If you get a chance to see the movie “Mud” with Matthew McConaughey and Reese Witherspoon, DO IT! It’s an engrossing story about two 14 year old boys who live in rural Georgia on an island in the Mississippi River. This is a coming of age adventure and a peek into another culture and a different world. Walking out, we felt like we’d just read a great book. (And we are NOT usually fans of Matthew. He and Reese will surprise you in this movie) ) All the characters are very real – they’re not all good, but you can empathize with each of them. Give this movie a chance – it is a real gem and well worth the price of admission. It may still be playing at small theaters or get the video.
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Janet, you’re so late, I saw this movie months ago.
It was great and Reese Witherspoon plays white trash all too easily.
It’s on Demand TV, has been for weeks.
go on, go & see it & Judge.
How can they live in Georgia if they’re on an island in the Mississippi River?
^^ was wondering the same thing.
It was filmed in Arkansas
The Mississippi does not flow through Georgia haha!