Photo Credit: Adrien Brody is quite provocative dressed all in black with those black leather gloves. He DOES have something going on. He and his sexy girlfriend Elsa Pataky enjoyed lots of attention at the premier of Cadillac Records in which Adrien plays the Chicago music man who started Chess Records. Elsa is most famous for costarring in Snakes On A Plane with Samuel Jackson. And she says in real life she isn’t repulsed by snakes at all.

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  1. At least his face grew into that nose of his. Wait he has a nose like Reta

  2. Sorry, the nose remains the same….
    This roto-rooter guy really gets around.
    And what is it they say about big noses? Hmmmmm

  3. Another FAGGOT with a damn whisker, folks.
    ……………….STAY ALLERT HERE!!

  4. NO I get it Janet he has this thing ..this certain ..I dont know

  5. Those gloves are too bulky…they look like snow boarding gloves and are ill suited for that outfit!

  6. What the *&$! Those gloves look ridiculous! Like some huge ugly monkey hand.

  7. Agree about the gloves. He cheaped out and is now paying for it by looking ridiculous.
    And also agree about the something “extra.” He was amazing in “Hollywoodland,” as were Ben Affleck (true!) and Diane Lane.

  8. Over time Adrian Brody has really come into his own and as time goes by…I Respect him more and more as an actor and his movies are getting better and better.

  9. Good for you man and you got a real Knock Out as a girlfriend and in the future looking forward to seeing more of your movies..If people on here are negative! Don’t pay attention to that…Most people would want to have your life and your woman…You have such a positive strong life and your picking good parts to play and your getting better and better at your craft!

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