
We feel terrible about Jessica Simpson’s adorable dog Daisy being snatched by a coyote. Of all the not-so-great things that have happened to her lately, this is certainly the worst. Maybe this tragic loss will remind other people who live in areas where coyotes roam (especially in or near the hills) to NEVER allow their animals outside where coyotes can strike. Vigilance is essential at all times. Hungry coyotes are leaving the hills to hunt for food and can appear very suddenly – wealthy, gated communities notwithstanding.

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  1. All her many ex-lovers realized she is a ditzy dumb airhead and made every effort not to procreate.

    ………..ask g. bush!!

  3. Jessica is so stupid; if she would have had kids, the coyote would have the baby right now, instead of the dog.

  4. Oh this is terrible!!!! Hoe absolutely sad and heartbreaking. She must be devestated because she took Daisy everywhere and seemed to love on that cute dog so much. I am so bummed.

  5. Too bad the coyote didn’t take her instead.
    Sorry about the dog though, he’s was adorable.

  6. I’m stunned by how many pets in Hollywood are being snatched by coyotes. They are getting more and more bold by hunting during the daylight hours.

    Fires have destroyed their food source and they are looking to survive.

  7. We’re so desperate for celebrity news that their dog going missing is a reason for us to fawn over them even more? Please. I like seeing what they’re up to, but this? If it were my neighbors dog, I’d sympathize for my neighbors sake. I like my neighbors. Heath Ledger dies – news. I want to know that. Jessica Simpsons dog is coyote snatched? Give me one good reason why I would want to know that.

  8. Now the ditzy ditz is offering a reward for the return of her pooch. I’m sure the coyote will return him if he reads this, and his reward should be a rotten faggot.

  9. She’s got the brains of a brick! OF COURSE in a wild-ish area (where she lives) AND where there has been recent fires flushing out the wildlife (duh…foxes) there are going to be MANYMANY paniced animals running scared and starving into more populated areas. If the moron Jessica had had her pet on say, …a LEASH she could have reeled it in quickly when the coyote neared and picked her dog into her arms for safety. She must have had her pet running loose in the brush around her home in the hills, and THAT was/is a recipe for trouble for any offleash pet, espeicially a small one like hers. Jess is beyong dumb and if she couldn’t have figured that out without a roadmap, I’d hate to be the poor guy who finally imprenates the dumb hillbilly. Somebody needs to give her an IQ test STAT!!!

  10. The whore-mongers out there could care less about her I.Q. They already know she is just a slut who still thinks she is God’s gift to the male population…….thus,most pics of her are same as this one, her mouth always open…wide. It will be a true miracle if she ever finds a decent man, and especially one that can overlook her stupidity. Maybe one that is out for her money…..maybe.

  11. Jessica doesn’t need a baby!!! She can’t even live on her own! Her parents is constantly up her ass, girl doesn’t even have a personal life, because her parents go everywhere Jessica and her boyfriends go. John Mayer put up with her and her parents long enough, and so did Tony. I HOPE SHE FINALLY LEARNS TO GROW UP AND STOP INCLUDING HER PARENTS SO HEAVILY IN HER PERSONAL LIFE!!RIP DAISY….

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