educate people about Heather Locklear. If you lot want to think she’s a blue eyed blond angel who was soooooo hard done by, feel free. I on the other hand will think differently. My heart goes out to Ava.

  24. I just seen pictures of Richie in New York.He is looking great and still sexy as ever.Richie you need to stay back east and let us down to earth ladies have a chance to meet you.Settle down and have a normal life,you won’t get that out on the west coast.Love ya

  25. Anon, you’re the one who needs a reality check. It’s impossible to forget things that never happened, and you’re not doing yourself or the man you are a fan of any favors by trying to spread rumours about the mother of his child.

  26. You know whats really funny is Richie and Heather are probably laughing their heads off at you idiots chewing each other out.You all should get together and on your own little island somewhere.Boy if only we all could be as perfect as you all think you are.

  27. He is a total catch! She looks happy! Who cares about Richie! He took up with one of her best girlfriend. He broke the cardinal rule. Richie needs to move on. He lost his chance!

  28. He is a total catch! She looks so happy! Who cares about Richie! He took up with one of her best girlfriends. He broke the cardinal rule. Richie needs to move on. He lost his chance. You snooze you lose. Heather never cheated on Richie…she left him because he was receiving naked photographs from another woman. I would have left him too! Dumbass, serves him right!

  29. Denise, it doesn’t surprise me that you have nothing better to do with your time than search for articles related to Heather, Richie and your gold digging self. Maybe you should call Heidi Fleiss and see if she will take you back. That type of business fits you to a “T”. Oh, by the way is your extreme weight loss due to drug use?

  30. when you all get n that little island together why don’t you write a soap opera and then you all can star in it together,then we will all get to see your pretty little faces.

  31. I think Richie took up with Denise just to hurt Heather.
    Also, I think Denise wanted more out of Richie, and that was when he told her goodbye. John Stamos said Denise was trying to tie him to a serious relationship .. guess that was between Charlie and Richie.

  32. I don’t know Heather, but I grew up in the neighborhood where she lives and my parents still live there. My comments are based on what I’ve heard and one personal observation. I’ll leave it at that.
    I have nothing bad to say about Richie, I just see no reason to trash his ex because you’re a fan of his, especially if you say you care about his daughter. I wish the best for all.

  33. I cant believe the idiotic comments posted here by ritchie sambora’s fan.
    so stupid.

  34. I can’t believe the way people are so caught up in Richie and Heathers marriage and breakup.They are divorced now and have moved on just like all the others that have been down that road.I’ll tell you if this is what it’s like to have a celebrity marriage they can have it,I will stick with my boring but private life

  35. Denise was dumped by Richie …she is a true psycho. What man would want to tangle with her? Richie is lucky to get away from her. Heather never cheated on Richie. She filed divorce the way she did because she was so hurt by him. He, in turn, took up with a friend of hers. Girls, never trust Denise or other women like her!

  36. To all you people that like to trash Heather just shut up. Nobody on this blog knows her. Isn’t it funny that past co-stars, producers, directors, etc. have nothing but nice things to say about her. Read her ex-husband’s, (Tommy Lee) book. He doesn’t have a bad thing to say about her. Only nice things. After her divorce from Tommy she never talked trash about him. She has never given an interview where she has trashed Richie or why they divorced. In the past her interviews about Richie have always been nice. She doesn’t have a bad thing to say about anyone. As far as the divorce of her and Richie, just like in any other marriage it takes two to make it work and two to break it up. Nobody knows what went on in that marriage but the two people involved. So people SHUT UP about who’s fault it was. As far as Heather not being a good mother, are any of you there when she is at home with her daughter, or when she takes her to her gymnastics class, softball practices/games, school functions, etc.? Give me a break. If that is a bad mother let’s pray every child in this world is treated as such. I hope Heather and Richie find happiness in both there private and public life.

  37. Well done to the person above finally to have someone in total agreement with my comments.Have a great day

  38. If people want to trash this old WITCH then they are entitled to.
    She is a TERRIBLE mother…completely dis-interested, never involved, and NO she does not attend any of her sports games or events at school. The ONE time she did she had the cameras there ready to roll, and cornered Richie in the car park. It’s DISGUSTING how she treats her daughter, but not surprising given how she treated Richie.
    She is scum, simple as that. I hope she rots in hell for the way she has behaved towards Richie and Ava and I hope Ava and Richie will both heal accordingly.
    Richie did nothing to that witch. NOTHING. It’s absolutely deplorable. I can’t even put my anger into words.

  39. Oh, and another thing…pllllleeeeennnnttyy of people who have worked with Heather despise her. Ask Courtney Thorne Smith. Ask Lisa Rinna. Ask nearly every member of the crew on Spin City. The directors on Dynasty TRASHED her on her own episode for Biography, as did John Forsythe. You people are so blinded by her.

  40. WOW – the more I hear these comments the more I think it’s someone VERY close to her or who once was! Someone who has nothing and NO ONE now! Someone who is frustrated with their own life and how they made a mess of things and who will stoop at any level to put someone else down who is finally finding happiness! Especially someone who is their competition! Boy – the green eyed monster is here with a vengeance!

  41. Hope Heather does not get hurt by Jack. He has a horrid history with women … his ex-wife ….he had an affair with a beautiful woman who was on Young and Restless at one time … her character’s name was Cassandra Rollins.

  42. Denise, you are beating a dead horse. No one believes you. For the love of God, you are an ex prostitute. The entire nation knows you worked for Heidi Fleiss. You have no credibility anymore. Maybe instead of being obsessed with Heather Locklear and posting the factless idiotic posts above you should focus on your own children. I guess that would be asking you too much unless there are papparrazi (that you tip off) around to take pictures. Denise, get a life. You are a gold digging piece of trash. P.S. Did you ever take any anger management classes for throwing the laptop computer at the wheelchair bound lady in Canada. Lainey says you have been banned from Canada. If only America would follow suit we would have one less bitter piece of trash to deal with. Good luck with your next victim, black widow!

  43. Message to Heather and Richie.
    If you have seen any of the hateful comments and if indeed they are from friends, I would suggest you both find new friends these people with the exception of a few are trouble makers.love to you both

  44. Heather berated Ava in public ????? Just when did she do this, and what did she say?
    I think Heather will end up with another musician some day.

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