Michael Jackson’s so-called friend, Dr Arnie Klein, (Photo left) didn’t realize what a bomb he dropped when he offhandedly told TMZ that Michael had an affair with his office manager! Dr Klein insisted that Jason Pfeiffer(Photo right) was “the love of Michael’s life” and believes their two month fling was Michael’s first and only gay relationship. Klein told TMZ he hopes this info will “clear up rumors that Michael was a pedophile.” Michael Jackson’s fans didn’t take this information well – they threatened to kill Klein and Pfeiffer, who now have bodyguards! What shocks us most is the idea of Michael, who was always obsessed with weight, romancing such a chubby guy. THAT’S the part of the story that doesn’t quite ring true to us. But Michael was always full of surprises.

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  1. It’s clear that Michael was clinically insane and any further discussion of the matter is pointless. How Joe Jackson manages to look himself in the mirror is beyond me…

  2. I think the office manager has something to hold over Arnie’s head. Michael was way too obsessed with weight to be seeing someone as big as this guy. It’s all a bunch of crap. Not saying he wasn’t gay (or bi) but this guy is full of it.

  3. I always have believed Michael was asexual with tons of psychological problems. I don’t think sex or dating was on his agenda. These stories are garbage.

    Remember he saw himself as Peter Pan surrounded by children.

    That being said, Janet, the Jackson family, and this Klein clown need to let Michael rest in peace. I feel bad for his children that have to hear crap about their father from these losers.

  4. So even if he liked big fatties? So what?

  5. suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure………AND WATER IS WET.

  6. I don’t believe it for a second. That so-called “doctor” is STILL trying to garner attention for himself with the shitty things he comes forward with. If ANYTHING I’d bet the “Dr” and Mr. Blobass are the reall lovers! I’ve always thought the “Dr” looked gay. And I truly believe MJ was a pediphile and completely asexual when it comes to adult males and females. It’s way too obvious that the only people that he EVER showed any interest in was children. Figure it out for yourself, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to be able to figure it out.
    His home was a child molester’s fantasy palace of seduction both in and outside, and THAT is a proven fact!

  7. Michael and most of the Jackson clan were involved in the false cult of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

  8. Not buying this silly story for a minute. Also, Michael was NOT a Jehovahs Witness. Only his Mother and older sister Rebe are witnesses. The rest of the family are not.

  9. Michael has said he was a Jehovah’s Witness many times he never shied from it. I cant see him with this chubs tho, maybe a young twink.

  10. That means the overweight drag queen Reta may have had a chance with him.

  11. First of Mj was Jehovahs Witness… Get his book, don’t go runnin off at the mouth til u kno the FACTS.. Anywho, anything for a story i guess.. Besides the fact he wasn’t gay or bi or a pediphile… He liked kids.. So i guess if u like kids, ur a pediphile.. Well i like kids, have a 14 yr old daughter n her and her friends r always here.. So ima pediphile right.. Ya’s r all jus jealous.. Leave the KING rest in peace..

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