The mysterious TJ Jackson made a big fuss about getting himself assigned as co-guardian of Michael Jackson’s children at a salary of $9000 a month. But after Paris’s suicide attempt and hospitalization, it was discovered that TJ had MOVED 76 miles away from the Jackson home in Calabasas! Above, he resurfaced and took Prince and Blanket to the mall while Paris is recovering. Who IS in charge around there, anyway?

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Is there anyone who is not exploiting those kids? No one seems to care about their well-being, only about how much they can milk from the estate.

  2. The BLACK Jackson’s want only two things: Access to pervert MJs money and access to White Paris.

  3. Is English your second language Strom ? Having a bit of trouble are we ? Get your GED ? Didn’t think so …..

  4. The so called 998o still seems to be hiding behind multiple handles…none of which include intelligent posts to the thread topic.

  5. The Jacksons see those kids as nothing more than ATMs. It’s really sad.

  6. The BLACK Jackson’s want only two things: Access to pervert MJs money and sexual access to Paris.

  7. Not that’s it any of my business, but when will they stop calling that kid “Blanket”? Baby nicknames should only be used for so long.

  8. “the thread topic” is not anal sex Strom, nor racist notions of “correct” racial conduct, sending gays to islands, knarly lesbians, pathetic obsessions with stars sex lives as re-imagined by sub literate droolers,

    this topic was a query of where was the children’s guardian ?

    now lets see if you referred to it ?

    Nope, just a moronic reference to MJ’s colour, and a pedophilic aside regarding an underage child.

    typical Strom, off topic, hateful and creepy

  9. @Strom, you are creepy, post after post.

    If you lived on my street, I’d have a talk with you and tell you if you ever talk to my kids, or even look at them too long, well you probably know the rest already, don’t you Strom ?

    Someone’s already had that talk with you, haven’t they ?

    Judging from your posts, I’d bet you’re on a list somewhere.

    Dial it back.

  10. Poor Patrick L. making wild and untrue claims about a poster, simply because he doesn’t like the fact that Strom is usually right on target.

    My posts on the topic were direct and right on. The question in the headline is correct….Who is in charge of the kids? TJ got a large paycheck that he doesn’t deserve, work for, or is qualified for.

    The Black Jackson family does want access to MJ’s fortune that was being squandered at the time of his death and has only been rebuilt because of qualified management by white nonfamily. Many rumors are out there about family members attempting to or successfully bedding Paris…hopefully not true. If the rainbows on the site cringe at that language but go all out for the trysts of lesbians and fags, there is something wrong in their makeup.

  11. @Denise…thank-you! I was thinking the very same thing. Retire “blanket”.

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