The CFDA Awards (Council of Fashion Designers of America) is called the Oscars of the fashion world, and participants take it very seriously. So SNL’s Seth Meyers, who hosted, had his work cut out for him. Besides his hilarious comments about Galliano etc, he parodied designer Marc Jacobs outfit at the Met Ball. Seth wore the same sheer Comme des Garcons dress with boxer shorts. On a serious note. we hear that some of Marc Jacobs friends and business associates are very concerned about his extravagant behavior lately. Scandals involving pornstar boyfriends and illegal substances make people wonder about the successful designer’s state of mind.

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  1. I’m really getting tired of this guy trying to shove his homosexual lifestyle down everyone’s throat! We all get it, your a wealthy, gay man! Now stop trying to prove it so much, please. We’re okay with it, well, that is, most of us are!

    I refuse to buy any of his merchandise until he tones it down a little. It’s a pretty elementary concept….be more discreet!

  2. Seth Meyers has the better shoes. I think Denise (I maybe wrong.) had exclaimed that Jacobs was sporting a pilgrim look.

    I think I had rather see Jacobs wear ruby slippers rather those gawky things. 🙂

  3. These ‘men’ will be judged at the Pearly gates.

  4. With the Country collapsing the Press seems to be obsessed with everything GAY.
    That said they take offense to being ridiculed, but who can take this seriously.

  5. That is the thing about these faggots…they cant just keep it between Mike and Ike, their agenda is parades and forcing people to hire them, and getting the nation to cover their medical costs when they contract AIDS.

    Laugh this guy and his creations off the stage.

  6. “Wearing Nothing” at all is the second option for “Die Hard”-Faggots like him, folks!!

  7. Janet
    So many homophobes love your site! Odd that such “straight” men read a gossip page don’t you think?

  8. That is the thing about these faggots…they cant just keep it between Mike and Ike, their agenda is parades and forcing people to hire them, and getting the nation to cover their medical costs when they contract AIDS.

  9. Does this fool have a full length mirror at home? All those black socks & shoes are missing is a wife beater & lawn chair. Ridiculous.

  10. Yep, that was me Walt. He must have bought them during his last tour of the Plymouth Plantation.

    Oh, and I hear that dress is the new uniform that Strom ordered for the bellboys at his resort on Gay Island.

  11. @Denise
    LOL!!!! 🙂 Yes, I bet her order those dresses in lovely pastel colors for the summer months. : )

  12. ya sure Muffie, Marc Jacobs comes in size XXXXL, so he’ll miss your sales

    oh, and Strom maybe you should gay up, at least then you might be able to get a better job, as I imagine Chucky Cheese is no fun after a awhile

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