They’re OUT at Good Morning America, but don’t be too surprised if former co-anchors turned lovers, Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes wind up on FOX with their own morning show! According to an insider, powers that be at FOX feel the duo would bring in huge ratings and attract an audience that doesn’t usually watch the conservative skewing network. The ink isn’t even dry on their termination agreement, but the insider says Amy and T.J. demanded there wasn’t a non-compete clause in the walk-away contract. The folks at FOX reason much of America is sick of the woke culture and that two consenting adults shouldn’t lose their careers over a workplace romance. “Amy and T.J. could be the dream team for FOX,” the insider says. “They’re an intelligent, attractive, interracial couple who are the poster children against woke extremism.”

Photo Credit: BACKGRID-USA

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  1. They were both cheating on their spouses . That’s not ‘woke’ it’s filthy and disgusting . These situations are not tolerated in the workplace or in society . Hebrews 13:4
    “Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral.”

  2. They weren’t fired for having a romance, they were fired for publicly embarrassing their employer with an extra marital affair plus T.J. Holmes accused of sexually taking advantage of a very young intern in the workplace where he was her superior. And to Fox, that prides themselves in family values and Christian values, like Laura Ingraham wearing her gold cross for show, blatantly hiring adulterers is rich. Yes, it is the couple’s business, but the Fox business is to appeal to their right religious followers. LOL, because truth be told the religious doesn’t care, else wise they would have been very disturbed about Melania’s soft core lesbian photoshoot. Look them up, they’re a hoot. Actually there’re a hooters because there’s more than one such photo.

  3. Hey Ezekiel,

    We don’t care what your stupid book says and we don’t care what some guy named Jesus says either.

  4. Thou shalt not judge, Ezekiel. Just bc we have free speech, doesn’t mean we should go about spewing toxic remarks about people & their situations. Unless you know everything to be factual, you should be more careful about what you say. Karma is one mean b*&^%. What you put out in the universe is what you will get back. Try to have a more loving and tolerant heart and show a little more empathy towards people. Unless you’ve walked a mile in their shoes…

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