France’s first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy was a nervous nelly on the Paris set of Woody Allen’s new movie and had to repeat her simple scene 35 times! Carla is very excited about appearing in Woody’s film “Midnight in Paris” with Owen Wilson, but she admits she has little acting experience. Carla had a simple cameo appearance – no lines- where she walked out of a Paris grocery store with a baguette. Over and over again, she tried to make the small part special but couldn’t keep her eyes off the camera! Woody was gentle and respectful in his directing – she was surrounded by bodyguards and her husband President Nicolas was watching. Eventually Carla got it right and everyone relaxed.
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Well, she wasn’t worried about being molested or propositioned by Allen – she is waaaaay too old for him.
And she is not mentally challenged.
Bluejay, you are mean. I like you!
do his movies make any money anymore? who keeps financing these things? I don’t remember seeing an positive reviews on anything he’s done in the past 10 years. and yet, there he is, on set…I don’t get it…
Clementine, Woody is considered an artiste’s artiste. His work is manna for the people in the industry. They do not care if the plebs like us do not get it. Woody can do whatever he wants at this point, and will always find financing.
I hope I live to see the day that Woody Allen and Polanski can get NO ONE to appear in any of their movies and are forced to go out of business because of it. I can dream, can’t I????
Well Reta, with the way our society is going they’ll probably be another freaking kid toucher that’ll join these two. Hollywood has no morals whatsoever.
Lenny, I agree, but it is not just Hollywood. Remember, NAMBLA?
I wonder if this one will feature some beautiful very young woman falling in love with a grotesque old creep. That would be a real departure for him.
I have to keep saying to myself “Remember Annie Hall! Remember Annie Hall!”
I LOVED Annie Hall and still do. But I just cant bring myself to watch his work nowadays. I still remember Christopher Walken driving the porsche in the rain and laugh and laugh…awesome!
Sounds like some of you people missed Vicki Cristina Barcelona, an EXCELLENT movie in all respects, which won a well-deserved Oscar for Penelope Cruz. Carla’s just plain dumb and certainly “used up”.
I have seen some of Allen’s post Annie Hall, post Manhattan, movies. Some, like Hanna and Her Sisters, are excellent. However, Annie Hall and Manhattan were Allen’s masterpieces, because they were excellent, but also because Allen was right for the time, and the time for right for him. He may still be capable of being a maestro, but he is disconnect from the zeitgeist.
Over the years, it seems that First Lady Carla can get any man she sets her sights on.
This is funny. Carla Bruni bugs the crap out of me….as does Woody Allen, although he occasionally makes a good film.
I have never liked Woody or his movies. he’s just a piece of shit laying in gutter with the vomit, and cockroaches. He really shitted on Mia Farrow.
Lenny, what two people choose to do in the privacy of their own home is their own business.