#aubreyoday #dogs #janetcharlton
This smirking photo of Aubrey O’Day (who gained fame being obnoxious on Celebrity Apprentice) and her two dogs in first class on a Virgin America flight is very irritating. Why? Because she had her doctor write a letter declaring her pets as “service dogs” so she can take them everywhere we can’t take OUR dogs! Besides airplanes, that includes restaurants, movie theaters, supermarkets, health clubs, taxis, and buses. All dogs should have the same rights! Of course genuine service dogs who assist their disabled owners SHOULD go everywhere. Somebody expanded the law to include mental disabilities, inviting people like Aubrey to take advantage. We bet she’s got a handicapped parking placard also…..
Photo via: Twitter
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I bet those dogs are better behaved than most kids on a flight. At least they can’t kick the back of your seat.
I actually think they changed the definition of “service animal” in the federal law, and that you can no longer designate just anything to be your service animal, i.e. I need my dogs with me or I’ll freak out.
Having said that, those dogs are adorable. The nutso blonde though should be removed to coach.
Good for her for working the system.
I get where you are coming from but I think it is great that she did that for her dogs because hundreds of pets die every year from being put in the cargo section of the plane there is no heating for them and just imagine how scary and noisy it must be down there for them. Maybe if more people used this loop hole then the people who make these laws will see how poorly animals are being treated. It is very sad to think of all those people who take their pets with them on trips because they love them so much only to be told that their sweet pet died from freezing to death in storage. If people can bring their fancy carry ons onto the plane while living animals who have emotions and feelings are stuck in cargo this is very sad.
Arsenio should have been FIRED for the crude and disrespectful way he treated this girl on the Apprtentice….that said she is annoying as heck.
I’d rather NOT have dogs allowed everywhere just because their owners claim they are “well behaved”.
I bring my Chihuahua on the airplane but he’s required to stay in his carry on crate. I read this about Aubrey and was irritated by it also. If she wants to declare herself mental, then she should have some rights taken away as well. Just my opinion. Am glad she didn’t stow the dogs below in cargo tho.
Actually, she may have something there, she looks mental.
I think it’s because Lee Ann Rimes made her do it 🙂
As long as the dogs are CLEAN and small and don’t bark I LOVE seeing them on planes! Much more than kids and super fat people who take up 2 seats!
Not to be too crude, but how is nature’s call taken care of? Are they not fed for a day in advance?
At this time it is against the law to even question anyone that claims the animal is a service or therapy animal. That means you don’t have to admit what your disability is. If you want to rent a house that also means no pet deposit and you can claim any pet as a “therapy” animal. Gotta love the disability act. People will always find a loophole. As far as the parking thing most of them are given to obese people that need the exercise…ya think?
Denise, well said!!! LOL!
I love dining out in Europe and seeing dogs happily lying under the tables while their owners eat. You wouldn’t try grandma to a tree while you went to a restaurant and ate. Taking canine family members into restaurants works, people.
As a pet lover I am more upset about her using dye on her pet’s fur! Does that dog really want PINK ears?
I bet service dogs fly for free too!
Terrible,,,animal people are the worst and most selfesh. No one wants a barking dog on an airplane and hopefully she paid for both those seats…probably was some tv show. Dogs for the blind should be the only exception….this is a woman who is delusional about herself.
Aubrey always struck me as being vain and thinking every man lusts after her. Could be wrong, it’s just a vibe I get from her.
Do they have a doggy bathroom on the plane special for them. No? Then whatcha gonna do when nature calls? Big big problem which cannot be solved.
Who is she and why should anyone care about what she does?
She’s a cunt!
Those little clown dogs are cute but a little too colorful for me. I bet they don’t like it either.
I love my animals and have a soft spot for the dogs but I wouldn’t want one to sit down in a public cloth seat and then me sit down in the same seat after the pup was gone. I don’t want dog hair on my dress slacks or dog hair on my wife’s dress. Why didn’t they put down a towel or something to protect the seat?
Who could resist those puppy eyes? Think Aubrey should be seated in a kennel in cargo.
She will have bad Karma and that doctor needs to lose their job for prescribing such a ridiculous thing. Shame on them