Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Courtney Love arrived at the Young Adult premier in New York looking like a deranged bride. Her tattoos- some faded and some dark – just don’t add anything to her look.

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  1. Just saw this movie and it was not terrible but the best parts in the movie you saw entirely in the trailer for the movie. It was a waste of money. I should have waited for redbox to rent.

  2. F**k what a mess and waste of space.

    I read how Courtney admitted she should have read her a story when she was little. what a complete waste of space and dispicable person she is. I hope her biological daughter never bothers with her again.

    She is old and haggard looking in that photo , despite the makeup. The plastic surgery didn’t last long – obviously the life style choices.

    Ugly tattoos and plastic bubbles, what a joke.

  3. I wonder if Angelina will end up looking like this in a few years!?

    Drugs, tatoos, too skinny…

  4. Why is there no bodice to that dress, her entire breasts are squished over the top. If she isn’t a total junkie I don’t know who is

  5. Gross! What a skanky mess!

    I think she dresses this ridiculous to get media attention, and apparently it works. Maybe she is trying to embarrasss her young, RICH daughter? How pathetic, and sad really.

  6. Saw this on TMZ a few months ago: The papparazzi caught Ms. Love coming out of a bar/restaurant and she spotted them. Then she immediately called the paps over to her car, emptied her purse on the car hood and began naming each article by name, keys, lipstick, etc. Then she put the items back in her purse and said “You boys have had enought fun for one day”. She got in her car and screeched off, stoned and/or drunk. Pitiful case.

  7. i think she’s having an epiphany and realized it’s not her wedding day any longer. i wouldn’t want to be the one that tells her that her husband is dead.

  8. Who would invite this train wreck to a premier?

    And why do I have this urge to attack her with a clothes steamer?

  9. What a hot mess. I always find it amusing to see these skanky tattooed “divas” in evening gowns with their trashy tattoos hanging out.

  10. She also has those dents on the side of her nose, a sign of too many nosejobs; Pimp Mama Kris has them too

  11. She’s living the American dream, see drugs are not bad they lead one to fame and fortune. Kurt is rolling in his grave.

  12. Maybe she’s hoping to get invited to Francis’ wedding afterall? Don’t hold your breath – not like your big fat fake duck lips would let you anyway C-Love darling! Disgusting really.

  13. Those puppies need to be leashed in. My God, does she not look in the mirror before she crawls out from under the bridge?

  14. Does anyone remember that 1980s docudrama ‘Sid and Nancy’? It was based on Sex Pistols bassist/drug junkie, Sid Vicious and his junkie girlfriend, Nancy. Does Courtney not look JUST LIKE Nancy??!! Was Kurt her Sid? Oh I think so….an orange jumpsuit would suit her better ;-p

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