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Things are moving fast for Britney. She had a screaming British fit in the hospital when she learned that her father Jamie has been named the conservator of her estate. Wait until she finds out that a restraining order will be keeping her constant companion Osama Lufti OUT of her life! And just where does that leave Adnan Ghalib? We don’t know how her father feels about him, but it doesn’t look promising. Presumably he will be forced to rejoin the dog pack and become a paparazzo again – oh yes, and a tester for male enhancement products.

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  1. it’s all very dramatic, but I have had enough of the Britney Spears coverage.
    I’d rather read more about Heath Ledger.

  2. Janet.My sources are telling me that Britneys parents and their lawyers have noticed at least $150.000 missing from britneys accounts.Britneys Black am/ex card has a cadaliac escalade charged to it as well as furniture,clothing,and other items that cant be accounted for.All finger at this time are pointing to osama.This is going to get nasty fast.

  3. the dingleberies are named “gerard vendenberg” and oula gabor.

  4. Hedda!!
    I’ve missed reading your posts…GOOD info!
    I love you Hedda.

  5. The muslim guy was taking her account for a profit ride as she was paying him sex and booty money.. What else is new? She has so much she could fling dollars out of her window for five minutes everyday and still be rich. All she wants is to pleasure and indulge herself and forget any important responsiblity, other than to play with the kids for thirty minutes, then party as she gives their care over to nannies. Really she owes K-fed big time for forcing her to get medical help and making her face the neglect of her children and driving vulgarity that is her character. That personality won’t change when she recovers and is properly medicated unless she gets a better education and some meaningful religious depth to her shallow-flighty character..

  6. It’s about time these hangers-on get their walking papers. That’s probably why this creep is so mad – his gravy train is drying up as I type this. Her taste in men is worse than mine – yikes.
    She needs to be institutionalized for as long as allowable, then her family needs to jet her off to some undisclosed remote location for a year until she can start making a total recovery outside of the media spotlight. Britney has ALOT of issues and until she deals with all of them, she’ll never get well.
    Now – enough of BS!!

  7. The two big time losers that unleased their white-trash daughters on the world. The fact that lynne actually was planning on releasing a parenting book is priceless.

  8. good one gerard vandenberg i really like this about the dumb art chic , i am still laughing i love it i am on your side g. v.

  9. My Dears.In my days a true lady would go to a hidden spa and have her fits in private.This new breed of hollywood is foul and disgusting.

  10. My Dears.In my days a true lady would go to a hidden spa and have her fits in private.This new breed of hollywood is foul and disgusting.

  11. Britney needs people who are interested in her well being not in theirs. Her sons are so in need of a stable home with love. If they are getting this from their father this is good however they need their mother NOW.

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