Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

Tom Hanks is dolled up like Fred Astaire in a white tie and tails and Rita Wilson put on an evening gown to attend a huge event in London. They were invited to a very exclusive state banquet at Buckingham Palace with 171 celebrities and dignitaries plusPresident Obama and Queen Elizabeth. Certainly this Hollywood couple will add some sparkling conversation to the table. And the Obamas have never looked better!

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  1. ………seeing kate middleton in person!!!!!!!

  2. Jesus Rita’s face is mad hard. I see why men cheat and why did she think she was cute with that dress. Michele Obama, good lord she’s mad and her Bucky teeth, eek!

  3. I have seen that gown Rita Wilson is wearing before somewhere, maybe on her, maybe on someone else, but it was recently. I remember it very clearly. I like the dress and love this couple and admire them for their long-term marraige. Tom Hanks is one of those guys, like Jimmy Stewart, that is widely admire and loved, and for sure I’d bet would NEVER cheat on his wife whom he clearly loves a lot.

    I also think it’s very interesting/funny that these three gowns shown here are all the SAME COLOR!!! Was there a note sent out along with the invitation that said all women must wear a beige gown???

    The Obama’s look FABULOUS and I love the long tails on the President. But someone seriously has to get with the Queen and get her a modern stylist! She comes off dowdy no matter what. She even manages to make a diamond tiara and diamond necklace and earrings nearly dissappear into her frumpiness. I don’t know WHAT it is about her, but in every picture I see of her, she comes off this way. Maybe if she ditched the “Beauty Contestant Sash”, and someone whispered to her to stand up straight, and get her bra fitted properly so her boobs aren’t trying desperately to get away from being contained in a diamond framework, she MIGHT look a tad bit better.

    You know, she was quite pretty when she was young, and when she became Queen too. So, I don’t know why she can’t be now.

    One of my writer friends is in her late 70’s and hasn’t had anything done plastic-wise, used to be a beautiful blonde and looked very much like Marilyn Monroe when she was younger. She looks very beautiful now in her late 70’s and dresses young, stands and walks straight, has full white hair styled nicely to frame her still lovely face. And even still has a great figure, better than most people decades younger!

    I don’t understand why someone doesn’t step forward from the Queens servants and offer to give her a much needed make-over. Who KNOWS what she’s hiding under all that cammoflage!!!

  4. Tom looks like the maitre d’. Terrible photo of Rita – she won’t be pleased to see that.

  5. That’s why Charles married cammile, someone with bad style, yellow horrible teeth, titties down to her knees and dressing frumpy. Wishing he was a kotex to be inside some old haggard puss that resembled his moms. Eww. WhAt Jesus juice is she drinking to still be alive? She will take the “throne” with her if she ever dies instead of leaving it to charles or her husband.

  6. Reta, sounds like you’re throwing out an idea for a new show: Extreme Makeover – The Royal Edition.

    I always find it funny that the Queen carries a little purse with her everywhere, even when she’s having a state dinner at her home. Wonder what’s in it.

  7. @Reta,

    I knew the dress as well. Mandy Moore wore it at the Oscars.

  8. Wouldn’t it be funny to have this dignified crowd over for dinner and serve them franks and beans? lol Sorry, I always have food on my brain.

  9. “plus” Obama and the queen???

    I would venture to say that the queen had the dinner in Obama’s honor. You make it sound like they were after thoughts to the guest list.

  10. Did Tom cheat on his first wife, I seem to remember that?

  11. How exciting to be invited to a sit down with the Queen at Buckingham Palace!

    I just love the pomp and pageantry of it all.

  12. Interesting observation that the Queen always has a little purse with her. Never thought about that, but that seems to be the case. She’s rather old, so I don’t think we should be too hard on her looks and dress. Considering the shape many elderly folks are in today with Alzheimer’s, cancer, etc., I’d say the Queen is doing pretty darn good at age 80+.

  13. Oh, and about Tom Hanks:

    May 18th, 2006 8:15am

    Tom Hanks has opened up about cheating on his first wife, admitting having an affair while he was married was “nothing to celebrate.” The star married Samantha Lewes in 1978 but began an affair with future wife Rita Wilson while they were filming Volunteers.

    In the June issue of Esquire magazine, the notoriously private star candidly recalls his cheating, saying, “Rita and I just looked at each other and – kaboing – that was that. I asked Rita if it was the real thing for her, and it just couldn’t be denied.”

    Commenting on the affair, he adds, “Well, yeah, I did happen to be married at the time. And there’s nothing to celebrate about that.”

    Hanks and Wilson wed in 1988 and have two children together, Chester, 15 and Truman, 10.

  14. Rita is a nice looking woman but seems to have a bit too much of the red make-up on.
    As for Liz’s purse, she has no pockets and has to keep her pipe and pistol somewhere.

  15. I don’t think Queen Elizabeth looks frumpy. Her hairstyle is just perfect for her age—85. And why wouldn’t she carry a little purse? All women do. She needs a place for her handkerchief and maybe a tube of lipstick.

  16. The Obama’s look like part of the waite staff. I lost all respect for Tom when he ran around on his first wife. Hope Rita is keeping an eye on him. A leopard never changes his spots.

  17. I think the Queen looks lovely. Michelle O also has a purse, it’s just small enough to almost hide in her hands so the Queen is not the only one to have one. I wonder why Rita is not wearing gloves and the other 2 are though.

  18. See you all at the Stanley Cup final!
    It’s OUR game!
    Now you’re going to play OUR game!
    Congratulations Vancouver Canucks on beating the San Jose Sharks for the conference win!
    HOO- HA!

  19. I don’t like Tom Hanks’ looks or Michelle Obama’s looks or her dress. How tall is she anyway, 6’2? BTW, the London Press dissed what she was wearing earlier, a pale green dress with a really wide skirt and a bright pink little sweater. It was on ABC and NBC

  20. Hey Leo, Wish I had a Nathan’s around here. I looked on their website and I believe I could wolf down a couple of them dogs!!!

    We’re cooking up some of my favorites this evening (fried squash, cucumber salad, poke sallet, grilled poke chops (thin sliced so they aren’t tough), corn muffins and we’re making vanilla ice cream (blueberries & strawberries chopped up to throw on top of it.). I’ll set you a place at the table !


    One more team left to BEAT down for the CUP!!

  22. The pomp and pagentry of an event with the Queen, would certainly be an event to remember. But wouldn’t want to live that lifestyle.

    I think they all look great. And when you are in your 80’s, just the fact you are still going, are mentally and physically able, is a feat in itself and Philip seems to be doing well too. Although neither of them has every had an ‘real’ stress in their life, having to worry about how they are going to meet the rent, the power, having to go to the food bank to feed the kids.

    Although from what I have been told, Phil and Strom would get on very well, as they have the same views.

  23. @ Walt Cliff:

    What a mouth watering menu you’ve planned.
    Through the power of visualization,I am there.

    The bar-b-qued wolf knuckles, and pickled pig ears being served at the palace can be No match for your fabulous dinner plans!!

  24. I think Michelle Obama looks stunning in this picture, as does her husband, but he always looks elegant to me.

    That’s a rediculous amount of people sitting around those tables. It must have been very loud with all the conversations going on around them at the same time. I bet it was deafening, unless they were told ahead of time not to talk during dinner, in which case it would have been like being in prison where the guys are told not to talk and to look straight ahead.

  25. Reta, the only sound would have been the tink, tinkling of sterling on china.
    Liz only has a short while to go to beat Queen Victoria’s record as longest reigning monarch.
    She will give Charles the throne with her dying breath. Another twenty years or so, considering her easy life.

  26. Hey Leo,
    “bar-b-qued wolf knuckles, and pickled pig ears ”

    LOL Dang, Leo It sounds like you wouldn’t be interested in my menu if you used to those cuts of meat. LOL

    Between the storms and greasy poke sallet, my heartburn kept me up most of the night. Today will be something calm like soup and grilled cheese. lol

  27. @Walt Cliff:
    Back in the 1960’s when The Beverly Hillbillies was a top 10 show, I used to laugh out loud at the “vittles” that Granny Clampett used to claim to be “fixxin” for her family to eat. Long after that ended, I still would have my family and friends dying at the made up Names of animals that you would Never *consider
    thinking about having in your kitchen. Please forgive my absolute Nonsense of humor, but even Pat Sajak was on Wheel of Fortune a few years ago, and told (announcer)Jack Clark to put down that oppossum sandwich and tell us about the trip that “Jennifer” has just won. Even Now I get a kick from the laughter when one of my favorite cousins call and ask what are “we” having for dinner tonight. I always leave her with an unreasonable appetizer like “We’re having sauteed squirrel stew, and salmon sandwiches. Until Now this has always been a “private” joke between me and family members, just making up an outlandish meal as you go along,and having a laughing moment between family and friends.
    I will say it again, I love your menus,and I am still laughing at the fact that you took my “food for thought” so seriously. If you are channel surfing and run across old reruns of The Beverly Hillbillies,you will understand the comic relief of hearing about some of “the things that Granny came across that ended up in her kitchen as a laughable meal. Right Now a grilled cheese and soup sounds delicious and Normal!!

  28. Hey Leo, LOL I was yanking your chain. LOL I didn’t think there was such a thing as “bar-b-qued wolf knuckles”. Believe me if there was, it would be a southern dish! LOL

    We watch the old reruns of the Hillbillies early in the morning Mon-Fri unless someone calls or comes over. We always laugh that according to Granny, you have to serve grits with those fried opposum. LOL

    I went to one of the local fairs a couple of years ago and they had all kinds of crazy names on their menus. I remember ordering the butt blisterin chili (It like to have killed me later that night. There was a specific reason they called it that.) , monkey pee lemonade (homemade lemonade served in a cup with a monkey on it and toad puddin (butterscotch pudding with vanilla cake crumbles sprinkled on top (YUM!)for dessert.

    Ever had grilled gator tail (sliced really thin)? It’s really good!!

  29. Uncle Jed. “How bout some corn flakes boy?”
    Jethro. “No thanks Uncle Jed I already et three boxes.”
    Granny called Jethro the boy who walked like a stomach! Classic.
    But Leo the best I’ve seen was on Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations. He was in Namibia in the bush overnight and the guides fed him the unwashed rectum of a warthog charred in a campfire.
    Mmmm, chewwwy.

  30. @Walt Cliff:
    It has been a hoot talking turkey about krazy foods. I will Now come back to Earth and mention your mouth watering blackberry cobbler and Vanilla Iced Cream.

    I went back to the Star Jones (and her chef site). By all indications you are No slouch in the kitchen, and evidently you do your family proud.
    I can easily believe that we are having more fun “talking turkey” than those rich and famous sitting at those long table at the palace waiting for their cold parsnip soup and afternoon tea sandwiches!!

  31. @Walt Cliff:
    Every once in a great while, I have to own up to my imperfections,and I tend to believe that I am forgiven for it.
    Again I will mention your blackberry cobbler and Vanilla *Ice Cream!!

  32. Patrick, “unwashed rectum of a warthog charred in a campfire”

    That sounds like something we need on the “value menu” of our local Sonic. LOL LOL
    (I’m only kidding!!). LOL 🙂

  33. Jessica always has her homemade blackberry sauce in the fridge to slather over vanilla ice cream it is crazy good. She hasn’t made blackberry cobbler but does make a killer blackberry pie. Her peach cobbler with the carmelized sauce overtop doesn’t last long after coming out of the oven however. Our families fav Miss Jessica creation is mandarin orange, dark chocolate covered, New York cheescake. My mother demands the cheescake on her birthdays and nothing more.
    Last night Jessica made us pulled pork wraps with homemade guac, cheeder, salsa lettuce and tomato.
    A spring salad with goat cheese, dried cranberries, nuts and seeds and shaved pecorino cheese with a warmed pomegranite dressing.
    I love you Jessica.

  34. Patrick, I’m officially hungry now! All that sounds wonderful! We grill for the family for the next 4 days. We never know how many people that will show up but no one ever leaves our home hungry. Tomorrow is smoked butt!!! LOL (boston butt), Tonight is fish, Sunday is steak and Monday is BBQ ribs!!

  35. Addressed to Kitty, What you say about me! You must be doing it yourself..Smoking crack..Your talking about yourself..Hello Hells kitchen..I am getting every one attention except yours..Kitty go to Hell! says:

    Msking History and doing something you have never done…having fun with the united states of america.

  36. Addressed to Kitty, What you say about me! You must be doing it yourself..Smoking crack..Your talking about yourself..Hello Hells kitchen..I am getting every one attention except yours..Kitty go to Hell! says:

    Butter cream lobster with parsley and garlic and little red roasted potatos and fresh baked breads brushed with herbs and spices and delightful to spend time with some one who is making history.

  37. Addressed to Kitty, What you say about me! You must be doing it yourself..Smoking crack..Your talking about yourself..Hello Hells kitchen..I am getting every one attention except yours..Kitty go to Hell! says:

    Both are looking happy and cheerful and on top of the world…DRESSED TO KILL AND ROCKING OUT CLOTHES FIT FOR A KING AND QUEEN AND LOOKING SO EXCITED!

  38. Addressed to Kitty, What you say about me! You must be doing it yourself..Smoking crack..Your talking about yourself..Hello Hells kitchen..I am getting every one attention except yours..Kitty go to Hell! says:

    Meeting people who move the world and who have changed the world for the better is amazing and incredible and hope there are massive pictures taken of this moment.

  39. Addressed to Kitty, What you say about me! You must be doing it yourself..Smoking crack..Your talking about yourself..Hello Hells kitchen..I am getting every one attention except yours..Kitty go to Hell! says:

    Your doing something you believe in and feeling motivated by all the people that are going to be there and it is something you can tell your grandchildren one of this days.

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