Photo: Chasen office
Many of us in Hollywood have never accepted the Beverly Hills Police Department’s explanation for the death of publicist Ronni Chasen. We all knew Ronni – she chatted up everyone – even tabloid reporters. She was supposedly shot while driving home – by a transient on a bicycle for no apparent reason. The transient later committed suicide at his flophouse. Case closed. Many alternative theories exist, and the police investigation was not satisfying. According to The Hollywood Reporter, a documentary is being made about the crime and the BHPD won’t release the case files, so the filmmaker, Ryan Katzenbach, is suing for access. While researching the project, Katzenbach noted that cops did NOT bother to interview any of Chasen’s close friends. This doc could turn out to be very revealing.

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  1. So glad this has not been forgotten. The truth about Ronni and that night will eventually come out. Thanks JC for keeping this active and hope Ryan’s efforts succeed.

  2. It all seemed odd from the beginning. It will be interesting to see what happens… but of course, truth is often weirder than fiction as well.

  3. Ronni, who was happy to change her name to try and hide her jewish heritage, was a true shylock.

    The homeless man on a bicycle murder story will probably turn out to be a diversion and most likely there was a large past due debt owed to the mob involved.

    Trying to make a saint out of her hasn’t worked and if the truth comes out the true picture will only be one of grime.

  4. What is known is that she was happy to use a Handicapped Sticker in order to get to the front of the line (she was not handicapped). Shylock would be proud!

  5. How often do you see someone riding a bicycle in Beverly Hills in the middle of the night? Then he supposedly kills himself?

  6. And big time gambling debts owed but not paid to sharks!

    The bleeding hearts want to keep it active but never want to get down to the gritty details. Ronni was a true Shylock…with a name change, even!

  7. You can have a handicapped parking permit/license and be able to walk. There are plenty of disabilities that require people to have to be near a building.

    I am sick of people assuming that handicapped means that a person had trouble walking. NOT TRUE!

  8. Is having an inflated idea of your status and worth also grounds for a Handicapped Tag?

    There is little doubt as to why “Ronni” got and used a handicapped tag. Unlike Tagg she did not wish to go to the rear!

  9. My son has muscular dystrophy and he has had a blue placard since he was little. He has the right to always have one unless he is cured. (Yes we are still hoping!) He has been in wheelchairs on and off, but is currently walking. However, he can only walk so far and every step increases his pain, hence the placard. I don’t know why people have to be such f’ing know-it-alls about other peoples disabilities. Unless you ask them and they tell you, or you are one of their doctors, you just don’t know. People are so obnoxious. If they see my son use his placard (and he only uses it if he would have to walk far), they assume its a young guy that can walk and doesn’t need it. If they see him walking and don’t know about the placard, they wonder why he walks funny, and make stupid comments behind his back. It seems to always be ignorant older people that do this. At college, there are rows and rows of disabled parking bays that are mostly empty, but the regular bays are usually filled, so he uses the disabled bays there (also to be closer to class cuz its a long walk there) and the students are never judgmental, and its a benefit to everyone since it frees up a regular bay for someone else. So at college, people are nice about it and sympathetic as its obvious to them he has some kind of handicap. But if he uses it in front of of theatre or restaurant in LA, its always middle-aged people or older that are pissed that someone young has a placard. Its a ridiculous world.

    I am very interested to see the documentary about Ronni Chasen. I have only heard nice things about her.

  10. Sorry for your son but in many many cases the handicapped parking at malls and elsewhere is totally abused by people who are totally capable of parking and walking.

    In the case of Ronni there may be nice things and there is also a total arrogance just like the handicap tag!

  11. How do you know she didn’t have a medical reason for it? That was the point of my story, it isn’t always obvious to people.

  12. btw, I don’t doubt that handicap spots are taken by people that don’t need them, but since you really don’t know, why worry about it? btw, I have never used my sons placard for myself, would never do that!

  13. Georgie

    I am so sorry for your son having MD. You are very brave. God bless you.

  14. To say it again:

    Is having an inflated idea of your status and worth also grounds for a Handicapped Tag?

    There is little doubt as to why “Ronni” got and used a handicapped tag. Unlike Tagg she did not wish to go to the rear!

  15. A homeless, shaky from hunger, and lack of sleep, guy on a bicycle is a sharpshooter?

  16. Seems also to be some problems w/ relatives. Shouldn’t the documentary be called “The Shylock of Hollywood?”

  17. To say it again:

    Is having an inflated idea of your status and worth also grounds for a Handicapped Tag?

    There is little doubt as to why “Ronni” got and used a handicapped tag. Unlike Tagg she was far too arrogant to enjoy going to the rear!

  18. Is having an inflated idea of your status and worth also grounds for a Handicapped Tag?

    Changing your name to attempt to hide your jewish origins, while keeping the inert traits that exposed its reality!

    There is little doubt as to why “Ronni” got and used a handicapped tag. Unlike Tagg she was far too arrogant to enjoy going to the rear!

  19. As stated:

    There is little doubt as to why “Ronni” got and used a handicapped tag. Unlike Tagg she was far too arrogant to enjoy going to the rear!

  20. for 2015 it is good to remember:

    Is having an inflated idea of your status and worth also grounds for a Handicapped Tag?

    Changing your name to attempt to hide your jewish origins, while keeping the inert traits that exposed its reality!

    There is little doubt as to why “Ronni” got and used a handicapped tag. Unlike Tagg she was far too arrogant to enjoy going to the rear!

  21. Worthwhile to remember:

    Is having an inflated idea of your status and worth also grounds for a Handicapped Tag?

    Changing your name to attempt to hide your jewish origins, while keeping the inert traits that exposed its reality!

    There is little doubt as to why “Ronni” got and used a handicapped tag. Unlike Tagg she was far too arrogant to enjoy going to the rear!

  22. Worthwhile to remember Tagg, Bob, and Pied Piper:

    Is having an inflated idea of your status and worth also grounds for a Handicapped Tag?

    Changing your name to attempt to hide your jewish origins, while keeping the inert traits that exposed its reality!

    There is little doubt as to why “Ronni” got and used a handicapped tag. Unlike Tagg she was far too arrogant to enjoy going to the rear!

  23. Poor Pied Piper:

    Worthwhile to remember Tagg, Bob, and Pied Piper:

    Is having an inflated idea of your status and worth also grounds for a Handicapped Tag?

    Changing your name to attempt to hide your jewish origins, while keeping the inert traits that exposed its reality!

    There is little doubt as to why “Ronni” got and used a handicapped tag. Unlike Tagg she was far too arrogant to enjoy going to the rear!

  24. Is having an inflated idea of your status and worth also grounds for a Handicapped Tag?

    Changing your name to attempt to hide your jewish origins, while keeping the inert traits that exposed its reality!

    There is little doubt as to why “Ronni” got and used a handicapped tag. She was far too arrogant to enjoy going to the rear!

  25. RIP, but I do agree!

    By Kosher Chickie
    On March 9, 2015 at

    She is ugly. Sorry. She is. She looks like the twin of Anthony Weiner’s wife. I don’t care how smart she is, she is unattractive.

  26. Any follow up on the murder. Did the BLACK man do it as charged? Wasn’t it more likely a debt collection?

  27. Very insightful!

    By Kosher Chickie
    On March 9, 2015 at

    She is ugly. Sorry. She is. She looks like the twin of Anthony Weiner’s wife. I don’t care how smart she is, she is unattractive.

  28. Most would agree and also see the arrogance:

    By Kosher Chickie
    On March 9, 2015 at

    She is ugly. Sorry. She is. She looks like the twin of Anthony Weiner’s wife. I don’t care how smart she is, she is unattractive.

  29. Any word or follow up on the murder? Did the BLACK man do it as charged?

    Wasn’t it more likely a debt collection?

  30. Or the big time gambling debts owed but not paid to sharks!

    The bleeding hearts want to keep it active but never want to get down to the gritty details.

    Ronni was a true Shylock…with a name change, even!

  31. I don’t really understand what’s going on with this thread, but, the Strom poster, seems def crazy, maybe someone should alert the authorites ? seriously folks, something is very wrong with him ?

  32. Well you could have stopped after “I don’t really understand…” because obviously you don’t.

  33. Interesting to note that in England a law has just been passed that holds the owners of websites that allow posters to add racist comments criminally responsible for allowing hate language.
    Google it, Janet. The game is coming to an end.

  34. Yep, the little imposters will be out of business and the thought police will be in charge too!

  35. The Pied Piper seems to want to become the Hall Monitor instead!

    Ronni was very eager to change her name and extremely arrogant in her dealings. It came back to bite her!

    Get over it Dick Fisk!

  36. Looks like the Pied Piper wants to become the Hall Monitor instead!

    Ronni was very eager to change her name and extremely arrogant in her dealings. It came back to bite her!

    Get over it Dick Fisk!

  37. Strom….blather…..The Pied Piper….spew….BLACKS….JEWS….rant…..hissyfit….HATE….wretch….hand wringing ANGER….alone….disturbed….obsessed….famous…..Strom…..sad little person…..trailer park.,,,FAT girl…..trashy.
    Janet Charlton’s very sick troll. An online bad OLD joke.

  38. Poor Rita…..delusional w/ many names. So worried about Strom.

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