#sofiavergara #janetcharlton

Sofia Vergara and her son Manolo strolled around New York shopping and stopped for ice cream scones. No sooner did she get back together with her longtime boyfriend Nick Loeb, than the Enquirer published a story that he was involved in drunken orgies with prostitutes while Sofia was his girlfriend. Whether Sofia will choose to continue their romance remains to be seen.

About The Author


  1. unless he has done some dishonest things…………….ALWAY’S!!

  2. She’s a very pretty woman. Hopefully, she will drop the loser.

  3. She’s crazy if she stays with him. Who knows what kind of disease he may have?! Btw, like Indy says, the National Enquirer is usually right.

  4. Kitty,

    Look like you and I are still in sync about everything Janet throws at us.

    Those who dismiss the Enquirer (and Globe and Star) and think they make up stories are wrong. Enquirer even has medical advice and they broke a lot of ‘firsts’ on the JonBenet Ramsey murder which proved to be true.

    Sofia seems to have trouble finding a good man. Maybe it is because they are intimidated by her overwhelming personality. She can surely get someone better than this germ-infected bum.

  5. She is pretty and her legs came apart easily and often as she became more interested in a “career”. She noe seems consumed with her fame!

  6. It’s a helluva thing. Watching your mother take her last breath.
    You told me to be strong Janet. And I was afraid I couldn’t.
    But I know what you meant now, and I was. It was gentle and peaceful and it was the hardest thing I have ever done. She was one tough, intense, strong and loving woman. She was the boss. There is no replacement, just an empty space.
    I have new found respect for the nurses in hospice. They are old souls in young bodies and they are here for a very cosmic reason.
    Today is another day.

  7. @Patrick

    God bless you and your family. I know it is difficult for you right now (not to mention emotionally exhausting). What an incredible blessing that you could be there for her throughout this time. You’ve been a wonderful son to her. I am continuing to keep you and your family in my prayers.

  8. The Enquirer has slowly proven itself to be NOT the lying rag it’s been made out to be. The “ugly ass shoes” that OJ swore he’d never worn, the Enquirer foundn a picture of him wearing, and the John Edwards/Rielle Hunter scandal come to mind. I think this story is probably true, and Sophia is too lovely a woman to waste herself on such a loser as Nick Loeb.

  9. Nina, thanks. All you said is 100% true. Where I worked, I once mentioned to a coworker that I read the Enquirer. She started making fun of me and said I read mags that printed nothing but lies. She was a fat no-good bitch who had to ask her husband permission to buy a pair of socks. lol

  10. I wasn’t there for my mom, but I was with my dad. Big hug Patrick. Take solace in your memories.

  11. @Indy,
    “fat no-good bitch”.


    Young lady to your room! 🙂 lol

  12. @Patrick, I am sorry for your loss and your pain; but how wonderful to be there for her in the most intense way anyone can and to be strong for her, and to focus on her energy and her strength and her life.

  13. You took off the rest of the week? Lucky you!
    Make sure your something productive with your timE!

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