John Travolta


Photo Credit: Splash News

John Travolta’s 16 year old son Jett died tragically on a family vacation in the Bahamas but the circumstances are peculiar indeed. The Travoltas had flown in 60 friends to the Old Bahama Bay Hotel for the celebratory New Year’s weekend. It has been announced that Jett had a seizure in the bathroom and hit his head. Yet, according to an eyewitness, Jett was accompanied everywhere by TWO caretakers who appeared to be Scientologists. (Developmentally disabled Jett was believed to be autistic, but the Travoltas denied it.) He was never alone. Even when Jett used a bathroom there was at least one caretaker with him. So it seems strange that Jett was last seen alive ENTERING the bathroom Thursday EVENING, and his body wasn’t found until Friday late MORNING. That’s ten or twelve hours! Did his caretakers play hooky after Jett went to bed and sneak off to join the party people? If they did, we’d hate to be in THEIR shoes.


Photo Credit: Splash News

It’s not often that you see John Travolta, Kelly Preston and both of their kids out together, but the whole family had a night out in Paris. (John REALLY looks different with that facial hair and bald head.) Ella is 9, and Jett, 16, is reportedly autistic. Because Scientology doesn’t recognize autism or psychiatry, Travolta has never publicly admitted that his son is autistic and blames his disability on environmental causes – specifically “carpet cleaning chemicals.” Jett speaks with difficulty and autism organizations (and certainly Jenny McCarthy) criticize the Travoltas for not giving their son autism treatment and education.


Oscar fashion is certainly being talked to death so we thought we’d point out some Oscar hair problems. John Travolta showed up with an odd new hairdo that resembled a black swim cap. This is the best photo we could find but there will surely be more revealing ones later. And Viggo Mortensen, who was SO sexy in Eastern Promises, appeared with this salt and pepper beard that really turned us off. He’s covering all his cuteness. And Denzel only appeared briefly on the show but his facial hair did nothing for him either.


travoltacut-731782.jpgJohn Travolta who plays Edna Turnblad in the new movie Hairspray, is promoting the movie and doing lots of press interviews, but one network has been BANNED from talking to John. Travolta won’t talk to the BBC. He holds a grudge against the British network since they had the nerve to produce a documentary “Scientology & Me” that has been stirring up controversy. Apparently he considers it to be an unflattering portrait of his group. Early reviews of Hairspray are not so hot either.


jtravoltacuttPCN_468x700.jpgPhoto Credit: Pacific Coast News

Aha! We just found out WHY John Travolta visited Hawaii dressed in black. Apparently the church of Scientology had a huge fundraising concert planned for May 24 at the Honolulu Design Center. Lisa Marie Presley was set to perform, among others. It was a $2500 a ticket fundraiser for Narcanon drug rehab. (Scientology was not mentioned in ads) and the church hoped at least a thousand Hawaiians would attend. But the local newspaper spelled out what many Hawaiians didn’t realize – that Scientology backed Narcanon. Hawaiians stayed away in droves. The event was a total bust and when few tickets sold, they flew in Scientologists from the mainland and moved the concert to a restaurant. Lisa Marie avoided the whole debacle and flew to another island.


Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

It’s not often that American tourists vacation in Hawaii dressed all in black, but that’s John Travolta’s choice of apparel. Guess he thought it would be slimming. It looks like he’s retained some of his Edna Turnblad figure from Hairspray. Actually we think a loose Hawaiian shirt would have been more flattering, since this black outfit appears to be straining at the seams. Right before this photo was taken, Travolta reportedly devoured Mexican food with french fries and mayonnaise on the side.

Kidman: Stay Away from Tom!

How things change. Remember in 1998 when Nicole Kidman asked Lisa Marie Presley to stay away from her husband Tom Cruise? They were all Scientologists and Lisa had been turning to Tom for advice and guidance. Lisa has made it known that she’d like to find a man who’s involved in Scientology and Nicole feared she’s getting way too friendly with Tom. Just the year before another Scientologist, Kelly Preston, had to warn Lisa to please stay away from HER husband John Travolta! Nicole decided to nip it in the bud and warned Lisa to cool her friendship with Tom.


These are the two most interesting looks WE found at the Oscars: John Travolta’s hairpiece doesn’t quite match the color of the hair on the sides of his head, and the style is rather derivative of Hugh Grant. Usually his augmented hair is much more natural looking, as seen in his latest movie Wild Hogs. And Jack Nicholson’s shaved head was a big surprise. Now we know he did it for his movie with Morgan Freeman, The Bucket List, about two cancer patients who take off on an adventure. The movie wrapped a week ago. When Jack first shaved his hair for the role, The National Enquirer was hot on his trail for a medical scoop, but he turned out to be okay.