This is a magazine cover photo for “summer family fun” if there ever was one. Leave it to Cindy Crawford, with the help of her husband Rande Gerber, to spawn two of the most adorable kids in Hollywood. We just love watching Kaia and Presley grow up.

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  1. Uh, isn’t it well known that her hubby cheats on her & she’s only staying in the marriage for the kids???

  2. and why haven’t they gotten their son a haircut? Why do celebs want to feminize their boys?

  3. Yeah, the hair has gotta go.They are beautiful children, though. Both of them look just like Cindy.

  4. Well, one thing you can say, the kids prove that’s her real nose.

  5. Hi JC–I think it’s spelled “Rande”–I think…Looks weird now that I typed it. And please tell me, why would any man married to Cindy Crawford feel compelled to cheat?
    Love you Janet! You’re one of a kind in a sea of flakes!

  6. Please get that boy a haircut so he can look like a boy!!!

  7. Oh my goodness, someone introduce this woman and Kate Hudson to a hair dresser. Cut the kid’s hair. It looks awful.

  8. Randy Rande has been caught romancing some of the waitresses in the 2 or 3 bars/restaurants that he owns. Cindy goes along with it, ’cause she has her only little fun times. I predict they’ll stay together maybe in name only for a long time.

  9. must stink for that little girl that her brother is prettier than her….

  10. OMG – I was gonna post about the kids having a good gene pool, but I thought they were both daughters. If that’s a boy – cut his hair! What is it with Hollywood little boys that look like girls?

  11. Cindy has had a few flings with women. She said so, but did not say it was ongoing.

  12. Before you even touch that kids hair, get him some new Levi’s.
    The one thing Cindy needs to worry about is getting enough calcium. That long frame over the course of time will weaken.
    Wonder what she eats to stay so thin, look at their kids.
    Not grossly overweight like so many American kids.
    Maybe she ought to write a book on what she feeds her family and offer it free online (blog) for the masses.

  13. If the kid rides a skateboard, he can keep his hair.
    Introduce him to Stacy Peralta, Pro-1970’s skateboarder & now days ~ Sundance Movie maker.

  14. Cindy and Randy are f.cking lucky. I hope they realize it and thank God everyday. As for him cheating, if it’s true and she forgave him that’s their business. The bible says that if the betrayed partner has a big enought heart to forgive then they should go on. Hopefully he won’t do it again.

  15. The kids are already dressing like teenagers. I don’t agree with you that they should have more kids, since being dim narcissists, Cindy & Randy won’t stay together long.

  16. Feminine hair, feminine name. She must have wanted a girl the first time. Poor kid.

  17. Those kids are adorable. I agree the boy needs a haircut, but otherwise those kids are just too cute for words.

  18. Crawford is massive busy and she has already created a family and she has so much work to do and she has massive amount of work to do and she is already a great mother and she has time that she works really hard and at the same time she does make special time for her family and that is really understandable and No more children for her and it is kind of late for that to happen at this time she has a major career and so much to do and so many places to go and If she had another child…This hard working woman would be spreading herself too thin… Her life is Beautiful at this point of time and she needs the time to sit back and smell the roses and pay attention to her children.

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