Photo: Bravo
Andy Cohen knows what people want. He’s the first cable exec to jump on the tabloid bandwagon and cash in on “Hollywood Kiss n’ Tell” stories. The tabloids have long competed for confessions from hot girls who’ve had one night stands with celebrities. For some reason it’s mostly females doing the confessing about males (maybe female celebrities are harder to get) but they do remember all the pertinent details. In the past, magazines have paid plenty for juicy kiss n tells and presumably Bravo will do the same for Andy’s new aptly titled show “I Slept With a Celebrity.” Each week two guests will describe in lurid detail their experiences with famous bed partners. We’re expecting to see lots of party girls, and strippers and maybe a drug dealer or two. Wouldn’t miss it for the world!
(Above, Andy and Wacha)

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  1. More reality garbage, wouldn’t watch if you paid me

  2. It would be more interesting if they would get kids and other innocents who have been sexually assaulted and abused by celebrities and Hollywood elite. Of course, that would be a little too realistic and not the sleazy pr spin desired.

  3. even his poor dog looked embarrassed to be in a photo with this schmuck……he needs to go away.

  4. Only a flaming queen like Andy Cohen would develop garbage like that.

  5. These homosexuals will stop at nothing to spread their disgusting filth to your children, all in the name of money.

  6. americans treated black folks like dogs!!

    …………..some still do.

  7. How about the ones who have gotten herpes or AIDS?

  8. Yes, we so need more disgusting shows based on lack of morals. Who woulda thunk it?

  9. Hillary could take credit for doing Huma while Bill took credit for doing Monica!

  10. The biggest promoter of Andy Cohen and his deviant lifestyle is Ms. Kelly Ripa and Mr. Kelly Ripa (aka the forever unemployed Mark Consuelos). Disgusting. They all will pay and it won’t be pretty. The dog is adorable and more intelligent than the smug Cohen.

  11. “It would be more interesting if they would get kids and other innocents who have been sexually assaulted and abused by celebrities and Hollywood elite”

    Most abused kids were abused by someone in their own family. But I guess the reality of abuse isn’t “glamorous” enough for you. You need to see abusers as members of the “elite” when most are total losers from nowhere.

    “These homosexuals will stop at nothing to spread their disgusting filth to your children, all in the name of money.”

    The show isn’t aimed at children, you homophobic moron. What are you even doing on a gossip board, it sounds like your fat redneck ass should be parked in front of the couch, watching Fox News

  12. Baja is a flake on meth. If Americans treated blacks like dogs, there would be utter chaos in the country. Get your facts straight and lay off the dope. It’s poisoning your mind.

  13. Andy Cohen made himself a target with this show. He will not be liked by celebrities now. No one will show up for his late night show.

  14. I’m not interested in watching this slime, but I wonder how much evidence these one night stands will have to provide to prove they were actually with a celebrity. Will celebrities start to sue, saying that the hook-up didn’t happen? And how can anyone prove it did or didn’t unless photos were taken or a recording was made. The show has an ugly concept and I wish he’d put his creative energies into creating something positive that would benefit society.

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