Gordon Ramsay’s family looks like the picture of happiness (above at the Teen Choice Awards) but it wasn’t too long ago that his pretty wife Tana found out he had been cheating with another woman for seven years. It was luridly publicized in the London papers and very embarrassing for all concerned. Somehow, the temperamental chef managed to keep his family together and one would never guess what they’ve been through. He must be doing something right.

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  1. I remember when that so-called “news” broke and then it immediately went…I didn’t believe it then either. He adores his family and I just didn’t think it was in him to do that to them. I think if there had been real proof, it would have come out, so I think it was nothing more than a weak rumor, a withc hunt to try an druin him, which didn’t work. I’m glad because I love the guy and love his abrasive side. And his kids sure do look like him! Cute!

  2. Oh please, his wife clings on to his fame to publish her own cookbooks (not that they sell particularly well). All just a marriage of convenience! There’re more scurrilous gossip about Gordon’s peccadilloes that you can only find on internet forums or blind items in the press.

    Still, seems like you guys in the States have more Ramsay love than us in England. (Him hosting for Masterchef in US!)You’re more than welcome to have him (and his debt-ridden restuarants too)!!!

    an English fan of Ms Charlton

  3. He opened his bank accounts, signed a lot of papers, bought some expensive jewelry, published the wife’s cookbooks. Like that.

  4. ITA bettye! he played, then had to pay. the quicker, the sooner it goes away. tiger take notes.

    his wife may leave when all of the kids, get older.

  5. I do watch Kitchen Nightmare – cannot resist seeing the horrors of a typical restaurant kitchen – but I generally cannot stand Ramsay. He is the poster boy for our uncivil society – unnecessarily abusive as a matter of course. Cannot wait for him to go away. Agree funky booty – the wife is probably waiting for the youngest kid to go off to uni, and will then launch a messy, ugly, divorce.

  6. He strikes me as a nasty, vulgar, ego driven pig. She should sew him up in a bed sheet and beat the shit out of him.

  7. I cannot watch this man on tv. Does he really have to swear every two seconds? He’s obnoxious

  8. Walt Cliff, LOL! If only!

    Pippa-London, yes, North Americans love this guy. In fact he is seen as a role model, and his behavior in the kitchen is seen as the correct M.O. Recently, in Canada, there was a law suit over the fact that a head chef was abusive a la Ramsay. Pathetic, no?

  9. I adore the guy and he is well respected in the world of the other chefs. His new show is a big hit as well as his old one Hell’s Kitchen was/is. I watch them both and love them both. He is endlessly fascinating to watch. I love him on the talk shows too and the man has an incredibly playful sense of humor. He’s great on Leno and Letterman’s shows espiecially interacting with the hosts while they “cook” playfully. And so what if he cusses? They bleep it out, so your tender ears aren’t REALLY hurt, are they? What kind of baby are you that a few bleeped words can get your panties all in a bunch? I say RUBBISHand BOLLOCKS!

  10. Reta, it is not so much the cussing as the unnecessary abuse. Many times I see Ramsay insult someone over his physical appearance when he could just focus on their demonstrable stupidity or lack of talent or work ethic. And it is not just in the context of his show. I have seen interviews where he insults the interviewer out of the blue by calling him a tubby bastard, etc. That is unacceptable behavior from anyone over five years old.

  11. Thanks for that funky!

    I love that Ramsay’s friends reacted to the criticism by saying it was sour grapes. Typical! Someone behaves badly, and when someone calls them on it it is because of envy. As if celebs are above reproach.

  12. Sebastian, I agree it is wrong to insult someone’s personal looks, but I’m not saying the guy is perfect, just that I enjoy him and anyone who goes on his shows already knows his personality and should NOT be shocked by ANYTHING that comes out of his mouth. It’s part of his persona and most likely expected and encouraged by the producers as that draws in the viewers (like me) who aren’t bothered, but ingnore the childish rants and look past them. The ones who do might gain something and certainly all the contestants who I saw leave the show after being dismissed were thankful for the time they DID have on the show, to learn from him as people who want to make their living from cooking, THEY, the ones who were on his show at least, all said they thought he was the best and to be able to learn ANYTHING from him was a treasure to them and they were very thasnkful for that opportunity. His new show I haven’t seen him yelling, shouting or cussing at anybody and there are two other chefs there with him. One of them seems even tougher than Ramsey, and cold in his personality as for helping the contestants.
    Also saw him on Jimmy Kimmel last night and the two of them together were really funny and having a blast. I enjoyed it. Sorry.

  13. Every chef has a gimmick. Ramsay’s gimmick is his hot temper/cussing. The other one, Emeril LaGasse is to constant scream “Bam”. The Bam is soooo irritating.

  14. Reta, I understand your thinking, but it is what has caused our society to degenerate by the minute. First it is Ramsay and is abusiveness and cussing, then it is the Jersey Shore tools, and on and on.

    Giving someone attention when he behaves badly is a very dangerous thing. It is breaking the first rule of good parenting.

  15. Gordon Must be frustrated and the reason men cheat is that they are not getting enough sex at home and of course Chef Gordon would be lonely without his wife and children and would have no one to spend time with if she was to Divorce him and leave him. But to stick it to him would be something to see a strong women would file for a Divorce and take him to the cleaners and get away from his tax problems and ask for Lump Sum and leave the relationship and let him do what ever he wants without me. But staying for the kids is not good enough reason,Know adays it is easy to share the kids and go back to being single and leaving with Respect.

  16. It is better to stand alone and have Freedom and be able to look at other men and start a new life down the road but on the other hand some woman just stay like Mrs Clinton stayed but I lost respect for her… Because in my eyes I feel like she thought she could not do any better and I find it rather Pathic and sad. But Mrs Ramsay the sex must be really good for you to hang out? But on the other hand trust is fear of some other person who has a part of your life. And two wrongs don’t make a right and to cheat on him later down the road is not right and I wonder in the back in her mind is she going to pay him back? You must be in love to put up with a Cheater and I do understand the kids are there and couples often feel that they have to raise the kids together and be there for the kids together and yes people foregive other people every day and stay in a relationship.

  17. Blind love from above and love in the air for Tana and Gordon and they are working this relationship out and learning to trust again but Tana by know I would be Divorce and simply take the man to the cleaners and suck his bank account out to Death and simply leave and move on in another Direction but love and care and hope and the children are keeping this relationship together and of course in my tiny little mind..When a Woman stays with a cheater they feel like they can’t do any better and what you are teaching your 3 daughters is that it is okay to be with there future husband down the road and have them do the same thing to them and what you are teaching your son is that it is okay to treat woman just like his mother was treated and I know it is none of my Business but just think it is sick when some one sleeps with you and then sleeps with another and then comes back to sleep with you.. What if this other person brought Aids to the Picture or other Diseases back to you. You Health could be messed with for the rest of your life and You being there 100% for some one who takes that kind of risk alone is enought to hit the road.

  18. Blind love from above and love in the air for Tana and Gordon and they are working this relationship out and learning to trust again but Tana by know I would be Divorce and simply take the man to the cleaners and suck his bank account out to Death and simply leave and move on in another Direction but love and care and hope and the children are keeping this relationship together and of course in my tiny little mind..When a Woman stays with a cheater they feel like they can’t do any better and what you are teaching your 3 daughters is that it is okay to be with there future husband down the road and have them do the same thing to them and what you are teaching your son is that it is okay to treat woman just like his mother was treated and I know it is none of my Business but just think it is sick when some one sleeps with you and then sleeps with another and then comes back to sleep with you.. What if this other person brought Aids to the Picture or other Diseases back to you. You Health could be messed with for the rest of your life and You being there 100% for some one who takes that kind of risk alone is enought to hit the road. Yes from the picture above…I see a Happy Family and massive amount of love there and kindness in the picture above.

  19. Let face it the woman is in love and wants the relationship to work out for the children and most woman will stay for the children and so the father can be near and of course there is major love and wanting to work everything out and of course all well wishes go out to the RAMSAY FAMILY.

  20. So happy for you and your family and happy about masterchef and hells kitchen and know Hotel Hell and your a great cook and your food is loved by the world and or the lucky group of people that get to try your food out on your show and you look happy and on top of the world and have a lovely family and really looking cheerful and on top of the world kind of man..HAPPY FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY AND MAY YOU GET BLESS MORE DOWN THE ROAD.

  21. I think he must be an incredible person and there must be some real deep love and laughter and care that goes into saving a relationship they are still together and the relationship is saved and know they are working things throw and really picking of the pieces of there life and gather understanding and some woman are like that and they foregive and move on and straighten things out for the family and that is something that makes her happy and she really loves and respects her husband and wants to move on from the Drama that has cause her pain but…I am sure he is doing everything in his power to make the relationship work and get pass the hurt but there is love and care and thoughfulness that has kept the family together on many levels but truely people at Hells Kitchen often talk about the Amazing wonderful food and Hell’s Kitchen Truely Rocks and it blows me away as much as it did ten years ago.

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