Why David Mamet would write a screenplay about Phil Spector and imply that he might not be guilty of killing Lana Clarkson is a mystery to us and many other people. We’ve never been a fan of Mamet, but this is an insult to the innocent victim and the California justice system – and journalistically unethical. The late Clarkson’s publicist Ed Lozzi has been tirelessly protesting the script and arranged a demonstration at a recent screening of the HBO movie airing Sunday. LA Times reporter Harriet Ryan, who painstakingly covered both of Spector’s murder trials agrees that the script is laughably inaccurate and ignores the facts that got Spector convicted. It actually hints that he didn’t pull the trigger! It’s frightening to think that viewers’ opinions of Spector might soften and they shouldn’t. The fact that Al Pacino is excellent in the role and the movie is top quality otherwise, only makes it worse. Click HERE to read Ryan’s story BEFORE you see the movie.
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Phil Spector is a murderer and anyone that says different should look at the photos of Lana Clarkson slumped in the chair dead in his foyer.
there is much more we don’t know.
He is an egotistical little psycho who tried to get away with murder. The way poor Lana was treated in court and by the press is criminal.
There really ISN’T more we don’t know, at least for we who sat through both trials, as I did.
He’s a woman-hating murderer and the only surprise is that it took that many years before he killed someone. The world lost a good person when he killed Lana Clarkson.
abe, If you have anything to tell us please do. If not, all there is to know is out there in the public record.
We know that he shoved a gun in her mouth and pulled the trigger. She is the victim.
My prayers for her mother,family and friends that still cry for her.
are any of these “based on real facts” movies ever accurate?
Shame on anyone being associated with a script that paints Spector as innocent.
Right on Natalie
Mamet’s Daughter plays ‘Shoshanna’ on the show ‘Girls’ and is simply brilliant. It’s the only reason to watch the 100% Jewish casted show.
Bravo, Natalie.
Spector is a total ass-wipe!
No surpise Mamet would write something that is pro-woman hating when you look at much of his work. Male “ARTISTS” like this pump out garbage that reinforces sexism, violence to women and promotes rape culture. All these creeps that make money from visually victimizing women for profit have blood on their hands.
Here we truly have “Fruitcake of the Millenium”.