
You don’t often see a celebrity wearing something from her own fashion collection. Usually the clothing is very inexpensive or simply is not something they would be caught dead in. With all their fashion collections, you never see a Kardashian wearing one of their own garments. Jennifer Lopez is one exception – and also Eva Mendes. This sweet summer dress is from Eva’s collection for NY & C and sells for $79.95 online or at Macy’s.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Gwen Stefani and Victoria Bechham wear clothes from their own collections. I remember reading once Jackie Smith doesn’t wear her collections from K-Mart. Hmm..wonder why.

  2. 80 bucks is expensive for a flimsy looking dress made of synthetic materials that was manufactured overseas for a few bucks.

  3. That frumpy, matronly dress looks like something an old-time grandma would wear. And her pasty white skin color and those clunky shoes don’t help.

  4. I hate the dress. It would sell for maybe $5 at the Goodwill Store.

    Eva loves men, never been without one. Good luck on pushning this cheater down the aisle.

  5. Keep buying even though you are on food stamps America. Just charge it to your Visa Card.

  6. strom always looks like a big fat slob begging for a black man to give him something up the ass. Isn’t that right on strom? You bet it is!

  7. Poor little talentless Bob, so fixated on Strom and so jealous of his success.

  8. Spanish Phil, if you hate America so much, why the hell are you supporting this site? Hypocrite much?

  9. Maybe Bruce Jenner will soon be wearing one of her outfits. Little Bob is getting excited at the idea!

  10. As mentioned, maybe Bruce Jenner will soon be wearing one of her outfits.

    Angelo & Little Bob are getting excited at the idea!

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