One Hollywood couple whose marriage DOESN’T seem to be in trouble is that of Christina Aguilera and Jordan Bratman. Christina was the Corpse Bride for Halloween and the Bratmans celebrate their one year anniversary in November. We never hear stories about these two arguing in nightclubs or enduring long separations. They ALWAYS seem to be happy. Maybe the fact that at their wedding, Jordan proudly raised a toast to his parents thanking them for his generous male endowment, has something to do with it. His father took a bow and Christina smiled and nodded in agreement.
I really like them as a couple. Christina, unlike Britney, married a dude who doesn’t need her fame to get work. They look like they have alot of fun together. Plus, more hot chicks should marry dudes that aren’t better looking than she is(ie Jennifer Aniston and now Reese Witherspoon). It seems that he really appreciates that she fell for him.
Ugly guys try harder if you know what I mean.
Dick size has nothing to do with the success of this marriage.
The marriage works because dude knows his place as Mr. Christina Aguilara.