There will be two less table settings this year at the Kennedy family’s Thanksgiving dinner. The extended family of the Democratic political dynasty usually gets together to celebrate this important American holiday. But THIS year, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and his wife Cheryl Hines have been DISinvited from the family gathering. My Kennedy source reveals that the final straw was Robert announcing he was running as an Independent, which could potentially pull votes from President Joe Biden. That’s only the start of the fallout. The source says that Kennedys will appear in TV commercials for President Biden while urging voters NOT to vote for what they’re calling the “cuckoo” Kennedy.
Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA
I’m sure the CIA have plans to take care of any Kennedy that runs. Look up John jr’s plane crash. It doesn’t add up.
He is soiling the kennedy name and given there scandalous history that’s no easy task.
He’s a non-certified lunatic.
NUT job!