#krisjenner #janetcharlton

Many of our readers seem to have developed a powerful dislike for anything Kardashian– so this will make them gag. According to, Kris Jenner is negotiating with Fox to have her own talk show! (That’s funny – we thought talk show hosts had to be well liked!) Kris has been DYING for her own show and Fox is thinking of giving her a chance this summer with a six week test run. Wendy Williams and Bethenny had successful summer test runs that launched their shows, and Kris figures she can do the same. (Above, Kris and Oprah)

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  1. One more to add to my ever expanding list of shows I will never watch.

  2. Never in a million years. She is overbearing and obnoxious. Now that I am of a certain age, I really cannot stand women who try and pretend they are in their 20s.

  3. Yuck! I don’t think anyone will watch. I loved Sharon Osborne’s talk show and even she ran out of popularity/ratings steam. I don’t think Bethenny will last very long either.

  4. this famous song is constantly in her mind………….I GOT YOU BABE!!

  5. Barf. Oprah finally showing her true colors… vacuous, dumb and ass kisser. All hail to the almighty dollar.

  6. UGH, Can’t stand them. Would never waste my time with any of their Stupid Shows…

  7. Ha, poor Brandy..ready to condone and enable Oprah’s proclivity for female sex.

    Let’s see, of daily lesbians we had Ellen, Oprah, Rachel, and Rosie strapped on and ready on the big screen and many more, wet and waiting in the wings. Hillary may have her own show and join the L crew in time. Maybe k.d. laing and Sam Ronson in time too.

  8. She needs to stay home….Won’t watch…Sick of hearing about the media loving Kardashians!!!

  9. Why not, all the other shows are just left wing propaganda masquerading as entertainment, so a little mindless Kardashian fluff is a welcoming change.

  10. Oh geez I hope not. Why should she be rewarded for anything. Really her daughter made a very seedy sex tape and now we are stuck with these A-moral bunch who worship only money and fame. It has nothing to do with being a liberal or a conservative by the way and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to grow the hell up.

  11. All the Kardashians are evil and of course the ringleader is mama.

  12. Oprah has finally lost her credibility, even the last shred of it.

  13. Her show had this hypnotic effect on certain people that I found disconcerting. Sort of like mass induced hysteria that she somehow had a handle on. I sure am glad it’s over. Women just went glazed and freaky for Oprah. It was bad mojo.

  14. What an absolutely disgusting family.
    ” yes, dear, I know there’s a vid out of yougetting your ass stuffed and then he pisses on you- but don’t worry, my darling- we can sell it, get famous and make lots of money!”
    And then they become darlings of the media!
    What the fuck is going on in this country?

  15. Ha, poor Brandy..ready to condone and enable Oprah’s proclivity for female sex.

    Let’s see, of daily lesbians we had Ellen, Oprah, Rachel, and Rosie strapped on and ready on the big screen and many more, wet and waiting in the wings. Hillary may have her own show and join the L crew in time. Maybe k.d. laing and Sam Ronson in time too.

  16. Rumors of a divorce. Where is T/Tom/Tommy and Fred the $$$$ Gold Man in all this?

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