#robpattinson #kristenstewart #janetcharlton
Granted, we’re trying to make Rob Pattinson feel better, but there IS an upside if Rob cannot forgive Kristen Stewart for cheating and they call the whole thing off. Rob has always been desperately uncomfortable in the limelight, and since he and his Twilight costar started dating, they have been a HUGE TARGET for paparazzi. Together as a couple, their photos are worth big money. Separately, not so much. If Rob gets a new girlfriend NOT in the business, the first photos will pull in some money, but after that, value goes down. That means Rob will cease being continuously stalked and have some PRIVACY in his life – something he’s been wanting. No more sunglasses and baseball caps! So even if his romance with Kristen is over, he might be happier in some ways.
The downside is there will be less pics of him for the ladies to drool over!
They were never more than friends. The rest was pure PR. Now that Kristen has blown their cover, why does a gossip columnist ignore the real story is what I want to know.
Trix, p.r. is propoganda in disguise.
This whole thing is a non-story. Kristen and Rob never seemed like a couple beyond their movie roles, and the cheating thing was too weird to be real. Not buying any of it.
I wish Momma’s mussy would weigh in on all this. I know she’d get to the bottom line on this story.
Um, no, they are (were?) a real couple. There’s real heartbreak in this situation. I feel horrible for Rob, but Kristen is kind of immature and I think she liked the attention. I hope they find a way to work it out and stay together, but maybe go to counseling (definitely) to figure out how to get the trust back. I don’t think they will be happy without each other.
She is very plain and dykish looking…who really would be interested in more than short term?
When you are in the la la land of making GollyWeird pictures for so many years, you end up not knowing who or what you really want.
I think a very large majority of people have seen through their public relations ruse. Of course they are just going along with it as part of their contract.
Just wait and see if they don’t get back together in some very public way in a few weeks before the Breaking Dawn II is released.
What are you talking about? Together or solo, their photos are worth a lot. Especially his. She was a fool to screw around with an unattractive, older, married loser. And now that loser has lost the trust of his beautiful wife and family. Forever.
I hope Rob extricates himself from all of the trailer park trash and has a fresh start.
The only way to privacy for celebs is quite simple, stay home.
Trix is right, it was a PR couple, and it always came across as a bearding situation will all the money at stake.
Maybe Rob can now come out and resume having sex with Men;
What, because he gets to escape her? Was their relationship all to publicise the Twilight franchise in the first place? I always wondered
EDIT: Trix, Hello, Bluejay and Walt et al; that’s what I was thinking. Haha, time (and the release of Breaking Dawn II) will tell;-)