
Stephen Collins must be thrilled that Bill Cosby’s sex scandal came along and knocked him off the front pages. Collins was fired from a movie, lost a role on the hit show Scandal, and even reruns of his series 7thHeaven were discontinued (and all the actors are losing residuals.) Sad, but his own taped confession destroyed his career. Collins will not be prosecuted for his “crimes” because the statute of limitations has expired. The same law holds true for Cosby, because these now-mature women are claiming he violated them when they were young actresses. Stories about Cosby taking sexual advantage of young women have been circulating since the 70’s. Back in the day, The Enquirer made a deal with Bill – they wouldn’t write about the women if he would cooperate and give them scoops and exclusive interviews. Hence, we’re betting The Enquirer will present Cosby’s side of the story.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. It’s highly doubtful the Enquirer will support him at this point.
    Absolutely every network is pulling his shows & even a website is dumping his old show from their online library.
    He’s become toxic & the Enquirer won’t want to jeopardize their sales by supporting a man that numerous women call a rapist.

  2. Your last sentence is pure speculation! I worked for the tabloids throughout the 1980s and 1990s. I remember when NBC executives bribed and threatened various tabloid editors NOT to print ugly and truthful stories about Cosby.
    But that was a long time ago—when NBC was powerful and Cosby was the biggest TV star in the world.
    The Enquirer no longer has any reason to cooperate with TV networks regarding Cosby.
    They’re probably trying to get his side of the rape allegations right now, but that doesn’t mean they are defending him.

  3. There are more legitimate claims and women coming forward. Apparently some of them are saying that the reason they kept quiet was that he threatened them if they ever told…with their careers that is. It’s what catholic priests and nuns do as well. They Threaten to tell their parents and school mates that the victims instigated it. Cosby was and is very powerful–sso they beleved him and kept quiet til now. Payback time BC. Payback’s a bitch.

  4. Bill Clinton was able to fend off multiple rape allegations and most likely Bill Crosby will too. Bill C & Bill C has a ring, doesn’t it?

  5. Since the stories have been around so long…were all these women so unaware that horny Bill might want a little something for the career help he was providing, and they were happy to accept?

  6. I believe the women. Well maybe not Janice Dickinson, but the rest of them.

  7. I admired Bill Cosby because he was a voice in the black community asking black men to stop having children with multiple women. To marry. To be fathers. To get the family unit back. To pull their pants up. To stop with the Ebonics. To become contributing members of society. Not to use racism as an excuse to stop striving. Personal responsibility! I admired him for that. Very sad indeed.

  8. He has a BLACK wife but his victims are white? See a pattern?

    The CDC says the over 50% of BLACK women have and spread herpes. Was Bill just practicing safe sex?

  9. I’m with Natalie. Also, he stood against the crazy names like Latrina, Unique, etc. The voice of reason has become the voice of a serial rapist. So sad, too bad, what a waste of a voice for the upliftment of a culture that needs support and uplifting. Now this. Gross.

  10. Too many women to ignore it. Too many stories are the same. Bill’s guilty as charged.

  11. When you use the words personal responsibility you lose all the Ghetto Rappers and Community Organizers because they want the BLACKS very dumb and dependent. Bill’s message fell on deaf ears and maybe this is some type of conspiracy aimed at showing him what happens to those who want BLACKS to step out of the welfare line!

    By Natalie
    On November 20, 2014 at

    I admired Bill Cosby because he was a voice in the black community asking black men to stop having children with multiple women. To marry. To be fathers. To get the family unit back. To pull their pants up. To stop with the Ebonics. To become contributing members of society. Not to use racism as an excuse to stop striving. Personal responsibility! I admired him for that. Very sad indeed.

  12. I believe the victims ( except Dickinson: she never said she was raped before and when she talked about her meeting with Cosby,she talked about a casting couch proposition that she refused and that he fired her of his room) since he paid 13 victims to drop sexual assault charges in 90’s

  13. I am sure horny Bill was after some or all of these women, but am skeptical that most were so unaware of what his intentions were and so inexperienced in life. Most were totally out for fame and didn’t have the looks/talent to cut it. Now they want to pile on and most would LOVE to settle for $$$$.

  14. Gawker is now reporting that Cosby’s lawyers forced the Enquirer to back off on saying he was a rapist back in 2005.

  15. janice talked about it seven years ago on the howard stern radio show….she also tried to put it in her book that came out a while ago.

    cosby threatened the publishers with BIG lawsuit, they made janice take it out of her book

  16. When you use the words personal responsibility you lose all the Ghetto Rappers and Community Organizers because they want the BLACKS very dumb and dependent. Bill’s message fell on deaf ears and maybe this is some type of conspiracy aimed at showing him what happens to those who want BLACKS to step out of the welfare line!

  17. As of today, the count is up to 19 women… including an African American actress who pushed him to the floor when he guided her hand to his penis. NONE of these women are being paid. I think we all know the truth here. Cosby’s silence is deafening… and all of the good he has done is fast becoming undone. I guess his wife has a good life and is able to compartmentalize everything… why else would she stay?

  18. Credit to you JC for putting it out there that there WAS talk back in the 70’s about Cosby taking advantage of women. It never seizes to amaze me how sheeple buy into the nice guy persona portrayed on screen as if that is exactly who the celeb is in their private life. Cosby rich, powerful, influential and his victims except for Janice D virtually nobodies to the public, now what justice would a victim get in a war of he said she said? Celebs can get away with murder. Would it help validate the claims of these victims if a successful, well known, respected female stepped forward and shared her story of being sexually violated by Cosby? Not for me but maybe for some who have propped this creep high up on a pedestal.

  19. Maybe, but when you have a group of fame hungry women, none of whom filed a police report of this at the time, and several of whom consented to further trysts w/ Billy…there is not so much sympathy.

    When you use the words personal responsibility you lose all the Ghetto Rappers and Community Organizers because they want the BLACKS very dumb and dependent. Bill’s message fell on deaf ears and maybe this is some type of conspiracy aimed at showing him what happens to those who want BLACKS to step out of the welfare line!

  20. A woman, even one that may have shown poor judgement and/or felt they would not be believed at the time, is still a victim if they were violated without their consent. Odds back then would have been extremely high that they would have been re-victimized by the system, in the media and by public opinion if they had pursued it with the police. The celebrated and beloved Cosby had the influence and means to hire talented attorneys who could make Mother Teresa look like a lying opportunist. As to conspiracy theories, while some have merit imo this is a case of just what it appears to be. A powerful man who took advantage of his position to assault many women. His soul is blacker than his skin.

  21. Change his last name to Clinton and it is the same:

    You have a group of fame hungry women, none of whom filed a police report of this at the time, and several of whom consented to further trysts w/ Billy…there is not so much sympathy.

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