Readers have suggested that we designate a particular place for political comments. Too many comments about candidates are being posted in unrelated areas. So if you have something to say about the election, please do it HERE. As much as we appreciate the new political enthusiasm, we ARE concerned about our terribly divided country. Get it off your chest – just try to be smart, relevant, and …GOSSIPY!

About The Author

50 thoughts on “DISH THE CANDIDATES

  1. McCain won’t last 4 years and Palin should be at home with her (daughter’s) poor handicapped baby instead of running for a job she is completely unqualified for. We’ve already had 8 straight years of malevolent incompetence and the country is headed for a depression as a result. Sarah, take your Peggy Hill hairdo and glasses and go home and kill a moose. You are an embarrassment to humanity.

  2. McCain is desperate and Palin is an idiot. Sorry, that’s not gossip, it’s fact.

  3. Many are just trying to find out if Barack Hussein Obama is a U.S. citizen, and, if he is a Muslim. I think NO on the first one, and YES on the second. Joe Biden actually LOOKS more like a president than BHO, and let’s face it, looks mean a lot. Plus, I don’t think Michelle O. looks like a First Lady, as she has a hideous growth below her bottom lip that sticks straight out. What is that? It’s like if you put your tongue between your teeth and bottom lip and push it out.

  4. It’s funny that that the Dems started the Community Revitalization Act back under Jimmy Carter (worst pres of my lifetime) and it was amped up under Slick Willy. This was a bill that forced banks and mortgage companies to give mortgages to “poor people”. SUBPRIME. It became so convoluted that illegal aliens were able to obtain millions of dollars of mortgage debt without so much as a social security number. (check Colorado stats)
    I moved into my state 4 years ago and had to show my social security card to a library card. WTF?
    People can get mortgages without a credit check but I have to show my SS card to get a library card?
    In 2004, John McCain asked the Senate to form a committee to investigate Fannie and Freddie – GUESS WHO SAID THERE WAS NO PROBLEM? Barney Frank, Maxine Waters, Chris Todd, etc. Check out the Dem senate – they’re grilling everyone – but the heads of Fannie and Freddie! That’s where the 850 billion dollar bailout started out. Because they are now advisors of Barry Hussein Obama. Google the names – Franklin Raines (sp), Johnson
    These same people get up in front of the TV cameras and point the finger at Bush.
    Wake the F**k up! The Dems are taking no hits while the rest of the country (and the world) is in a nose-dive.
    Barry Hussein Obama is knee deep in ACORN. Funny – he claims ignorance once again. To believe this man, you’ll have to realize he is the STUPIDEST person on Earth. It’s PROVEN that he was INDEED tied to ACORN.
    Funny – in Indianapolis, there is a 105% voter registration. So – in other words, ACORN has been registering more people than there are eligible voters in the city.
    He didn’t know Jeremiah Wright was a racist and Anti-American (after 20 years in the pews), he didn’t know Bill Ayers was a terrorist after 20 years of socializing with him), He didn’t know Tony Rezko was a fraud (yet he let him buy parcels of land that Barry Hussein couldn’t afford – to sell back to him).
    Barry Hussein Obama – a very scary person. Don’t rely on the ABC, NBC, CBS to tell you the news. You’ll never get the truth.

  5. Just a few comments:
    Who would want to be president anyway? The mess he would inherit from W is horrendous.
    Does Sarah Palin have nannies to keep the Down Syndrome baby? Plus watch the other kids?
    Will Bristol be forced to marry baby daddy?
    What does Sarah look like without glasses? Is she nearsighted, farsighted?
    Cindy McCain always looks like she has taken something to calm her nerves. Hair is too bleached out.
    McCain is too old and senile.
    Michelle O. is too tall, looks stuck-up, and as someone said, she has lower buck-teeth.
    Obama talks in jerky words and says ‘uh uh’ a lot, which is annoying.
    They will both lie and promise anything, regarding health care, economy in the toilet, the war, when in fact, most of it is unfixable.
    Lord, help us all.

  6. Dr –
    I don’t care what sex you are – you are so ignorant.
    There are millions of American women that have a Down Syndrome’s baby.
    You are so ignorant. Actually – you help our side.
    Keep up your stupid commentary.
    What? Are women the only people that are responsible for their children? Duh.
    Her hubby is a dude. A very coooool dude.
    Maybe you were threatened by HER and HIM. Sorry for you. LOSER.

  7. ^^^^^^^
    “Her hubby is a dude. A very cooool dude.”
    Who is the dude, O or Mc ?

  8. Is there anyone in the political arena who has the balls to address the following problem? :
    I am so tired of almost getting hit by a stupid assh*le driving while talking on cell phone and/or text messaging. I do not do this. I saw a Mexican woman (illegal probably) laughing and talking on the cell and almost hit 2 cars. Remember that too much multi-tasking can lead to an early grave. Don’t do it…you won’t save time if you hit someone. It should be law.
    Anyway, I bet whoever gets to be president won’t even have the guts to address this deadly problem which has been ignored for years.

  9. I heard a re-run of an Obama speech. I swear he said ‘uh’ and ‘you know’ about 14 times in 2 minutes. This irritates the *”)^# @ out of a normal person. When you really listen for the ‘uh’ and the ‘you know’, you’ll notice it more.
    I don’t like the dem or republ candidate; they both are seriously flawed.

  10. 6:44 PM, Anonymous.
    I was not putting down the fact that Mrs. Palin has a down syndrome kid. I never said that; I just asked if she had a nanny to take care of him while she was traveling around.
    Thanks so much for the kind compliment, but I really don’t know WHO the him and her and dude is. There are 4 choices to the him and her and dude….oh forget *it*. 🙂

  11. I have a sneaking suspicion McCain and the Republicans are planning to steal yet another election. All this talk about ACORN is just a smokescreen to confuse voters on election day when voter fraud is brought up. And despite being the party of the “Christian Right”, the Republicans have shown many times they have no scruples. I wonder how many people who are calling Obama a muslim terrorist on behave of McCain also fell for story that McCain fathered a black child out of wedlock? The ultimate party of hypocrisy.

  12. Internal Server Error
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  14. Sorry, 6:09, anonymous, this very idiot sitting behind the desk in the Oval Office as we speak is the WORST President this country has ever had, and people like YOU voted him in TWICE. I don’t know who is the bigger moron, all of you or him. A top official in DC named Bush as the worst president in this country’s history ON TELEVISION, so it’s not just my thoughts.

  15. Janet, I posted something yesterday and it went into the abyss of the INTERNAL SERVER ERROR, and wonder of wonders it was never posted. Whasup?

  16. Janet, I posted something yesterday and it went into the abyss of the INTERNAL SERVER ERROR, and wonder of wonders it was never posted. Whasup?

  17. Americans will vote smart in the end- Nobama is not Jesus Christ in the second coming.
    I will not vote for someone who has moved through the ranks of political life so rapidly.
    You have to have issues & friends (Oprah,) to move you along so quickly.
    ACORN, Reczko & ALL THE OTHER BAGGAGE are just the tip of the iceberg- Just like Slick Willy…The more trash you move aside, the deeper the pile gets.
    John McCain exemplified leadership during his POW capture. He held steadfast to upholding the United States, & never folded..even under horrendous torture.
    I’m sure precious Barry could’ve never withstood such torment.
    McCain/ Palin. I identify with them because they are & are living REAL LIVES.
    Beside, Joe Biden as V.P. ? Seriously people….

  18. McCain has voted almost 100% with George Bush so what does that tell you? And George W. is the worst president in our history! McCain is just more of the same. He has to put everyone else down just to make himself look half way decent.
    Palin is just a patsy. What about her husband belonging to that group that wanted Alaska to separate from the United States? That’s not very patriotic.
    This administration really has dumbed down America to believe that if you aren’t for their corrupt ways you aren’t for America. Democrats & liberals are for the very preservation of freedoms of ALL Americans not just some Americans, why is that wrong? Why can’t people see that?

  19. It’s amazing how you never hear anymore about the McCain black lovechild. She must be around 16 years old by now. I guess Todd Palin knocking his own daughter up and then passing it off as the Down Syndrome thing that they lug around for show. Geez, these people are so worthy to run our country.

  20. It’s amazing how you never hear anymore about the McCain black lovechild. She must be around 16 years old by now. I guess Todd Palin knocking his own daughter up and then passing it off as the Down Syndrome thing that they lug around for show. Geez, these people are so worthy to run our country.

  21. Bwahahahahaha.. O’ barak sees dead people.. they want to vote for him..

  22. At least Sarah Palin makes for good comedy on Saturday Night Live.

  23. Janet, my comment went in to the Internal Server Error thingie yesterday and never was posted. I’m going to hit the “submit” at least 3 times from now on, to make sure it gets on.

  24. Janet, my comment went in to the Internal Server Error thingie yesterday and never was posted. I’m going to hit the “submit” at least 3 times from now on, to make sure it gets on.

  25. United states of america .. people like you frighten the hell out of me. You are racist and bigotted. You need to look around at your fellow Americans .. they come from all walks of life.

  26. I am amazed at the hatred toward Sarah Palin. She’s been called shrill – has anyone listened to Hillary Clinton? Hellooo, Shrill!! Speaking of having children, would RFK be elected president today with 11 children? Would Ethel be able to take care of them all? Anyone who is President (man or woman) will find a way to be a great leader AND have a family. I like and respect Sarah Palin. Respect, people — remember that? Even if you don’t vote for McCain/Palin.

  27. It’s funny to hear the claims that McCain voted with GWB 90% of the time. It’s just mimicking a Nobama ad. Not original. Not true. People parroting some slick ad that Nobama put out.
    Let’s see – What has Nobama voted for? That would be NO VOTE. He sits there and DOESN’T vote and hasn’t his entire senate career (all 150 days or so of it). He knows that if he votes – it will come back to haunt him.
    His past is non-disclosed and he surrounds himself with a crowd that he one-by-one has to say “that’s not the man I knew”. Really – he’s so deep into this that he has to lie continually. I don’t want that kind of scam artist leading my country.
    Listen to him reading from his book about his father (the father he never knew) – he hates white America. Yet, he always manages to have white people in the camera view. He knows – and alot of us know – he’s a sham.
    You can believe what he says (whichever version) if you want – but it’s all just a ploy to get him and his radical liberal friends in office. Socialism, Marxism, Communism will be alive and well here.
    I urge you to google these things. You won’t hear any of this on ABC, NBC or CBS. But, you CAN find it on the internet.
    This dude hired attorneys to eliminate his opponent in Illinois for the Illinois senate and NOW, he’s using the same tactics his opponent used.
    Don’t vote blindly – we will ALL pay for it with loss of liberty and freedoms.

  28. I can’t believe that after 8 years of Dub’ya, that anybody believes anything that comes out of a republican mouth. McCain is Bush II. He’s such a clone that he has to resort to trying to steal OBama’s platform of change because all McCain can do is reflect someone else’s original thoughts. He was stupid enough to follow Dub blindly, but now Dub is a lame duck and is laying low. Poor McCain has to parrot somebody, so he’s attached himself to Obama’s ideas and is trying to pretend they are his own. So sad really, the man is an idiot. And so are all of you who blindly follow McCain down the republican path of destruction for America. I’m so glad you are going to lose this election! Be assured that ANYTHING that Obama does in his presidency will never be as destructive as Dub’ya was or McCain would have been. Thank God this long nightmare is almost over! Bush II – worst president ever!!!!!!!!!! McCain – senile idiot. Sarah Palin – even less experience than Obama, and an even bigger idiot than McCain.

  29. W is the worst president ever in the history of America.
    Obama if elected will be a Muslim president who does not even have a birth certificate.
    Either way, Donkey or Elephant, we’re screwed.

  30. I love how BARRACK HUSEIN OBAMA talks DOWN to people. Hitler had a lot of charisma too in the begging that attracted waves of numbskulls. Not saying BO is Hitler BUT his celebrity status is pretty much on the same dumbskulls mindsets. I am voting McCain. Substance over shallow. John brings it Barrack sings it.

  31. Hey 7:21
    You are ignorant to the nth degree. The worst president of my lifetime was Jimmy Carter.
    Go read your history books.

  32. Hey 5:10 AM: In my opinion, Jimmy Carter and George W were both horrible; they are neck and neck on being the worst.

  33. I’m a student of prophecy, so anyone that wants to can bash the following, I don’t care:
    I’m sure most have heard of the anti-christ who will be the smoothest of the smooth; in other words he could talk a man dying of thirst to pour his glass of water on the ground.
    I believe the following are types of anti-christs (smooth talking liars)..
    Bill Clinton, smoooth, could charm birds out of the trees (Look what we got,…Monica Lewinsky scandal among others).
    Barack Hussein Obama..came from nowhere, smoooth talker, can’t provide a US birth cert., because he is a Muslim and receives his campaign money from Muslim countries.
    The anti-christ (666) will come in more subtle than these 2; he basically has to do with making the peace contract with Israel to make peace between Israel and Palestinians. At the same time, he will come up with the best solution of all to end the current $$ crisis and the unsaved world will fall for it. This is discussed in the last 3 chapters of Daniel and in Revelation Chapt 13. Before he makes his appearance on the world scene, the Rapture will occur, and all believers will be out of here and we will be spared the 3 1/2 years of tribulation and the 3 1/2 years of the GREAT tribulation. In the trib, 21 great judgments will fall. There’s more, but not for now.

  34. McCain will win after all is said and done. The media loves to bend reality but come Nov 4th, McCain’s troops will pull through.

  35. It wouldn’t be so bad if Obama had only one lowlife for a friend but he’s got so many it’s crazy and the thing is he seeks them out they don’t come to him it’s like he hears about their reputation and off he goes ‘I’ll scratch your back you scratch mine’ His friends are either muslim, America haters, jew haters, white people haters, crooks or in prison. He’s knee deep in Acorn and they’re part of the reason we’re in this mess, why does it not surprise me that they’re commiting registration fraud, for a reason they’re desperate to get him elected. I wonder what their reward will be for helping him?$$$ Don’t let his handsome face and beautiful voice fool you.





  40. LMAO at the poster who said “McCain and Palin are regular people”. I’m sorry, do you own 12 homes? I don’t care who you vote for, but stick to the facts. Of course, the Repub nomineees have a hard time with that (Troopergate, anyone?) so I suppose it’s hard for their followers to do, either. Obama has an actual plan, instead of “I’ll give people a $5000 check” or “I’ll buy back your mortgage” McCain. More dishonesty from a once-admirable man. So, so sad.

  41. McCain/Palin 2008!!!! The ONLY choice this election worth voting for! 😀

  42. My wish would be that ALL VOTERS “inform themselves” by reading from multiple sources and watching TV news updates from multiple sources, not just listening to MSM (ABC, NBC, CBS & CNN) before voting on Nov. 4th. Listen to what Obama has been saying and ask “What exaclty is the hope and change you’re talking about?” Remember, “change does not equal something positive to you and me….it could mean you’ll be paying higher income taxes so that your money can be re-distributed…this is called socialism. This is a nice segue into what happened with the Wall Street Bail Out….that was the first giant step into socialism by our government, our children’s children will still be paying off that bill….we’re riding a slippery slope and we’re becoming like the Europeans where the gov’t pays our medical bills, everything’s run by the gov’t and we get to keep 40% of our pay! Good luck American working class, land of the overburdened, supporting the world!

  43. Texas Jules? Maybe you should watch Fox News or wherever it is you get your news from this morning…your hero W just began the long process of nationalizing our banking system. I am married to a (former) Brit and they will tell you that this is the first step towards socialism. Again, that didn’t come from O, or any other dem for that matter. THOSE are the facts!

  44. HELLO, dems are running the show you idiot. THAT’S when the problems all started. Can’t get that info from a broadcast, only by educating yourself. Guess we lose since people like you refuse to do anything that requires more than clicking a button on a remote control. Obama IS for socialism (“spread the wealth”) – WAKE UP. What do you think increasing involvement of gov’t is? Dems who want less government are simply ignorant or misinformed. SAD.

  45. I am all for a person of color running for and being elected for President. I am however, forced to vote Republican for the following reason.
    You can’t be a hero if you can’t save a life.
    One hundred and fifty years ago Barak Obama would have been viewed as non-human, by an act of Congress (the Dred-Scott case). Then America came to their senses and declared persons of color to be human. But with or without the sanction of our government, the black people of this country were still human, even when being declared non-human, and the declaration of Congress did not make them human or non-human. They simply were. The same with fetal humans.
    Today, fetal children are allowed to be murdered, because Congress declares we don’t know WHEN these fetal humans become human. They are no less human and in need of protection than black people were in the 1800’s.
    Obama voted for legislature that dictated that if an aborted child survived the attempted abortion and were in a corner, or bucket – breathing, alive, a human baby, needing help, help could not be rendered.
    I fear for a country who cannot protect the most vulnerable.
    Obama is not a hero. He will not save a life.
    We can be heroes. Save a life.

  46. another chad election, folks????….never thought americans will vote for just another corrupt, useless, godless idiot….didn’t you say you wanted a change????…well there you have it…live with it for the next 8 years or so………the whole world mourns with you. and the new first lady??? and who’s she calling “whiteys” when she lives in a white nation that feeds her and her offsprings???…sorry sista’, this won’t make you any whiter, you know????

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