timberprince.jpgIt looks like a feud actually IS starting to bubble between Justin Timberlake and Prince.
Our clever colleague, CJ, who writes for the Star Tribune in Minneapolis, says SOME people think Justin’s new CD apes Prince’s style. At an Emmys party Prince announced “For whoever is claiming that they are bringing sexy back, sexy never left!” And who can forget Justin at the Golden Globes, squatting in front of the microphone to imitate his tiny rival. Looks like Justin really RESENTS those comparisons between his CD and Prince’s music. He and Nelly Furtado came out with the diss song “Give it to Me” in which he mocks Prince’s mumbling, and jokes “We missed you on the charts last week.” (Justin’s CD is outselling Prince’s 3121 by a MILE. ) The ball is in Prince’s court.

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  1. Princess hasnt grown since the 80″s thats why all his stuff all sounds the same.Read the liner notes on J.T.S CD All songe written or cowritten by him,and he does play on the ced as well.Some people just cant let go of the past.When you hear yourself saying things like’oh the music these days” you know you”re old and listen to the 80″s station and remember the good ol days.Let it go prince is playing in vegas with all the other has beens.Burp.

  2. Are you kidding Madge!
    Where’s the new Led Zep, Who, Floyd, Jimi HENDRIX?
    Oh…it’s Timberlake{dink in a box}. And Britney band-aids.
    Isn’t it great to be young and absorbing all this wonderful inspiring, soulfull, corporate, new music!!

  3. Prince is really a woman tryin to disguise herself as a man. His music makes me gag. he can retire his purple ass anytime now. JT is the shit!!!

  4. There is just something about Justin that is so fake, that he can not get away from no matter what he does!

  5. The kid may outsell Prince, but he’s the master of his own destiny and laughs all the way to the bank! Not having huge sales figures is less painful when you get to keep ALL the money – the kid probably doesn’t get squat, it all goes to pay for the marketing that makes schmuks like him into “stars…”

  6. I’ve read all these comments about Prince and JT. The people who are ragging on Prince are obviously pinheaded immature teenagers and 20 something’s who have no taste in music. They are absorbed in today’s fake corporate music. I’m 17 and I can understand where these older people are coming from. Prince is a far better musician than that bitch JT will ever be. The only reason why he’s hot right now is because the rock critics are so desperate for a white star that they overglamourzie this album ( though he stole the dance moves and singing sytle from MJ and Prince, and his beats are prouced by Timbaland.) This imitator is like pokemon, he’ll be hot for another five years and then fade out. Prince will be in the history books.

  7. I’ve read all these comments about Prince and JT. The people who are ragging on Prince are obviously pinheaded immature teenagers and 20 something’s who have no taste in music. They are absorbed in today’s fake corporate music. I’m 17 and I can understand where these older people are coming from. Prince is a far better musician than that bitch JT will ever be. The only reason why he’s hot right now is because the rock critics are so desperate for a white star that they overglamourzie this album ( though he stole the dance moves and singing sytle from MJ and Prince, and his beats are prouced by Timbaland.) This imitator is like pokemon, he’ll be hot for another five years and then fade out. Prince will be in the history books.

  8. To the ass who thinks “Prince’s stuff all sounds the same”:
    Did you become deaf as a result of being stupid, or stupid as a result of being deaf???

  9. To the ass who thinks “Prince’s stuff all sounds the same”:
    Did you become deaf as a result of being stupid, or stupid as a result of being deaf???

  10. big fan of prince for 25 years, dont know if that makes me sad, no need for all u haters. i like jt too, but prince is king. there probably is no rivalry but look at u all now all angry . guess thats what press wants. listen to some prince music not purple rain little deeper than that say controversy or uptown and chill out. peace.

  11. JT doesn’t even compare. Prince is a musical god. He has accomplished more than JT will ever accomplish. One by one all of N’sync members are coming out of the closet. It is only a matter of time. If it wasn’t for making the band he would still be a mousekateer. He needs to show some respect for someone who paved the way for his bitch ass boyband to even be around!

  12. Jt is so f-ing sexy! Stop being HATERS! Prince was cool and still is, but JT is sexy as can be!JT’s new album is great from start to finish. Prince (or symbol)Black Sweat was good; that’s it!!!

  13. There is no “feud” and everyone who goes off on this like Justin is just sitting at home thinking “Prince sucks”….GET OVER IT. He himself has claimed to be a fan. He knows by doing this it *creates* controversy and hence spurs blogs, message boards and conversations like this. To get people talking. The fact is, Prince may have been around for a while but he should have never opened his mouth. If he really was so “talented” why would he care what other people were doing (hence Justin being successful with “SexyBack”). THAT is jealousy and nothing else. Justin has a right to respond to it…HOWEVER—there is no “feud” ! Justin was joking at the Golden Globes…woopty doo…so stop blowing it up. Get a sense of humor. None of this stuff is as serious as the MEDIA is trying to portray it as. They are both talented in their own respects. Yeah Justin hasn’t been around as long. Uh, newsflash. He isn’t as old as Prince either. Hrmm. So give him some time and stop *pitting* them against each other. They are both respectable and TALENTED artists regardless of the stupid comment Prince felt the need to make. If he was that proud of his current work/success he would have not even thought to say anything. But more importantly…there is NO feud. Move on with your lives people. If you like Prince…like Prince. If you like Justin, like Justin. No need for this drama.

  14. why did JT try to come up with a diss song? He needs to stop hanging around people that are used to saying “yes” to him. Some one needs to tell him “hey JT I don’t think you should step up to the plate and stay warming up the bench on this one.”

  15. I think that the whole thing is a HOOT! I think that the Jt/Nelly F. song is a great song….just, however realized the actual lyrics today. The whole matter is funny!! Don’t ya think?

  16. i think sexy back and jts new stuff is bare good and prince justs needs to get over it not like hes jelous but he should just leave it coz at the end of the day it doesnt even matter that much.

  17. January 31, 2007 10:03 AM
    Posted by: Anonymous
    ….i feel that justin admires and respects prince and styles some of his songs as an homage, not as a ripoff…..this “feud” is being orchestrated by a media that loves to find fault and start trouble…..
    I agree with this comment. When I first heard Sexy Back, I thought it was JT styling more after Prince than Michael Jackson (THANK GOD, Michael is so EEEWWWWEEEE), and the other songs on JT’s FSLS CD reinforced that. In the new “diss song” I think he’s talking mostly about Janet not being on the charts. (Which “hello”, she’s been less active than Prince) She tried to hang him out to dry after the wardrobe malf. Wasn’t he the one who issued a statement the next day apologizing, but she had to go on Oprah (more publicity) to “clear the air”. The malfunction was a publicity stunt on one or both their parts (so what, like no one’s ever seen a boob) and the continued bull is also just more publicity.
    As for Prince… He said it and he was right. Sexy never left. He’s been bringing it for-ever and will continue. I don’t see why pointing out to the kiddies (the rest of us, including JT, knew where JT was inspired) exactly who started the sexy was wrong for him. He’s still writing, producing, selling and even if he wasn’t, he’s already given us some of the sexiest music ever. Good things come in all sizes of packages. Remember, either one you like-JT or Prince (or both like me) size doesn’t matter. They both know what to do with it.

  18. Justin kicks ass all the way. He is H-O-T-T!!!!!! And besides even if Prince WAS great.. that is the key word.. WAS… who is on top now….Justin! And in my opinion he totally brought sexy back!

  19. Prince needs to give it up Hes old as hell and needs to join the cast of the Surreal Life!!! And JT needs to stop bein a lil bitch and should stop sayin that he doesnt want to help Britney out. SHE DOESNT NEED HELP!!! Shes gonna comeback like crazy!!

  20. how long does it take for a comment to post up here? I left one that hasn’t showed in days.

  21. Prince = Legend
    Justin = ??????
    Prince doesn’t really care about record sales and chart positions he just makes good solid music. He already proved himself!!!! the fact that his current stuff isn’t topping the charts today is saying a lot when you consider what is…. the demographic of people who put songs on the top and make songs chart toppers have no idea what talent or real music is.

  22. OK- Prince made a joke about Justin. People make jokes about other people all the time. Prince hasn’t mentioned it since, cos he was having a bit of fun! Justin has hung on to it though because he is a big fan of Prince and by carrying on talking about it, he is associating himself with His Royal Purpleness. I don’t blame him- I mean if Prince or any other of the world’s all time legends were talkin about me I wouldn’t want people to forget it- no matter what he said!

  23. Those of you that think Justin is a punk need to shutup. He’s obviously successful for a reason. Prince is great, but there’s no reason for them to be compared. They’re two totally different people with different genres of music. I don’t know why this feud is even happening! I don’t think what Prince said was a big deal anyway! Can’t we all just get along? JT is hot. So is Prince….let’s just leave it at that.

  24. prince is supreme, justin is a minor.i completely agree with the very first comment. how can somebody as inexperienced as jt possible challenge a god like Prince? it just isn’t happening.

  25. what the hell these two men talkin bout sexy for? i ain’t seen neither one of them fill out a bikini like gisele bundchen or candice swanepoel or alessandra ambrosio YET. and you know what? i probably never WILL. next subject.

  26. HEY hey hey! prince started it..he should not havedissed timberlake in the 1st place with the ‘sexy never left comment’ obviously he’s gonna retaliate and not take it like a pussy..all you people posting comments saying prince is a legend n is so much greater than justin timberlake n JT has no right 2 poke fun at are you telling me prince does??n justin has no right to defend himself -_-

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  28. I’ve been a Prince fan since 1978. Justin’s another fav of mine. I thought for sure Prince had some input on JT’s new music. The orchestration, vocals & chord changes all are reminiscent of Prince like it or lump it. I don’t see reason for either party to be upset. Prince definitely influenced the masses; this is proof of it. As for claiming an already existing style & personally insulting someone for their size, boo to Justin. As for lashing out at someone when it’s already obvious they borrowed your genre of creativity (should’ve took it as a compliment) boo to Prince.

  29. JT sucks, he done F’ed with the wrong one. His Super Bowl show will blow and price will be smiling from heaven because he died a superstar legend of the ninth order. Justin will be lucky if the LA times runs his obit.

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