Rock of Ages and Hairspray have a lot in common. Both stories involve a cute young girl and boy struggling for acceptance and kept apart for certain reasons, blasphemous music, and conservative zealots to protest it. Both were hit Broadway musicals. “Hairspray” starred scientologist John Travolta and “Rock” stars scientologist Tom Cruise. Hairspray had 1960’s integration to add heft, Rock had the groupies and rockstars 1980’s phenomenon. Supporting actors are all great. To us it seems Tom Cruise is just too famous to play anything but himself – you just cannot forget who he really is. We wish his Stacee Jaxx character had been performed by an SNL comic because it could have been really funny. That said, the movie IS entertaining (it’s fun to reminisce about Sunset Strip in those days,) more than a little corny, but worth seeing. Just don’t expect too much.

About The Author


  1. The once self-proclaimed virtuous virgin Mormon good girl, Julianne Hough, has obviously turned into a tough hardened little vixen. Shacking up with the questionable orientation person, Ryan Seacrest, though would seem to be an offense to the staid unbending Mormon church

    Oh, I’m sorry, just can’t pass these up; ’tis soooo appropriate.

    “The trouble is that the young don’t know wht to do, and the old can’t do what they know.”…..Anonymous

    “Better to ride on an ass that carries you than a horse that throws you.”….Anonymous

  2. Lol Indy, so true. I’ve been wondering what happened to the good girl Morman image a long time ago. And what any body sees in Seacrest is beyond me.

    As for Tom Thumb the scientologist, you couldn’t pay me enough to see one of his crappy shows, even if it was FREE!

  3. So Janet helped the scientology cult by going to see Cruise’s new movie. What is the world coming to?


    Wonder what Debbie Gibson got paid for her tiny tiny flash of an appearance? Was her appearance cut?

  4. Walt, not sure about the Debbie Gibson cameo, but I will be sure to get back to you tomorrow night about it. I just can’t wait!

  5. Most of the actors in this movies are way past their prime and way too old for their parts. Alec Balwin looks foollish with that wigs. He is almost 55. Catherine Zeta Jones part should have gone to someone 20 years younger. Tome Cruis is 50 years old. Russel Brand is in his late 40’s. Guess they were going for names and not youth.

  6. @crtb

    He may look older (due to his indulgences earlier in his life) but Russell Brand just turned 37. 🙂

    I agree about the ages on the others. The movie should have had a more youthful look and feel. The people that they hired to reinvent the music of the 80’s were a part of that era as adults. Seems like such odd casting.

  7. Hate that 80’s era. Hate the music.
    Sending my girls to see the Bryan Adams[bubblegum] concert tomorrow night.
    I’m gonna stay home…drink…crank some KinKs and maybe come here and chuck shit as Strom.

  8. This is not my type of movie at all. Can’t stand Cruise or Baldwin. I’d rather go to see a nice British movie like the one with Judi Dench.

  9. Is Tom Thumb serious? He has this stupid thought that this is what ‘rock stars’ look like. It’s a look that only a- holes from California think exists.
    Nobody looks like that if they’re in R&R…
    Plus he’s a cunt.

  10. when celebrities like him bocome walking homes for the elderly they even show some humor.

  11. I thought the premise was all about aging Rock Stars with a few new ones thrown in.

    Hey Patrick, crank the Kinks up so I can enjoy down here in the Commonwealth of Mass.

  12. Someone told me today that Cruise and Baldwin both sang using their own voices in this movie. I have not seen it but just can’t believe it. Anyone know?

  13. Halyard, they were NOT rock-n-rollers, they were Heavy Metal or Metal Heads. From what I can tell, yup, that’s what they looked like.

    Sunshine Superman.

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