
On every holiday like clockwork, Gwen Stefani and her family show up to celebrate whatever the day is, with her parents at their LA home. Gwen carried the baby bags in first , followed by Kingston 8, and Zuma, 6. Gavin Rossdale carried their new six week old baby Apollo into the house and then he went back and carried in the family dog. A nice, down to earth celebrity family. Gwen’s happy to join “The Voice” because she can stay home with her kids for awhile.

Photo Credit: Pacific Coast News

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  1. Why would any poster make a comment that is unsubstantiated and involves his own children?

  2. Surprised non of the 3 kids they had was a girl as he has it in him. His first child was a girl – Daisy Lowe.

  3. She’s a beautiful woman and seems to be a wonderful Mom. And she visits her parents on all the holidays. This woman does not deserve any criticism. But if people have to post rude comments to make themselves feel better I suppose that is their right.

  4. What do Gwen and Gavin do to earn a living–singers/movie stars/TV stars/ what?

    All I know of Gwen is she always wears extremely bright red lipstick.

  5. From all reports Gweni craves it up the keister. Should think a bit about Farah Fawcett.

  6. But at least that will give her much in common with the prancing gays!

  7. What a complete fraud. Rossdale is a confirmed Homosexual.

  8. Poor little tagg, happy to praise the gays.

    She should have in mind what happened to Farrah Fawcett from her activity and many gays and trannys!

  9. poor little Strom, obsessed by pathetic deviant delusions and a liar

  10. Poor poor 998, hides behind a number and multiple names while contributing nothing.

    Call out the deviant Gwen who is obsessed with anal sex. It did Farah and many gays in
    and spread aids.

  11. pot meet kettle Strom, oh and do try to stop your anal\ fixation Strom, as your real obsessions are transparently obvious

  12. Poor Alex, more experience like Gwen, no doubt!

    Cant comment on threads…just on Strom! Poor Alex!

  13. Maybe if Strom got laid he wouldn’t be such an anal retentive! Lmao…too many puns indeed!

  14. Poor tagg, more experience like Gwen, no doubt!

    Cant comment on threads…just on Strom! Poor tagg!

    Call out Gwen who is obsessed with anal sex. It did Farah and many gays in
    and spread aids.

  15. Poor Patrick…leader of many a gay parade! Maybe something in common with Gwen?

  16. Huh? Who knew Stromboli was clairvoyant?! He knows the inner most private sex lives of celebs!

  17. Tagg the Cher-clairvoyant is back. Have you had anymore visions into Cher’s Foundtion of great generosity?

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