If you liked “Sideways” and “The Station Agent” you’re going to love “Win Win.” Paul Giamatti plays a downtrodden lawyer, who also coaches a high school wrestling team. (Rest easy – it’s NOT all about wrestling.) Amy Ryan plays his smart but goodhearted wife and Bobby Cannavale is his best friend and confidant. The characters and writing are superb and the story is full of surprises. It’s about the kind of people you might know, and very entertaining. We love this character driven story and think you will too – it comes out March 18.

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7 thoughts on ““WIN WIN” IS A WINNING MOVIE

  1. This movie has to be good…it has Paul Giamatti in it!!
    He a brilliantly gifted actor. Someday he WILL win an Oscar for his craft.

  2. Gee, on first glance at the words…Win Win, Winning, I thought this would have something to do with the very well known mental case, Charlie Sheen. Isn’t that Charlie’s latest catch words, which has now caught on, and everyone seems to be screaming out “Winning”, which is totally re-dick-er-ous.

  3. I am a fan of both Paul Giamatti and Amy Ryan, so I’m looking forward to seeing this movie!

  4. Another Paul Giamatti fan here. The story sounds interesting and I loved “Sideways”. Also loved him in John Adams.

  5. Janet has some ‘interesting’ tastes in film. Her endorsements make me avoid these films like the plague.

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