Photo Credit: Buzz Foto
Chris Noth’s life just keeps getting better. After playing Mr Big in “Sex & the City,” he moved on to costar with Julianna Margulies on “The Good Wife.” He and his fiancee Tara Lynn Wilson, own several businesses together and also have a son Orion, 2. The family took a low key New England vacation in the Berkshires in Massachusetts, and an eagle eyed photographer spotted them antique shopping.
Tara has been Big’s fiance for a while. Is he just dragging his feet (or) is this just a case of continuous shacking up with no marriage contract in sight.
Fashion Victim is wearing one of those Fidel hats that “designers” have been pushing.
Mr. “Big” looks more like Mr. “Little” in THOSE pants…hope his son Onion doesn’t inherit his deformity…
when you said “caught” I thought he was cheating on his girlfriend. yikes!
Noth is an odd shape. They covered it up in SATC – lighting, makeup, designer suits made him look all patrician and Prince Charming on Wallstreet – but you could really see it in his other show. He is more Staten Island than Manhattan. Sorry ladies.
hahahahahahaha: HE NEEDS SIMPATHY OF THE POOR, folks?
He’s a good actor, but he does have a very odd body shape. His son Onion, good one Reta.
some men are growers not showers.
funky booty, until you wrote that I did not notice.
Sebastian, what do you mean you “didn’t notice?” I already TOLD YOU in the third post…can’t you compute?
Reta, scuse me! I am being obtuse today, so your first post was a little too subtle for me.
Ah, that is B.S., I mean I didn’t even get it after funky booty’s post.
Guess this really proves the Captian wrong – all those comments, and I still could not think of Noth’s knob.
Sista is used to much more than that! This wont last long. Poor little child but the white dude will pay big time for his fun.
Except for mine, all these comments are hilarious and IMROTFLMAO.