Tyra Banks hasn’t even moved into the New York apartment she’s renovating and her neighbors are already sick to death of her. Tyra bought four apartments in her building for 10 million dollars and she’s combining them into one large duplex on the 22 and 23rd floors, so it’s a BIG job. The work is 6 months past schedule and neighbors are in despair over the deafening drilling and banging etc. Tyra is eager to move in because she’s ready to start a family. She says she is actively trying to get pregnant with her boyfriend, investment banker John Utendahl. (It was rumored that she moved her talk show from LA to New York to be closer to John) So far no marriage plans, however.

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  1. I don’t see how what’s being reported is possible. The buildings in NYC that have units owned by individual tenants have stringent rules and regulations and a board of directors to enforce them, specifically intended to guard against this type of thing. I can’t imagine a renovation getting so out of hand, or leaving an entire building with no recourse to intervene.

  2. I agree with Rick. Something is surely amiss with Janet’s purported post.

  3. Not much of a story and he is probably managing it but Tyra is pretty much a brainless but arrogant black who has made it by being in the right place at the right time and very willing to give up unlimited booty. Glad to see that John/Tyra are a happy black couple.

  4. can’t help it: THEY’RE SOME KIND OF RACISTS…

  5. “trying to get pregnant” are you kidding me? Tell the guy to bust inside her, and not on her tits, that’s how it happens.

  6. All these alley-cat no-moral ***stars*** who are unmarried and ‘trying to get pregnant’ are just disgusting. Call me a prude if you wanna, but this is not a good thing to do, you dumb whore skanks. Almighty God is watching and records are being kept.

  7. The reason these are trying to get pregnant but cant is because they have had multiple abortions previously that left them unable to become preg. Tyra has been giving up hers since she was 13 and its just too well worn.

  8. Some of the previous comments are so ignorant it’s just ridiculous. Indy, how are you going to discuss whatever Tyra or any other person may be comitting a sin and at the same time JUDGE with these typr remarks. One sin doesn’t out weigh another so rest assured, you too are on record. As for the racists remarks by the others…You’re just stupid and are hating. None of you were around when Tyra was a teen and do not know anything about her sex life, so shut up and get a life of your own. Look in the mirror people and judge yourselves. Who made you better than the next?

  9. And another thing, none of you live in the building where she will be residing and really need to be quiet.

  10. Ms. T.: I fail to see where I said I was ‘better than the next’. I, however, am aware of my sin(s) and repented and asked help from Above to not re-commit them. There is a big difference here, as Tyra needs to repent, just as we ALL are sinners and need to face our sins/weaknesses and repent. Plus, many think Tyra is a lesbian. I have no idea if she is or not, but many articles under her name claim she is. But that’s another blog. And regarding things going on in her building, I don’t care if she has 100 bedrooms and they work on it for 10 years to finish it.

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