Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Don Johnson is reportedly in shock – and so are we. His NBC dramedy “Mann’s World” was NOT picked up by the network! It seemed like a slam-dunk. The show was about a flirtatious hairdresser in his 50’s struggling to compete in youth –oriented Beverly Hills. Don’s character was loosely based on Warren Beatty’s hairdresser in “Shampoo.” The show was created by “Sex & the City” creator Michael Patrick King. NBC executives just weren’t impressed with the pilot and passed on the show. (Above, Don and his wife Kelley are pictured leaving a Prince concert.)

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  1. he may not have been right or they want to make room for another reality show!

  2. Yup, reality shows have almost no budget. Fast and cheap, rarely really good, but the bean counters don’t care about *that* small detail. NBC is so in the toilet right now w/ its prime-time programming!!!

  3. Aside from the “Shampoo” likeness, it sounded like an original show for TV. Which is likely why it wasn’t picked up because we don’t want anything new do we? Oh no. We want the same old drivel.

    I am so not interested in TV these days. Very few shows that are genuinely entertaining.

  4. Wasn’t he the one that had his picture taken years ago by a tabloid while with a man and shopping for sex toys?

  5. Don Johnson is no Warren Beatty … He was absolutely gorgeous in Shampoo

  6. I remember reading how incredulous everyone was when he married Kelley. She is a very snooty high society la te ta person. No one thought it would last. But it has so far, even tho Donnie was caught buying various and sundry items in a porn shop and then visiting a Korean massage parlor in a seedy part of town.

  7. Didn’t he also release a song in the mid eighties? (Heart Beat). Ughhhh! Then he sang a duet with Barbra Streisand and ravaged my sensitive ears. My ears haven’t been the same since. I still cringe when I think of him singing.

  8. Pippa, the above comment wasn’t made by me. someone is using my name i guess when I’m not looking.

    Anyway, as far as THIS stroy goes, he’d have to pay ME to watch anything of HIS and even then it would be sheer torture to endure. he also needs to get his under chin lipo’d. Flabby flabby flabby…

  9. Don Johnson and his socialite wife will Not be crying in their soup anytime soon. Last year Don was awarded millions in his lawsuit against Rysher Entertainment. Dandy Don owned 1/2 of the series Nash Bridges,which continues to be seen in other countries around the globe, which in TV language means it was making millions in profits,that DJ was Not collecting any of. The culprits should have known better than to try to cheat “Sonny Crockett or Nash Bridges” and think that they could get away with it. Don was at first awarded a little over 23 million and then the judge added an additional 28 million in interest. The amount is being challenged on appeal, but anyway you look at it, Don and his family are still in the position of making bank without having to run his fingers through anyone else’s “shampoo/conditioned” hair!!

  10. You would think with all that money, the wife would be dressed a little better. I love Nash Bridges that was a awesome show, really enjoyed it.

  11. Leo, thanks for the backgrounder—very interesting info!

    Don’s propensity to go after what is rightfully his—and his likelihood to SUE for it—may have as much to do with NBC passing on his show as the show itself.

    Sounds like Don is crying all the way to the bank.

  12. Leo, appreciate the backstory.

    Don is a notorious closeted bisexual YES he was photographed with a twink buying sex toys and on one occasion going into a motel during the afternoon with a porno tape booze and a twink, after requesting a room with a vcr. This all happened in North Beach and the Marina District of San Francisco. That high society dame he married knows all about it, a friendly showmance.

  13. they forgot the “Miami Vice” days of him?

  14. To Taffy Daven Port My name is spelled Casonia not Carsonia first of all,Like mother like daughter is your life! Cps spending should be cut, They have close to a Billion dollars tighted up in funding for that program? Chris Gregoire is hiding the funding says:

    Sounds like a twist and turn and flirting to a large degree is placed in this direction.

  15. To Taffy Daven Port My name is spelled Casonia not Carsonia first of all,Like mother like daughter is your life! Cps spending should be cut, They have close to a Billion dollars tighted up in funding for that program? Chris Gregoire is hiding the funding says:


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