George Clooney must be awfully disappointed that for the umpteenth time, it has been decided (this time by DNA evidence) that Princess Diana was killed by her own drunken pillpopping driver – or rather, Dodi Fayed’s driver – and NOT by the paparazzi. (Actually, we think machismo killed Diana – Dodi’s macho chauffeur wouldn’t admit he was too impaired to drive.) George LOVED spreading the idea that the press killed Diana – he hoped to turn the Diana-loving public AGAINST the press. (He only likes the press when he has a movie coming out.) He hoped fans would stop buying gossip magazines and visiting gossip websites. And of course, Dodi Fayed’s father Mohammed has spent a fortune trying to prove a conspiracy – he can’t live with the idea that his son contributed to Diana’s death. Let’s hope this latest finding will shut them both up.
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If stupid Dodi Al Fayed hadn’t have insisted on his daddy’s driver over the objections of Diana’s security man, they’d all be alive. Alas, Mohamed Al Fayed can’t accept the fact his spoiled son killed himself, his girlfriend, and lost any chance of daddy obtaining British citizenship. Blame everyone but himself.
What’s with the rabid tone of this article? Of course Dodi Fayed was upset by his son’s death and would explore every avenue to find out exactly what happened. How can you criticise any parent for doing that? Sounds like you have it in for George Clooney for some reason. WHy? There has got to be more to the story.
No. It was just disgusting how George Clooney had that press conference right after Diana’s death. It was an incredibly pompous publicity stunt. He acted as if he was the designated voice of reason. Incredibly arrogant and tasteless on his part. Its such a shame that he’s a pompous prick, he’s gorgeous…
The other poster is right – there’s something more going on here. If Charlton bothered to do her research she’d know Clooney is one of the biggest fans of journalists and the media – when they’re doing their job right. And she certainly has a selective memory. Clooney was hardly the only person criticising the paparazzi when Princess Di died. What happened Janet – did George knock you back or something?
Love George Clooney. Whether you agree with him or not he has a right to his opinion.
Someone needs to point out that Mohammed Al Fayed was also responsible for their deaths – the driver, Henri Paul, was his employee, and (drunken)Paul, who was NOT a chauffeur, was ordered to drive the Mercedes by Mohammed & Dodi. That makes Mohammed legally responsible for their deaths and I’m sure he could be sued! Of course he’s terribly upset about the loss of his son, but the accusations of a ‘conspiracy’ stem from his refusal to accept that HE’S responsible for his own son’s death, as well as Diana’s.
I’m beginning to wonder if Janet actually writes this stuff. She’s been around a long time and should know better. Alot of this seems like vindictive crap from jealous jerks. I think someone just prints the Got Gossip garbage people write in.
Gee, Janet, how much money have you made off George Clooney over the years?
I totally believe Diana was murdered. Do you honestly think ‘they’ would allow the mother of the heir to the throne marry a moslem? I don’t think so. It really doesn’t matter how many investigations are carried out, we are told whatever ‘they’ want to tell us.
Seems strange to attack George Clooney. He’s one of the good guys.
First that ridiculous post about Madonna wearing fur now this bizzare rant against George Clooney for something that he said 10 years ago? What the hell is going on with you Charlton?
This site isn’t a goddamn editorial page in a newspaper. Get off your soap box and quit writing about social issues you old hag. Here’s an idea: get off that big ass of yours and get out there and find us some good gossip!
Clooney was a whore and would do anything to appear in the enquirer and globe when he was he was eeking out a living on Roseanne and the fats of life…I remember he invited reporters in to ‘interview’ his pot belly pig when he brought it home. talk about hams! then when he became mr. E.R., suddenly the press was the enemy and he’s holding press conferences quoting movie dialogue…Princess Di is dead! Who Do We See About This? Suddenly he was all palsy walsy — like he even knew her. The guy is a camera junkie — but only on his terms. What a phoney. Keep up the good work defending the First Amendment, Janet. Better yet, boycott Clooney and his awful films.
Clooney claims he’s hounded by the press. Said someone once tried to snap a pic of him taking a whizz. As if! What a freak. He’s all high minded with the Murrow movie and then ready to hang the press when a drunk driver was to blame for Di’s car crash. Protesting to much, georgie. Fotogs ought to put down their cameras when he mugs for the red carpet.
Smug hypocrite. His old man is a reporter isn’t he? Yeah, George. Just tell the press when they can report on you and when they can’t. Think that’s called dishing it out, but not able to take it.
George Clooney ain’t all that bright. Screenwriter I know says his politics are ‘scripted’by a team of liberal staffers — cause the guy wants to come across as informed. flunked out of college and turned to acting cause of his looks.
4.40pm – your “story” about his “scripted comments” made me laugh out loud. Clooney might be lots of things but stupid isn’t one of them. Seriously, either you made that up or you so-called “screenwriter” buddy did.
makes me laugh when big stars roll up their sleeves to embrace ’causes.’ clooney getting up on a pulpit and accusing papaparazzi of killing diana is a farce. pure image posturing. ‘woe is big star me! you little people have no idea how tough my life is because photographers won’t leave me alone just because i’m a gorgeous genuis.’ Please. Self-serving posturing. Love to hear the women of MAD’s take on goofy Clooney blaming the press and not mentioning the most famous drunk driver in history.
Clooney said this 10 years ago not recently so the fact that part of this is pointed at Clooney is ridiculous.
Emotions were raw at the time after Diana’s death and all we had heard was that she had died in an accident and that the car had been followed by a swarm of photographers – a lot of people (not just Clooney) reacted badly to the ‘razzi.
Several of the photographers were held in jail for a few weeks after the accident and people at the scene were yelling to the photographers that they had caused Diana’s death. Until a year or so ago, some of the photographers were still being investigated so acting all superior is ridiculous.
Yes, now we know fairly conclusively that the driver was drunk and shouldn’t have been driving (also Diana wasn’t wearing a seat belt which most likely have saved her), but at the time Clooney made his statements nothing was known for sure.
Take a deep breath and calm down Janet – unless Clooney pissed in your breakfast cereal chill out. There was no reason to bring Clooney into this.
PUHLEASE if you think DIANA’S death was an accident you are mistaken! You all believe the PRESS so easily, they write it in a ” legit” paper and we the sheople of society consume it down and agree without question. Dont you know who owns those magazines? The news outlets of the world, THEY CHOOSE THE TRUTH AND YOU ALL JUST BELIEVE IT, wake up!
The father of Dodi is correct.
The paparazzi aren’t the total blame, go deeper, it goes so much deeper. The driver was drunk huh? Is that what the NEWS’ tells us, the reports from the autopsy, Ha! What they want us to believe, they will print… It’s so easy. So easy to fool us… As u can see.
There is more to this story. Yes, the driver was drunk, but he DID NOT cause the accident. That part was conveniently left out.
Right, Duh. The drunk driver DID NOT cause the accident. What are you on? Jesus! Thank god we have Clooney to explain how the world works. We’re all such idiots. It’s TV stars who really have the inside track. Blind worship of anyone who makes a buck on TV yet decries publicity off camera makes me sick.
Hey Janet. Thanks for not buying into the Clooney machine. Most press think he’s such a darling. But there’s lots of stuff behind this guy that would bring him down a few pegs. Remember the 5 minute wife? Marty Balsam’s kid? She’s got his number. She says he married her so he could list ‘divorce’ on his bio. To fuel his ladykiller image and throw off the real deal. Let’s just say Georgie’s been to Paris in more ways than one.
George is right on this Janet.
This guy’s a bonehead. He’s got an affable charm. Guys want to drink with him, women want to bed him. But in truth he talks a good ballgame like Alec Baldwin. But I’d love to see him up againt a Williams & Connelly First Amendment lawyer. Blaming the press for Diana’s death is like blaming the Glendale freeway and Vicodin for Nicole’Wrong Way’Richie driving mishap.
George Clooney acts like a self absorbed, egotistical ass. Every time I see him, he reminds me of A GAY MAN ACTING STRAIGHT
*rolls eyes*
George needs to give it a rest! Di is dead & gone…let her rest in peace.
clooney needs to stop acting as the ‘authority’ in hollywood…and over-acting in everything he does…
George is right on…this stinks.
Wasn’t paparazzi though…use your brain.
This story is dangerous.
Pied Piper weighs in!