The Enquirer got it right: Whitney Houston appeared on the cover this week and she was described as “hitting rock bottom.” She reportedly was on the verge of bankruptcy and collapsed after leaving a Beverly Hills doctor’s office last week. The next night she was out partying with her occasional companion Ray J. Singer Ray J (He made his fortune from that notorious sex video with Kim Kardashian) has been accused of abusing drugs himself and he always seemed to enjoy the attention he got from photographers when he was in the company of Whitney a little too much. The Enquirer predicted correctly “Whitney is playing Russian roulette with her life.” And her distraught daughter (they checked into rehab TOGETHER last year) Bobbi Kristina is the real victim.

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  1. It is kinda of scary how many times that the National Enquirer has been accurate. Indy is that you I hear gloating? lol

    Hope Bobbi Kristina has a good family base to help her through this. It will make it much harder since she has past (???) addictions.

  2. That’s a fact folks!

    You play with fire, eventually your going to get burned.

  3. The Enquirer has gotten many things right…they dont deserve the ‘rep’ that they have.

  4. They both look high and stoned in this picture. Whitney is a fully grown adult so I have little pity for her, but sad her young daughter is probs an addict now..

  5. I did? I don’t rmember that specific, but I DID always think we would be hearing any day about her, same as Lindsay Lohan…tick…tick…tick… perhaps all those OTHER loser druggies out there, INCLUDING Bibbie Christina, Whitney’s only child, will stop the madness and FINALLY get their shit together! It CAN be done! You SEE the results of what will happen if you DON’T put away the drugs! It will get you eventually and take you down into ruin or death. If you don’t want to be alive, just keep on keepin on with the “partying” and enjoy knowing that any minute YOU’LL be dead.

  6. Rich…I agree, this pic is obviously showing them BOTH high as a kite. You CAN’T hide that.

    And yes, the Enquirer HAS broken many stories. The one that come to mind with me most is the Edwards one when they caught him screwing around on his DYING wife, and even found out he’d had a “love child” with the so-called photo biographer. She was a real sleeze to screw that man knowing his wife was fighting cancer and losing. How can you BE any more of a creep than either of those two?
    I hope he does a LONG LONG time in jail over the misuse of the funds he funneled to his lover to support and hide her. Bastard liar!

  7. Is Bobby Kristina missing a tooth or is that just a gap between her teeth….like, no one in her family has enough money to fix her teeth yet can supply her drugs/alcohol or whatever she is on?

  8. I can’t wait until the truth gets out. Clive Davis, Super Jew, Enabler, Drug Supplier, owed Money by Whiney, possible murder? Stsy tuned.

  9. Add Demi Moore to the list, cause I don’t think she’s going to stick with rehab. Courtney Love. There’s a whole bunch of them who are so screwed up

  10. I want to say so much about this but hell no.
    Mike Jackson
    Amy Winehouse
    Whitney Houston
    all worth so much more dead than alive.

    That is all I’m saying about this. RIP best wishes to their only daughter.

  11. Demi Moore and Lohan are definitely next and as much as I hate to say it, with her addiction problems and now the overwhelming grief, I think Bobbie Kristina is on that list.

  12. Considering the fact that Bobby Brown cancelled out on The New Edition Show tonight, I believe that in the Next few days, the story is going to be less about Whitney and More about Whitney’s family introducing Bobby to closed doors if he shows up to pay his respects. In everyday circumstances, the mood can get jaded when a family member dies, but considering Bobby’s reputation and the possibility of wanting a more hands on relationship with Bobbi Kristina, I can easily believe that Whitney’s family is going to want to shield her from the public, I also feel that Bobby and The Houston/Warwick Camp are Not going to reach an easy understanding when it comes to Whitney and Bobby’s daughter. Look out for the continuing saga of Bad Boy Bobby Brown.
    I believe that there is more of an “emotional anger” towards Whitney’s death, than words of disappointment aimed at her. Nobody know as a definite fact that Whitney’s death was drug related, but because she had been in and out of rehabilitation, a lot of anger is headed toward that knowledge. Because knowledge is power, I will Not be surprised if within the Next few weeks, more people seek help for their own problems because maybe they see themselves as Needing help while before they may have been in denial. Who knows!!

  13. Bobby will get the blame but it is the family and enablers who are really to blame and they wont be able to control gap toothed BK.

  14. Where was the enquire for farleys son being a 20 year old drug loser from a rich father. Love those stores even better.

  15. And it’s just being reported on TMZ that Bobbi Kristina fell asleep in the tub the night before Whitney died and they had to get her out too. I’m afraid I am right that she will follow in her mother’s footsteps.

  16. Shocked that they opened with a Lovely PRAYER….from an Industry, a Govt. and a Media hellll Bent on attacking people of FAITH.

  17. Mel is, unfortunately, correct. I just read that Whitney’s Greatest Hits is selling/being downloaded like crazy. It will go to the top of the charts. Again. Another posthumous success story.

  18. reta, says one “loser drug sddict” to another!

  19. The National Enquirer does get a lot of things right. Even going back to Steve McQueen’s illness and death back about 1980, I think it was. They were the first to report on it and got it right. There’s been many other times, too.

    I don’t have much hope for Bobbi Kristina, but I hope she can pull it together and survive.

  20. Well, hopefully whitney’s mom can help BK get past the tragedy of losing her mom. That is a terrible thing at any age.

    Bobbie Brown is at fault, he helped introduce whitney to drugs. They divorced and he got clean. It was too late for her, she was hooked with a big habit. Some people say, she was clean at the time of her death. We will see in the end. The truth will come out.

    It is a tragic ending to a beautiful singer. She wanted to get rid of her good girl image and date a bad boy. But, it misfired and ended her career and life.

    The grass isn’t always greener on the other side in life. Sometimes, its best to stick the things you are comfortable with.

  21. Lindsay Lohan is next. And I won’t care. Unlike Whitney, Lindsay is not remotely likable and has zero talent.

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